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艾滋病患者上医院看病屡遭歧视 称已习惯被拒绝--亲稳网络舆情监控室
"12 · 1 world AIDS day"near,AIDS people"See a doctor difficult"Again surface.On November 28,,Nanchang road in HongCheng AIDS virus carriers XiaoJun said,Control of HIV/AIDS drugs for free country,If you suffer from other diseases,It is difficult to find the hospital patients,She has used to be refused.
Reporter in the interview found that nanchang hospital,Although the AIDS people go to a doctor has been discriminated against,But the nanchang still have hospitals and medical personnel, as always, provide convenience for AIDS.Experts say,If you can't improve the diagnosis and treatment of the infectious disease hospital comprehensive ability,AIDS people"See a doctor difficult"It will be difficult to fundamentally solve.
医生总能找到拒绝的理由 The doctor can always find reasons for refusing
Although things in the past two years,Fuzhou city from the XiaoLing lady in the nanchang encounter fresh:"I am AIDS victims,But we also have the right to see a doctor,Hospital trying to turn me down,Very hurt."
In 2009,,XiaoLing lady was found suffering from breast cancer,Nanchang traveled to a comprehensive hospital.In the hospital when to prepare for,XiaoLing for remind medical personnel pay attention to safety point of view,The initiative to doctors say she is the AIDS virus carriers,Let her thought,A truth,Will make surgery indefinitely"delay".But XiaoLing had to find the nanchang city health bureau for help.
Two days later,The hospital to the health bureau said reply:"After the hospital expert group consultation research,The patient the current situation is not in conformity with the surgical indications..."XiaoLing had to pack up and discharge,Go abroad to a big hospital to complete the operation,This experience let she dare not see a doctor to nanchang.
"Some comprehensive hospital make a patient to fixed-point hospital,Some simply say they can't cure your disease."According to the centers for disease control and prevention nanchang ai superintendent of XuDan said,Hospital refused to AIDS people reason all sorts of strange things,Just began to nanchang city CDC can also help to contact some hospitals,But more often,Even the medical staff have no opinion,The hospital will give the doctor put pressure on,AIDS people itself is sensitive crowd,"Doctor discrimination"Let them down.
医护人员对艾滋病过度恐惧 Medical personnel to AIDS excessive fear
As early as in 2006,Issued by the state council[Regulations on AIDS prevention and control]Provisions of article 41:"Medical institutions must not see a doctor because patients infected with the virus that causes AIDS or HIV/AIDS patients,Shuffle or refuse to the other disease treatment."but,Nanchang strictly abide by the provisions of article this hospital is not much.
"Don't say has the certain difficulty of the surgery,Even the most ordinary but of appendicitis/Trauma debridement suture/The fracture such small operation,Often encounter soft refused."XuDan said,Once there is a need to do cholecystitis surgery,In nanchang continuous were three 3 armour hospital refused,All advised him to fixed-point hospital.
"AIDS antiviral fixed-point hospital"Can solve these problems?AIDS antiviral hospital can only control AIDS,But often have no ability to comprehensive treatment.Nanchang to fixed-point infectious disease hospital ninth hospital as an example,It is the main direction of liver disease,Almost nothing surgery,No maternity,Female AIDS life children are not able to take.
Reporter in the nanchang each big 3 armour hospital interview to understand,Medical staff of AIDS is caused by the excessive fear HIV/AIDS were the main cause of refuse,Even if is to accept AIDS people a good hospital,Are put forward to reporters don't open their hospital and the name of the department.
A recent survey showed,91.9% of the nurse worry about nursing people infected with HIV will make you infected with the virus that causes AIDS;64% of the doctors believe they have a right to decide whether to implement for people infected with HIV treatment.
呼唤一站式综合诊疗模式 Call one-stop integrated diagnosis and treatment mode
"As long as do protection is no problem,Within one year we for AIDS people made many surgery."28 afternoon,Nanchang jinggang avenue a big hospital urinary surgery person in charge said,They do not refuse to do surgery for AIDS,But preoperative will go to disease control department borrowed prevent occupational exposures zidovudine or lamivudine drug,Once during the operation, the medical staff have trauma,Can immediate use drugs to ensure safety,"Ready to do before and after some trouble".
interview,Nanchang a 3 armour hospital chief explain why decline AIDS person say,They are in better protection other patients,Infections with to hospital/The hospital patients with other produce"Bad influence";General hospital does not have isolation/Surgical instruments, etc were infectious disease conditions,Disinfection cost will increase.
XuDan think,The spread of AIDS way is sex/blood/Maternal and child three ways,The toxicity and worse than hepatitis etc,Only healthy in body fluids with carriers happen when blood exchange,Can be infected.Thoroughly change the present HIV infected people go to a doctor difficult dilemma,To increase the propaganda dynamics and guide,Let the whole society to AIDS out of misunderstanding.
“艾滋病人看病习惯被拒绝是医务工作者的悲哀,我省可借鉴上海综合诊疗模式的做法,加强传染病医院综合救治能力建设。”省社科院社会学研究所所长马雪松说,上海在全国首创艾滋病“一站式”综合诊疗模式,为病人提供包括口腔科、内外科、妇产科等多学科协作专业门诊,解决了艾滋病人求医无门难题,提高了他们的生存质量。(记者 张绪鸿)
"AIDS the patients used to be refused to medical workers is sad,Can be used for reference in our province Shanghai comprehensive diagnosis and treatment practice mode,Strengthen the infectious disease hospital comprehensive treatment ability construction."Provincial academy of sociology institute director MaXueSong said,Shanghai in the national first AIDS"one-stop"Comprehensive diagnosis and treatment mode,Provide the patients including department of stomatology/department/Department of gynaecology and obstetrics and multidisciplinary cooperation professional outpatient service,To solve the problem of AIDS not healed,To improve their quality of life.(Reporter ZhangXuHong)
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