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北京三医院今起试点医药分开 动态监测“大处方”--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网北京12月1日电 (记者 杜燕)北京市公立医院医药分开试点今天再增三家医院。北京市医改办主任韩晓芳表示,试点就是要“试错”,看目前试行的政策是否有问题,以总结、完善。明年,北京力争扩大试点范围。

Beijing Beijing, 01 dec (Reporter DuYan)Beijing public hospital medicine separate pilot again today add three hospitals.Beijing medical director do HanXiaoFang said,Pilot is to"Trial and error",Look at present for trial implementation policy if there is a problem,To summarize/perfect.Next year,Beijing strive to expand the scope.


In July 2012 and September,Beijing friendship hospital/Beijing chaoyang hospital were launched medicine separate reform pilot.Zero hour start today,The temple of heaven in Beijing hospital/Beijing tongren hospital and Beijing ji shui tan hospital began to pilot medicine apart,Cancel the drug addition,Cancel the registration fee/fee,Set up medical service charge.the,Medical service charge grading pricing,Of average outpatient service/Of doctor of vice director of/Chief physician/Famous experts of outpatient service medical service charge standard for 42 yuan determined respectively/60 yuan/80 yuan/100 yuan,According to the"The basic"principle,Outpatient service medical service charge by medical insurance rating to submit an expense account 40 yuan.


Reporters today in three pilot hospital see,Every hospital in important position public health care patients drugs and medical service of reimbursement policy.


The temple of heaven in Beijing hospital dean WangChen said,In order to cope with the possible hang ordinary number increases patients,The temple of heaven hospital adopt the normal number unlimited number of measures,And in one to four floor are open window convenient patients registered/charge.


In order to prevent DaChuFang,The hospital also has a 20 clinical pharmacists and department clinical physician team,Participate in prescription and doctor's advice rational drug use audit/Comment on and public,Analysis of the changing trends and abnormal use of drug withdrawal Suggestions.For the price is expensive or the medicine tube and pharmacotherapeutics committee certain key monitoring varieties,Implement key monitoring.


Many patients face written bunches of Chinese English bilingual medical information,Often or confused.this,The temple of heaven in hospital outpatient service hall placed a safe medication consultation printer,Patients only need to input drug name,You can print profile clear medicine focuses on the instructions.


In the Beijing tongren hospital,The reporter sees,The hospital full position hung up the more than 10 the relevant medical separate banner slogan slogan,Relevant policy interpretation of exhibition board up to more than 60 pieces.


Beijing tongren hospital dean WuJiXiang said,Hospital east/West and south side were increased home visit physician 64 person-time.the,eye/Otolaryngology head and neck surgery such key department general number increase by 420,Up double;General surgery/orthopaedic/Traditional Chinese medicine department 7 departments all open ordinary number;ZhuanGuHao in the original on the basis of 300 and the addition of 440,Up to 740;The ZhuanGuHao key departments in the original 120 source number based on the addition of 280,Amounted to 400.


The hospital eye ordinary number from originally of every 500 number increased to 700,ZhuanGuHao source increased by 22%.Ophthalmic center evening outpatient normalization,The main open is fundus/lema/Glaucoma three contradictions between the supply and demand more outstanding department,Can increase nearly number source.


He revealed,From this month within 3,Otolaryngology head and neck surgery will also open evening outpatient service,Home visit the doctor for a resident physician and a deputy chief physician or chief physician,About can increase 50 number source.Home visit place in east VIP clinic on the second floor,17 when begin.


WuJiXiang said,The hospital will continue to implement time-sharing see a doctor,To avoid a large patient peak concentration take number or waiting,Reduce patients in the hospital stay time.


Reporter last station came to Beijing ji shui tan hospital.Vice President of the hospital JiangXie far said,In order to ensure sufficient source number,Key department general number source unlimited number,And increase home visit physician quantity;The key department general number number source mechanization increased by 10%.The hospital has no source 95% commitment to make an appointment system.


He said,In order to raise the degree of satisfaction of patients,Improve the doctor service quality,The hospital established department second all drug expenses warning mechanism,To second all drug expenses exceed bid department will through the written/Text messages and other forms a warning,Urge the department rational drug use.


In addition,The hospital will monitor this/Ward drug sort the change of top 20,Sales amount of top ten drug monitoring,And form feedback mechanism.According to introducing,Leaflet amount is more than 400 yuan of prescription and use of antimicrobial drug prescription all comments,The expert group to discuss the rational use of drugs,For the unqualified prescription according to rational drug use related management provisions of punishment.


He stressed that,The hospital are enhancing the high value consumables management,And the use of high value consumables spot check cases,Organizations use on the expert's demonstration is reasonable,And formulate the corresponding rules for reward system.


Beijing medical director do HanXiaoFang said,Medical expenses pilot reform touches the hospital management system/Operation mechanism and deep change,Will let the hospitals and medical personnel rely on medical service to earn money,Improve social value.And the pilot is must"Trial and error",That is found for trial implementation policy if there is a problem.If the relative mature,Next year will expand the scope.(finish)
