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The days,Shanxi SuHai group has been in in the teeth of the storm.

  文/片 本报记者 吴金彪 刘德峰

Wen/piece of our newspaper reporter WuJinBiao LiuDeFeng


As a chicken,It can only live for 45 days,Life is only two times the chance to see the sun:When I was a child was put into large before the henhouse,Grow up to be sent to the way of production line.


On November 23, news let the"Crash chicken"Paid close attention to by people again.Reports say,Kentucky Fried chicken supplier in shanxi SuHai group feed add drug chicken feed,Chicken in 45 days grew up quickly,"Feed can kill flies".


And the reporter understands that,SuHai group is not only a Kentucky Fried chicken/McDonald's favored suppliers,Still many large supermarket suppliers.reality,these"Crash chicken"Have we surrounded.


Don't let the chicken with such speed growth?We have to pay the price for what?A chicken around the debate and reflection,is.


“45天”早已是行业内常识 "45 days"Is already in the industry to the common sense


since"KFC 45 days crash chicken"Since by exposure,Is located in shanxi yuncheng of SuHai group is in the tuyere waves.


"15 years step by step of the development of private enterprises,If you are not professional when a report,My heart unwilling."Nov. 29 night,Shanxi SuHai group a in the conference room,Group chairman of the board ZhuSuHai in front of our newspaper reporter to face crying.


These days,SuHai group is busy with the chicken/Feed etc to shanxi related department inspection.In fact in the November 24,In SuHai group has chicken"crash"Report released a statement,says"White chicken is not crash,In the industry are in use".


And 45 days market,In the shanxi yuncheng some YangJiHu eyes"Too normal".


"Seven years ago have a 45 days can launch the chicken."Nov. 27,Reporter in the RuiChengXian transport city, Lin groove village,Met breeding"SuHai chicken"Farmers li qiang(alias).


Li qiang is introduced,He first through the village"film"And SuHai group signed contract farming,Then the SuHai group provide clients/feed/drug,Chicken, such as long to 5 jins when about sell it to SuHai group,This time it is commonly 45 days."But with‘Disinfection period’(Six days or so)and‘Hugh column period’(15 days or so),A good year,One year also can raise five cage(batch)chicken."Li qiang said.


Shanxi SuHai group co., LTD., deputy general manager LiuYuanSheng to our reporter"complain":Due to genetic breeding and fine feed,White chicken 45 days growth cycle in the industry is the basic common sense,Is not"secret".China agricultural university in food science and nutrition, an associate professor at college of engineering ZhuYi,And in shandong province, vice President of the academy LuYan experts,All told reporters confirmed this point.


"45 days‘crash’Indeed not news,Three years ago we will invite social personage visit enterprise,Special explanation discussed white chicken growth principle."Hebei cangzhou a large chicken breeding enterprise department manager told reporters by the waves.


"‘Crash chicken’Called inaccurate,Also can give the public misleading,Should call‘chicken’,or‘Fast large chicken’More accurate."ZhuYi told reporters.


本该一周前停药 Should have a week ago drug withdrawal


部分养鸡户却不停药 Part of the YangJiHu has been medicine


Even if 45 days market has been chicken industry as"normal",But in the feed and drug use,And whether it safe and reliable?


"Feed and drug is SuHai group uniform distribution."Farmers li qiang said.


Nov. 29 afternoon,The reporter comes to shanxi SuHai group feed workshop,Close observation,In the workshop and no"Kill flies"situation,Everything in the step by step on.corn/Soybean meal/Grease plus choline chloride/methionine/lysine/Ferrous sulfate/Zinc sulfate/Manganese sulfate and copper sulfate, such as minerals and trace elements,Produce the so-called no. 1/2/3 feed.


Although is divided into three stages of feed,"When there is no much difference,Only that protein and different energies,With the growth of chicken protein reduce,With the growth of the chicken energy increase."


In addition,Reporter in the water treatment workshop meet the industrial salt.Feed company deputy manager WeiYongBo said,Because of the company nearby water sources in hard water,So I need to join industrial salt to soften."Industrial salt will only appear in this shop,Never be mixed in feed."WeiYongBo said.


As for drug,SuHai group expert group members/The animal husbandry and veterinary research institute of Shanxi Province academy XueJunLong said,The group used chicken drugs including vaccine/Health care medicine/Disinfectant and antibiotics four categories.These drugs SuHai group by the technical staff,Phases into the hands of farmers,And guide its use.this,Reporters have also been chicken farmers confirmed.


"We clear requirements breeding farmers market in chicken a week before stop taking the medication,And the first five days in the market,Send technical personnel to the batch chicken sampling test antibiotic residue."LiuYuanSheng told reporters:"In addition,These chicken need after animal husbandry department of inspection and quarantine/Animal husbandry department before slaughter inspection and quarantine/Slaughter process the official veterinarian synchronous quarantine inspection/Animal husbandry department review/Product sampling inspection and delivery inspection six way inspection and quarantine procedures."


Although say very strictly,But reporters found in visiting farmers,Some farmers did not market in a week before stop taking the medication."Chicken in 37 days,Have long to 4 jins much,If because it had a piece of illness,Will compensate big."Li qiang said.


ZhuYi said,In livestock and poultry breeding,Antibiotics abuse is possible,Because our country to poultry contain antibiotic testing is not strict,Very easy to cause the antibiotic overweight poultry flows into the market.


but,The use of antibiotics in livestock and poultry breeding,Already slowly get the attention of departments concerned.In September of 2011,The ministry of agriculture has announced,To enhance the trust of consumers for animal husbandry products,Quasi plan in animal feed ban adding antibiotics.


洋鸡、土鸡都在快速生长 The chicken/Turkeys are in rapid growth


And the"KFC 45 days crash chicken"Why events caused by mass so strong attention even dislike?


"Public knowledge reserves and the reality appeared huge contrast,"Scientific squirrel members will lean camel told reporters,It is this contrast,Just let the consumer to smell this message very uncomfortable.


"Consumer regrets in chicken crash time,How to don't want to want to super rice?"Shanxi institute of animal husbandry and veterinary researchers ZhangLiJun told reporters,Rice yield per mu breakthrough 900 kilograms,The growth rate in the previously,Also it is hard to imagine.


White chicken,As a kind of"Fast large chicken"varieties,It is made from the British white rock chicken,After a generation of hybrid breeding improved,Just in the 1940 s/The early 50 s appeared in the European and American countries.


White and chicken from birth to prosperity,It is due to market pull.In 1952 and 1954,KFC fast-food and McDonald's fast food established.Because of the characteristics of white chicken meat for baking/Boil blast,So with the flourishing,Large scale poultry industry rapid expansion.


In the 1980 s,White chicken were introduced in China.then,KFC and McDonald's also respectively in 1987 and 1990 to enter the Chinese market.


"The needs of the market,And the growth of high efficiency and high benefit,Chicken is white in China's rapid development of the main reason."Shandong province, vice President of the academy LuYan told reporters,Chicken and white pig/Cattle livestock and compared,Is the most day bread livestock and poultry products,"About 10 pounds (1.8 feed,Can into a catty of chicken."


To 2012,KFC in our country the number of stores has reached 4000,Distribution in more than 800 cities and towns.


In this fast rapid expansion trend under the drive,"Our country fast tracking American factory the agricultural scale cultivation mode."China people's university of agriculture and rural development, vice President of the college ZhengFengTian told our reporter telephone interview,Because this kind of breeding model of high production efficiency,The traditional mode of keeping free-roaming was blamed for breeding way behind,And being abandoned by the market.


so,Shortest market in more than 100 days,More than six months or even a year of keeping free-roaming turkeys,White chicken was gradually replaced.The latter was in the standardization of the chicken in the tent,Feeding unified/Efficient feed,injection/Taking the planned vaccines and drugs,To the former several times the speed growth,And in the end be into production line.


According to the public data display,In 1984,Chicken long to 2.0 kg weight need 49 days,By 2010 but only need to 34 days,26 years shorten the 15 days,An annual average of about 0.58 days shorten.


Under the influence of,This native of our country have joined the tide of rapid growth."Now the chicken NDV can be isolated from the dead,Is after we JiZhong native and abroad of white chicken cross breeding improved and produce,78 days to market."ZhangLiJun said.


重塑过去 To reshape the past


“吃草的牛肉”时代 "To eat grass of beef"age


"Now the chicken is not the chicken,Are the flesh lump."ZhengFengTian said,Rapid growth of chicken,Has lost it different from other livestock and poultry taste.At the press interview,Some farmers also said,His hand dare not eat a chicken out.


ZhengFengTian worries,Not only lies in the loss of chicken flavor.He had witnessed chicken farm in the crowded henhouse scene,"closed/High density of breeding environment,Feed out feed feed them fast growth,Let me feel the chicken is very fragile."


In his view,closed/Intensive breeding environment,Will make chicken diseases become more complex,Resistance increased drug use."Factory breeding,The pursuit of high speed/High growth/High profits,Safety problem is difficult to solve."ZhengFengTian said,Since seeing after chicken farm,He is seldom eat meat.


The storm into public opinion in the eyes of white chicken,Is not the first kind is given"crash"A word of the livestock and poultry.28 days can grow up market cherry ducks,And six months can grow to 200 pounds of the pig,Have to people's consumption of meat impact.


"Today is an exquisite‘fast’,was‘fast’Word riddled s."Have net friend such feeling.


"The short term may be the impact is not big,But in the long run a problem."ZhengFengTian said,"Crash meat"Animal growth without welfare,Human long-term edible such food,Back early will pay the price.He told reporters,In the United States,Because of"Crash meat"Large amount of consumption of,Has produced a large number of obese people.And these people more for low consumer,While the middle class above class health consciousness is strong,The basic normal size.


ZhengFengTian think,For these crash meat excess consumption,Will make Chinese people on American consumers have traversed made:Obesity speed/High incidence of cardiovascular disease."In our country,KFC/McDonald's is hit to cause high white-collar food,White-collar workers and their children's special food,This also makes just appeared in our country with americans, shape characteristics:Wealthy high-speed fat,General the poor instead of normal size."ZhengFengTian said.


however,after"Crash meat"High speed development phase is followed,Europe and the United States and other countries have begun to reflection.


The eu countries begin to pay close attention to animal welfare.June 2010 effective eu chicken welfare regulations,Chicken group of a group of maximum number for 500 only,Maximum density for 33 kg/square metre.In addition,The standard for other situation also do the rules,Such as the shortest let chicken rest dark time/The correct executable ventilation parameters, etc.From January 2012,The European Union asked bolo 13 national poultry feeders,In the two months to improve the hen's situation,Otherwise it shall be investigated for legal responsibility.


The United States also rise slowly return to the traditional sports,Participants calling for,Back to the past to eat grass of beef era,remodeling"To eat grass of beef".The movement for the American middle class height identity.


"I am most worried about the,Is the industrialization mode sweep everything."ZhengFengTian said,Gradually be industrialized breeding mode destroy traditional keeping free-roaming mode,In fact exactly is our precious wealth,On this point,China's consumers have not yet received enough cognition.


On December 4, 2010,Mo yan in the east Asian literature BBS speech said,"We will through the literary works tell people,There is no need to use so fast speed development,There was no need for animals and plants grow so fast,Because the animals and plants grow faster is not good,There is no nutrition,Can contain hormone and other poison.We will through the literary works tell people,In the capital/greed/Power under the stimulation of scientific pathological development,Has made human life lost many interest and full of crisis,We will through the literary works tell people,Take it easy,Slow point,Very clever use five points,Five children to leave."

  □记者手记 “反智主义” 的怪圈 本报记者 刘德峰

- reporter notes "anti-intellectualism" The strange circle of our newspaper reporter LiuDeFeng


This is an almost all the people health event will be going through the process of - fierce material/question/deny/discuss/reflection,"Kentucky Fried chicken 45 days crash"Events so,Before I went to interview a hengyang"Golden rice"Test also so.


In fact,Whether crash chicken,Or genetically modified rice,Quickly the personage inside course of study and experts needing correction,Using professional knowledge to explain.But in food safety events frequently exposure today,Experts words quickly"filter"and"digestion",Even net friend to experts"Clap brick".


Large scale breeding of fast the chicken,People can't accept its growth so fast,Think growth rate will inevitably affect the quality of chicken;People also doubt antibiotic drugs in the chicken without residual,Then affects their health.


similar,For genetically modified food,Because of its there has been debate,People can't decide whether it exists harmfulness,Therefore also rather ravel.


In the face of these complex/Swirly emotional,People today can't find a really make yourself convincing answer,Even if the official and relevant experts explain again and again,But there are still many people doubt.gradually,Many people in"anti-intellectualism"circle,Experts explain the more,The more people distrust,Even directed at science and technology and knowledge has brought the negative effect.


Scientific squirrel members will lean camel told me,The people's emotional entanglements,On the one hand from their own knowledge reserve and common sense the shortage of the accumulation,On the other hand also comes from the lack of credibility of the authority.


We need a authority/Convincing explanation.Perhaps only joint efforts from both sides,Can let the consumer in the face of all kinds of health and environmental topics,Less fear,Have more confidence choice.
