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调查显示半数受访者不愿与艾滋病感染者共事                            风筝上的红丝带 黄兴能 摄                             Kite on the red ribbon HuangXing can perturbation


This year's world AIDS day eve,Kunming AIDS volunteers for the public people infected with HIV and patients employment attitude network questionnaire survey:Although most people said don't discriminate people infected with HIV,But more than half said they are not willing to accept HIV infections as this unit worker,Don't want to and HIV infections in a office work,HIV infected people and patients still exist employment discrimination.yesterday,That advise people infected with HIV,Tells the story of unit in the know its suffering from AIDS,With 30000 yuan will be the DaiGang experience.


问卷调查 Questionnaire survey


超六成人恐惧HIV感染者 Super six adult fear HIV infections


The survey was launched is AIDS prevention volunteer organization"The clouds of the sky",The working group the relevant person in charge said music told reporters,For this year's world AIDS day eve,"The clouds of the sky"Through the media on the network launched"The social public to the people infected with HIV employment attitude questionnaire survey",Purpose is to understand the company worker of HIV discrimination condition and HIV infections in the enterprise employment situation,And influence factors of infected employment.


As of yesterday,There are 141 people accept the questionnaire survey.The results show that,73.76% of the people who deny to HIV infections existence discrimination psychological,78.72% said identity HIV infected people enjoy equal employment rights,66.67% of people infected with HIV existing fear,50.35% of the people do not want to accept HIV infections as this unit worker,51.77% said they are not willing to and HIV infections in the same office,56.74% said if found infected with HIV colleagues,Will he deliberately.


"Although only 141 questionnaires to collect the answer,But of those surveyed from different industries,age/gender/Position and cultural level is different."Music language,Accept investigation of personal information and the results of the survey are confidential,Therefore questionnaire answer is true,Also from a certain extent represents public real idea.


个案分析 Case analysis


病情暴露遭遇单位待岗处理 Illness exposure encounter unit DaiGang processing


yesterday,People infected with HIV waving(alias)To reporters about his employment experience.


This year at the age of 45 original flowing in a state-owned enterprises do electrician,2005 years has been detected AIDS.At first,Ill news that he once despair,Can be thought of her old mother,He finally decided to active treatment.


Waving at that time of the month salary is 1000 yuan,And antiviral treatment cost per month to reach 1800 yuan,The doctor advised him to unit open low-income proof,This can enjoy free anti-virus treatment.


Back to unit a certificate means that the illness will expose,In order not to let unit know,Waving a lot of thinking way,Even secretly find someone to cutting the unit of the official seal,But ultimately failed to pass the examination and approval.Helpless under,Waving find unit of the trade union chairman.Trade union chairman learned this news,On the surface and not shown on his discrimination,But advised him to go back to a good rest,Temporary don't come to work,Wage will issue as before.


Back to the unit after open proof,Waving won the free arv treatment,But since then never get a chance to work,Unit every month give he sent 700 multivariate base salary,Deduct five risk a gold,They are the only the 400 yuan,Barely enough to.But the case did not last long,In 2010,,He's not qualified for units to work for,Arranged for him DaiGang,Monthly actual hair in one's hand salary is only 350 yuan.


In the waving it seems,The reason is not competent for work appear some far-fetched,Although he can't stay up late,Also cannot be engaged in heavy manual labor,But some basic work or can be competent.


职业困境 Occupation plight


单位体检成了他们最害怕的事 Unit medical became they fear most things


To make ends meet,In the past few years,Waving to hide the illness had the hygiene supervisors,Have you applied for to other unit electrical engineering/security,But in the end because can't stay up late/Can't overwork,And was forced to resign.now,In some folk flowing through AIDS organizations do a volunteer,To the male with the group to give condoms/Persuation high-risk groups were detected,To get a low income.


The most let waving to worry about the problem is,He and former unit contract expire at once,If no longer unit with his contract,It also means,Later he will never enjoy medical worker,Contrary to spend their own money to buy medical residents,This for no source of income to him,Is definitely icing on the cake,Once can't afford health care,In the future if complications,We must at one's own expense treatment.


In reporter the interview in HIV infections,Have unit discovered with all sorts of reason sacked,Also have their own worry illness exposed the initiative to give up the opportunity.A people infected with HIV told reporters,They are the most afraid of be an annual physical examination unit.


AIDS volunteers QiuFeng told reporters,Every year there are HIV infected people suffer from employment discrimination,Many infections have to adventure false id card or physical examination, look for a person to generation of inspection.Last year,They had contacted kunming several large enterprise's human resources department,Hope to invite them discuss HIV infections the employment problem,And I hope they give these infections provide employment opportunities.unfortunately,At the time of the invited more than 30 enterprises,No one at."visible,Unit of choose and employ persons to infected people still hold the attitude of rejection,Want them to accept it is difficult to infections."(Wang jinsong)
