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北京艾滋病性传播明显上升 将紧盯11类人群--亲稳网络舆情监测室


First 10 months of this year,This city all medical institutions were reported HIV infections and 2031 patients.In the transmission way,Sexually transmitted to 94.4%,The gay propagation accounted for 69.5%/The opposite sex communication accounted for 24.9%.In addition,Injection drug propagation accounted for 3.6%;A total of 41 cases of other transmission way,2%.


In the world AIDS day coming eve,City health bureau yesterday released the latest situation of the epidemic situation of HIV/AIDS in this city:Nearly five years,This city AIDS report number with an average annual compound annual growth rate of 17%,Show clear ascendant trend;In the general population rates stayed low,But male behavior crowd infection rate is higher,More than 5% of the high epidemic levels.In addition,This city new report of people infected with HIV and patients,Provincial census register the proportion of 78.0%,The population of the registered permanent residence of this municipality of frequent flow to the city and the prevention and control work to increase the difficulty.


On the way from spread,In recent years,The proportion of sexually transmitted increased dramatically.This city sexually transmitted increased obviously

  2008年 2012年

2008 years in 2012

  性传播 58.4% 94.4%

Sexually transmitted 58.4% 94.4%

  男男同性 35.9% 69.5%

Male-male gay 35.9% 69.5%

  高龄组 25例 59例

At the age of 59 cases of 25 cases


Transmission way(Since 1985)

  7839例 63.1%

7839 cases of 63.1%

  同性 5081例 40.9%

Gay 5081 cases of 40.9%

  异性 2758例 22.2%

The opposite sex 2758 cases of 22.2%

  注射吸毒 2408例 19.4%

2408 cases of drug injection of 19.4%

  其他 2177例 17.5%

The other 2177 cases by 17.5%


Accumulated report number(As of October 31,)

  累计 12424例

Total 12424 cases

  本市户籍 2546例

The registered permanent residence of this municipality in 2546 cases

  外省户籍 9395例

Provincial census register 9395 cases

  外籍 412例

Foreign 412 cases

  不详 71例

71 patients is unknown


Reporters yesterday from the city health bureau to know,In recent years,The HIV/AIDS monitoring detection expanding coverage.Monitoring post from the initial point has four expanded to the current 123,Monitoring covered the male actors/demimondaine/whoremaster/Drug addicts, etc and group.


The city has set up a file in the center for disease control/General hospital maternity and child care centers and institutions such as established in 60 AIDS free consultation clinic detection.The AIDS corroboration laboratory has increased to 5 home,Screening laboratory has total from 2003 in 40 rose to 203.City blood center to collect blood 100% of HIV/AIDS virus antibody detection,Ensure that the city of clinical blood transfusion safety.(Reporter JiaXiaoHong)
