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  中新社昆明11月30日电 (王艳龙)记者30日从云南省彩云天空工作组采访了解到,据该机构最新一份调查报告显示,有50.35%的人不愿意接受艾滋病感染者为本单位员工,34.04%的人会选择辞退单位中的艾滋病感染者。

Kunming, China news agency, 30 nov (WangYanLong)Reporter 30 days from yunnan province clouds the sky group interview to understand,According to the mechanism a new report shows,50.35% of the people do not want to accept people infected with HIV for this unit staff,34.04% of the people will choose to discharge unit of people infected with HIV.


The clouds of the sky in yunnan province is the center for disease control and prevention and control of HIV/AIDS project cooperation between China and the United States under the support of the establishment of a social organization,The organization in recent years has been paying attention to the prevention and control of AIDS propaganda.The organizers say music is introduced,They the total of 141 people to participate in the survey report,Mostly belongs to the college degree or above personnel,There are nearly 37% belong to the management personnel,Their attitude to a certain extent reflects the social AIDS discrimination against those conditions.


"My the expiration of contract is coming,When the time comes unit won't and renew my contract."Yunnan province waving AIDS patients(alias)30 when accepting a reporter to interview said,Although the government/Society had various AIDS propaganda,But HIV/AIDS patients in society will encounter all sorts of unfair treatment.


Waving in yunnan is a state-owned enterprise worker,In 2006 diagnosed with AIDS,In according to the facts to the unit with the HIV/AIDS situation,In advance of the unit puts forward and remove labor contract,And to give a certain compensation,Waving didn't agree.In 2009,,In many illness after,He wants to return to the unit to work,The unit did not give him arrangements.


Waving situation is not case-by-case,AIDS YuanGuoJi volunteers AIDS alliance QiuFeng staff told reporters,Last year a public welfare organization invited more than 30 kunming enterprise share AIDS experience,And hope they for patients or virus carriers to provide job opportunities,But in the end not a present,The society of AIDS patients severe employment discrimination.And the general patients after treatment can be competent for lighter work.


Yunnan province is China's AIDS serious area,So far this year October 31,The province accumulated report of AIDS virus infection and 104981 patients,Accumulated report 17268 deaths.


AIDS patients in addition to encounter outside employment discrimination,Also often meet difficulties go to a doctor/Social cool detachment, etc. Various kinds of unfair treatment.Research has shown that,91.9% of the nurse worry about nursing people infected with HIV will make you infected with the virus that causes AIDS;64% of the doctors believe they have a right to decide whether to implement for people infected with HIV treatment.


"Fear of being infected,To avoid the circumstance such as AIDS patients are still common."Music language,Although social did a lot of work,But everyone's cognitive still have deviation,Need to increase publicity.Their investigation report,As many as 63.12% of people do not have accepted the AIDS knowledge lecture or training,66.67% of people infected with HIV existing fear.


Music language,This kind of social reality if not to change,AIDS patients and virus carriers will live more and more difficult.


Yunnan province secretary for the prevention and control of AIDS XuHePing said,Yunnan will innovate propagating education mode/Medical anti cooperation pattern/Care rescue mode,To further explore border AIDS work/Custody places AIDS work/Social organizations to participate in AIDS work, etc,comprehensive/further/Lasting in the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS.(finish)
