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公共场合烟头泛滥 餐馆网吧成“重灾区”--亲稳网络舆情监控室


"Every year China died in smoke disease smokers reached 1 million,If smoking rates cannot get effective control,By 2030,The number will reach 2 million"/"Mainland smoke control work is very backward,In the four land is the most backward",In just the end of the sixth four to smoke nuisance prevention seminar on communication,The world health organization representative office smokeless action technical officer PanJieLan and China's vice-minister for health HuangJieFu such evaluation of China tobacco control situation.


market/office/hospital/Government offices/The school...As long as you can go to the public,It is easy to find a few from the crowd is smoking"smokers",And the dustbin/The ashtray pile into the hills cigarette,Is telling the people to smoke"Fondle admiringly".[Life times]Reporter found that investigations,Many public still put the ashtray,Trash on cigarette messy.Through these little detail,We see China's smoking is still not optimistic.


 烟灰缸五花八门,多地依旧“烟雾缭绕” The ashtray multifarious,Much still"smoke-filled"


Government organs and office buildings:corridor/Trash can/Men's room is a rendezvous for smokers.Lee aunt is Beijing chaoyang district some authority building a common cleaner.On November 8 in the morning,As usual, she from one office LiDuan a glass,Inside there are at least a dozen cigarette butts."The office a smoke,Often people who smoke smell don't come out."Lee aunt said,This floor is about more than 20 office,She can from about half of the office to clear out the cigarette,Located in the floor on either side of the stairs,Also many people smoke ease place."You look at the wall."Aunt li as trash on the white wall,Have been cigarette smoked become focal yellow.Lee aunt also often in gent institute found that cigarette butts,Smoke a mix of odor in the corridor to spread.


Located in the chaoyang district in the business centre of the much home office,Reporters can see the obvious smoking identification,Also did not find someone in the office smoking.But as long as in more hidden place,Often can find the clues of the smoking.In a large office building of 8 layer fire connection place,A simple next to the garbage can,Around four or five individuals is a leisurely.Reporter discovery,In the trash can above,Thickly dotted pattern dozens root cigarette butts.This layer clean staff told reporters,He usually pick up two times every day,The reporter sees only the smokers along while of smoke volume.


restaurant:High-grade restaurant smoke-free areas exist in name only,The little restaurant in spite of no matter.The restaurant is always difficult to ban smoking in the difficult,Many restaurants often labeled in indoor smoking ban identification,But in some guest request,Restaurant management is usually sees with one eye closed and with one eye.It's in chaoyang district of Beijing in a duck,At six o 'clock in the evening,In the lobby diner hustle and bustle.Reporter after sit down a smoke not far from the float,It is a window two customers are edge eat meal while smoking.The waiter asked whether smoking is forbidden in the restaurant,The waiter some helplessly said,Restaurant ban,But if the guest have demand also can't stop.then,At the press request,The waiter also give reporters got an ashtray,It drinks brand identification especially hole drilling.


Another high-grade restaurant is a non-smoking section,But there are still many customer optional smoking.Reporter asked the waiter to persuade other customers don't smoke,The waiter readily promised but no action.And in this kind of restaurant in the private room,Almost no one pipe smoking problem.


In many small restaurant,Smoking almost become a customer"Will choose action".Located in a long-distance bus stations around ten small restaurant,Nearly every table are placed the ashtray."Come to our dinner here are generally of physical work,Smoking also nothing important,We can't speak."A restaurant boss said,They ashtray are sponsored by the manufacturer,Set up still looks very nice.If you don't let smoking,Sure passenger flow will be a lot less.


Star hotels and entertainment places:Private room inside literally suck.four/Five-star hotel,The general is a high-grade place,But reporters found in the visit,Part of the high-grade hotel lobby the place that receive a visitor,There will be some put the ashtray on the table,This kind of ashtray are usually more delicate.Hotel room,Will have"Don't smoke in bed"reminding,But nobody tube whether or not you are in smoking in the room.


On November 7,,The reporter comes to a haidian district is located in a building underground a layer of health care shop,Because the store lit incense,So what can't smell smoke.But the reporter sees,Store on both sides of the corridor/The hall on the tea table,Even the toilet all put an ashtray.When a reporter asked whether can smoke,The waiter answered unhesitatingly can,Not only in the private room to breathe,In the hallway also no problem.


campus:Bedroom the situation is even more serious.On November 4,,Chaoyang district, a university campus,The reporter sees road both sides trash on are equipped with an ashtray,A lot of people after smoking,With hand cigarette butts thrown into the inside.In the teaching building of the elevator,A waiting for the elevator boys like smoking a cigarette.In the student dormitory,Smoking is even more serious,Many boys bedroom opened the door can smell tangy smoke,Use plastic bottle homemade ashtray in is very popular among the students.Because general bedroom only go out into the local people watching,The students in the bedroom smoking nobody tube.If just the whole bedroom of boys are smoking,The bedroom the trash must put a lot of cigarette and soot.


五类场所成重灾区 Five kind of place into the worst-hit areas


Smoking the effect is good,It depends on the two aspects:Consciously and be tube.From the reporter's investigation and visit to see,A few big ban the existence of the dead Angle,Is precisely smokers know degree is not enough,Managers control strength and not cause.


Small restaurant and hotel rooms.The restaurant is the key and difficult point for smoking.On the one hand,People who smoke accustomed to chat while we eat edge extraction;On the other hand,Restaurant manager and because fear offend guests,Influence business but to stick on the wall to ban smoking turned a blind eye to the logo.Also some restaurant,Eat lobby management well,Box and corridor but there was none to ignore.interview,A restaurant waiter seemed a bit helpless:"Said much easy to lead contradictions,Smoking or want to rely on consciously,After all, we are not law enforcers."


Internet bar/Game hall.Internet cafes and video game room is in the majority with young people,This long-standing smoking phenomenon actually has attracted the attention of many people.The municipal public security bureau public security corps had given data cases,Because of the particularity of the Internet environment,Existing customers for smoking system little is known,Or does not listen to discourage phenomenon,Of course some operators in order to earn points,On smoking behavior perfunctory or turn a deaf ear to.


University dormitory.China association of tobacco control in September 2011 the release[The national colleges and universities to create a smoke-free environment evaluation and report]display,In survey of the country's 800 universities in the campus,In 73% of college are found in cigarette butt,Especially in the dormitory for boys"Worst-hit areas".Interview found that,Many college students think smoking is fun,Although know that smoking to the person's harm,But some do not know the school[Smoking bans].


Area corridor/staircase.Office of the smoking ban implementation although better,But similar corridor/Stairwells such a lonely place,Still became blind Angle.After all,Few people place seldom have regulators to stop.


taxi.Shanghai health promotion committee office in October this year made a about taxi industry smoke control status of investigations survey.Data display,The driver to[Smoke control regulations]Awareness in more than 90%;Discourage smoking was 68%,For the first time after the dissuasion continue to dissuade at the ratio of 45%.But only half of the vehicle can really do"Completely smoking".And sometimes even,The driver will edge smoking edge drive.


三类人当起控烟表率 Three categories of people when the smoke control model


China smoking control association deputy to the xu guihua survey results not surprised.She says,The mainland is a national laws and regulations,In many public places,Smoking is still is very convenient.As the participant,New exploration to health development research center, deputy director/International the framework convention on tobacco control protocol NGO(Non-governmental organizations)Observers WuYiQun professor still remember in 2008 South Africa at international tobacco control,China got a"Dirty ashtray"award,"winning"Reason is:"Better to be beautiful cigarette case,Don't citizen's health".Almost 5 years,The current situation is still not obvious change.She said,Domestic smoke control propulsion"Very slowly,Very tired".Faced with a tough situation tobacco control,Experts given Suggestions as follows:


Three kinds of people be good"bellwether".XuGuiHua think,The first kind is a doctor.Abroad have the study says,A doctor is equivalent to the smoking for tobacco company made a $10000 advertising,This will let the doctor"Smoking is harmful to health"Persuasion became pale.The second type is the national public servants.Meeting smoking/To smoke the phenomenon such as hospitality in many public officer still exists,They the negative effects of smoking more big.The third kind is the social celebrities,Including film and television star/Famous host/Scholar celebrities,These people have a lot of"fans",Can play a better role model.


Establish a national law,The penalty would have to punish.WuYiQun said,Smoking is not personal,The government must assume more responsibility.The bill as soon as possible establish a national tobacco control is almost all smoke control experts think the most need to do.At present,Some provinces and cities and issued a local laws and regulations or temporary,But it is also faced with different degree of law enforcement problems.WuYiQun Suggestions,After the laws and regulations,Must law enforcement in place,The key is to have a deterrent force.Looking forward to don't ticket by persuading education,Smoke control sure don't succeed.


Let smoking hazard really"Thorough popular feeling"."Do you see how much the public welfare advertisement on tobacco control?Exactly how many people know about the health hazards of tobacco?"WuYiQun to[Life times]reporters,Domestic smoke control propaganda dynamics is not enough,Need to intensify efforts to let people more deeply understand its harm.XuGuiHua in the domestic cigarette case expressed dissatisfaction,Foreign including China's Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions of the cigarette case,There are a lot of hazard warning language and picture,Very powerful.Domestic cigarette case design as beautiful as art,A line"Smoking is harmful to health"Word fundamental up less than the warning role.

  勇敢说出“被吸烟,我不干”。现在吸烟损害的已经不是吸烟者自己的健康,同时也大大侵害着周围人的身体,剥夺了他人的健康权益。许桂华呼吁,大家也要有对吸烟者说“不”的勇气。她碰到有人吸烟时就会提出“抗议”,“请”对方到外面去吸烟或者是不吸烟。大家说得多了,会给吸烟者带来一种无形的压力。(记者 张 芳 江大红 张 静 尹若雪 胡宇杰 王 月)

Brave say"Was smoking,I quit".Smoking is not damage the health of smokers themselves,At the same time greatly infringe upon the surrounding the human body,Deprived of other people's health rights.XuGuiHua called for,We should also have to the smokers said"Don't"courage.She met a man smoking will put forward"protest","please"Each other go outside to smoke or not to smoke.They say much more,Will give smokers brings a kind of invisible pressure.(Reporter zhang fang jiang red zhang static YinRe HuYuJie snow on the king)
