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雇主吐槽“极品月嫂”表现:贪小便宜 搬弄是非--亲稳舆论引导监测室


数量看似庞大,依然供不应求,从业人员也是良莠不齐 May seem huge quantity,Still demand exceeds supply,Employees also is the good and bad are intermingled


三万名月嫂,如何找对那一个 Thirty thousand month sister-in-law,How to get to that one


According to the statistics,At present jinan can provide month sister-in-law service domestic company has nearly 300,Month sister-in-law has more than 30000 people.May seem huge quantity,But still demand exceeds supply,Month sister-in-law price has a rising tide lifts all boats,Eight hours of senior month sister-in-law month income reached 4000 yuan.however,Seemingly prosperous month sister-in-law market,However because of the good and bad are intermingled employees have many problems,Many employers encounter"Gourmet month sister-in-law".And on the net friend to putting up tank,Also let some expectant mothers in ravel:How to find a suitable for their own that a month sister-in-law?And how to get along with month sister-in-law?We tried to help you find some answers.


雇主吐槽“极品月嫂”五大表现 Employers vomit tank"Gourmet month sister-in-law"Five performance


不专业 Don't professional


Citizens Mr. Lu:Our home child is under month,Month sister-in-law said"Can't lose in the starting line",And began to teach her learning to walk.Folk history"Three turn six sit,Seven roller eight climb"It is quite reasonable,A child's growth will follow the physical law of development,Can't spoil things by excessive enthusiasm.


Citizens ms. Chen:After I gave birth to the child has been a lot of milk,Even a little expansion.Month sister-in-law said too much milk,The old chicken soup to drink a little milk and from it.Results after a little drink is not back to the milk,The next day the milk have direct didn't.Was I always adhere to the breastfeeding,But so that the child can only eat the milk powder.


Net friend kelly1207: in the month of unequal"guidance"under,My first two months has been using milking - refrigerator storage - hot milk - nurse feeding way,Month sister-in-law said this can know the child's appetite and can eat satisfied.until"Gourmet month sister-in-law"Finished two months,The new month after putting into the house for me this feeding way gaping,Resolutely put a stop to and give me to correct it,Direct let the baby suction breast milk,I don't live a normal life.


偷懒 lazy


Citizens liu:Our family month sister-in-law came to work very well,Special hard-working.But after a few days,He found that she began to the lazy,Every morning hold children sit on the balcony in the sunshine,Sat is half a day.Also not give mothers wash his clothes,Return eloquent:"Home is the old man I will not give to wash."The baby pulled the urine,She is not immediately give diapers,Say what"And baby finish pull urine over again in,Otherwise flounder baby",I wonder:How did she tell baby haven't finish pull urine out?


Net friend mean lambs:This month sister-in-law nap to wake up and help me take will be the baby,I am in room get to the Internet.I walked out of the room pour water,See month sister-in-law will open the TV so loud,A ring for hands,A see me out to shake twice.I got in,She continued to watch TV.I'll go out again,Month sister-in-law hurriedly to sway the hands of ring for...


搬弄是非 mischief-making


Citizens wang:At the mention of our family month sister-in-law I to gas,She at a loose end that's all right. Just ask our family's privacy,Our family's private said when she listened carefully.I was with her mother-in-law's relationship,But she is always in front of me saying that her mother-in-law educational idea how you,But also don't listen to her,I got the breath of life mother-in-law.Later month after putting away,Accidentally mentioned it with her mother-in-law,She said month sister-in-law also in front of her said about me,I said to the child not up,Piss me off.


贪小便宜 Some small cheap


Net friend beautiful looking forward to:Our family month sister-in-law,The first day in the hospital is said to us,The next to the bed on how much under how many red packets,The mother-in-law gave her 600 yuan.She returned to the family and find we want this to that.Mother got me I didn't drink the soup,At night, hot hot to her drink,She incredibly say this is hot over,Would not drink.She when he took a bunch of things don't say,Will my husband leave to drive her back,Finally the husband gave her $50 back to her.


Citizens ms. Zhang:Month sister-in-law in my period,Just one day is tomb-sweeping day.In the evening she suddenly say with me,Today is tomb-sweeping day,Three times the salary,Let me give her two times the cash.We sign a contract when no one and we said,The contract only write her shall have the right to enjoy statutory holidays,But don't say the money is at our tao,Her three times the salary should be her company to.


难以沟通 Difficult to communicate

  市民吕先生:我们家的月嫂,我们觉得她哪里做得不对,给她出意见的时候她不吭声,却抱着孩子说:“宝贝啊,爸爸不理解咱,妈妈不理解咱,奶奶这活不好干啊。”并且在我们孩子的成长记录上写什么“爸爸太专制了,不听从我的意见,最后还是孩子受罪啊”之类的话。(见习记者 刘雅菲 实习生 孙宝琴)

Citizens Mr. Lu:Our family month sister-in-law,We think she is doing the wrong thing,Give her the opinion she don't utter a word,But hold the boy said:"Baby!,Dad doesn't understand me,Mother didn't understand me,Grandma this live bad dry ah."And in our children's growth record writing on??????"The father is too despotism,Don't listen to my advice,Finally the child suffer ah"Words like.(Trainee reporter LiuYaFei interns SunBaoQin)
