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全科医生规范化培养缺失致慢性病防控失守      全科医生张靖在手机上安装了许多软件,方便为患者讲解病情。本报记者王海欣摄       General practitioners ZhangJing installed on mobile phones for many software,Convenient for patients was explained.Our reporter WangHaiXin perturbation


High incidence of chronic diseases behind,Is the community hospital and large hospital development is not balanced/Base control ability shorthanded/Treatment technology has not been standard in"For more than a fruit".Our reporter through the interview official/experts/Grassroots health researchers found,Five main causes chronic disease prevention and control fort.


□原因1 - reason 1


社区医院投入不给力 Community hospital investment not to force


"This year we 48 vacancies establishment only recruit two men,And still rush to the account."


In the Chinese medical association, member of general branch/Fangzhuang community health service center director wu hao's eyes,The government is a bit preference large hospital.


Wu hao with the words,"Governments at all levels have been aware of chronic disease control and prevention of severe situation,But for large general hospital investment is still far more than primary health institutions to investment".


Wu hao analysis,On the one hand,To treat as the main function in the development of a large hospital/Constantly a new school,At the same time,The technical level and reserve of talents are the rapid development;On the other hand,Community hospitals have by the lack of government's input/Obligation to provide public health services in excursion/Besides index such as the limited under the influence of various factors,Personnel to mobilize the enthusiasm.


"This year we 48 vacancies establishment only recruit two men,And still rush to the account."Wu hao said.


In 2011,,The municipal finance for public hospital to allot 6.55 billion yuan,Is the primary health institutions appropriation of 2.5 times the left and right sides.


Wu hao in the fangzhuang community health service center as an example,Three years,Years MenZhenLiang already by 100000 people to 360000 people,Day per capita MenZhenLiang equal to tertiary hospital level,Hand over to financial income is from 22 million yuan to 85 million yuan,And 3 years ago medical staff did not increase,Relevant government departments also increases the establishment,But people who need it recruit don't come in.


It is understood,At present Beijing community doctor average yearly income for 74000 yuan,But the deduction of all kinds of insurance,It's only 4000 yuan,Just work of the graduates of nearly 2000 yuan.


In the new round of reform in the spring,And each big hospital expansion/In JiaoOuXian built sorting/Get reform policy support/The introduction of new technologies and talent contrast,Community hospital not only there is no Ed/Equipment idle/The government's policy"Don't give force", etc JiongZhuang,And as the government"Community first diagnosis"'s call for,Increasing year by year the MenZhenLiang and continuous pyramid public health service let community hospital feeling tired,Forward lack of power.


□原因2 - reason 2


防控人手严重不足 Prevention and control are understaffed


Community doctor even outpatient all receive not to come over,It is difficult to take the time to do chronic mission and investigation.


City CDC slow disease of director of institute of DongZhong is introduced,After the founding of the,Our country and local disease control attention is focused on prevention and control of infectious diseases,Until 1998,Slow disease have to formally established,2002 years to do the first time within the scope of the slow disease sampling monitoring.today,Although the country to place,All have realized the importance of slow disease prevention and control work,But preliminary building up prevention and control system has not access to effective running condition.


According to the health department requirements,By 2015,Slow disease prevention and control personnel should account for 5% of all disease control personnel,But city CDC total of more than 600 people,Slow disease have only 11 people,Only account for 1.8% of the total number.And the area county is for disease control"horrible",Many districts and counties only two or three people.In a slow disease prevention and control just the beginning stages,This city all the crowd of chronic disease monitoring/Sampling survey/Chronic diseases such as mission work especially hard,But less than one hundred people's prevention and control power and 20 million compared to the resident population,Like a drop in the bucket.


DongZhong introduced,In this city in the medical model,Basic is a chronic disease prevention and control WangDe,A lot of related research/intervention/Management will sink to the community."Community doctors really hard,In addition to the task of public health,And you have many prevention health care work,But slow disease prevention and control key in the community,If the WangDe not strong,Make no effort on words,That the word important passes how to prevent have to live?"DongZhong said,Grass-roots power control and prevention the weak.In addition,For community hospitals to city club tube center management,So in the related work coordinated/deployment/Results the feedback,Both sides is not clear.


In addition to the centers for disease control and prevention and control slow disease are understaffed outside,The number of community hospital medical staff also have big gap,More than 22000 community health technical personnel to manage 20 million permanent population health easier said than done?The municipal bureau of health grassroots health marshal XuJunFeng said,According to the family doctor type service mode of the latest service ratio,Every 1800 people need to have a service team,The city there are still 10000 medical personnel's gap.


□原因3 - reason 3


救治技术尚无规范 There is no standard treatment technology


In different hospitals and various interval coronary artery bypass graft surgery, there are some apparent differences:The lowest mortality rates hospital only 0.7%,And some hospital mortality rate as high as 5.8%.


Chronic disease is more high trend,But China's chronic disease prevention and control system starting late,And treatment technology is also not completely standardization.


Tongren hospital cardiovascular MaChangSheng, director of the center is introduced,Atrial fibrillation is a kind of heart arrhythmia,The adult incidence close to 1%,With the age growth and,Prevalence increased sharply,More than 75 - year - old old man incidence increased to 10%.At present,Af in our country people have 8 million people,But the overall control level is not optimistic,The public knew very little knowledge of atrial fibrillation,Even professional cardiovascular physician to diagnosis and treatment of atrial fibrillation also exist misunderstandings,This makes the most of patients with af did not get effective treatment.


Atrial fibrillation treatment status is not isolated cases.August,National cardiovascular disease center director HuChengShou fortune recourse international hospital in a meeting announced a he led the results of the study,The study covered the whole country and the provinces and cities more than 8700 patients,Results show that,The effect of hospital operation in various different,Mortality is also different.


北京市卫生局疾控处 The municipal bureau of health disease control place


The relevant person in charge said,At present this city only cardiovascular treatment technology is relatively mature,Including such as heart bypass surgery treatment is standard,But other higher risk of chronic disease,Such as cerebrovascular and cancer and there is no standard unified standard,two/Tertiary hospital doctor experience different,In the face of patients use treatment method and technology is also different,This will directly influence the therapy or surgery effect.


□原因4 - reason 4


多部门配合不顺畅 Many departments cooperate to be not smooth


This municipality's smoke control situation still"Not optimistic",All the smoking rate and passive smoking not drop back up.


On May 8, this year,The ministry of health joint development and reform commission/sports/education/Science and technology/Environmental protection/Agriculture and so on 15 departments jointly issued by[China's chronic disease prevention and control planning(2012-2015)],Put forward"1025"Period is to strengthen the prevention and control of chronic diseases of the critical period,And the 15 department to assume the responsibilities related to carry on the division of labor.


But because there is no specific executive to come,And many department cooperation is not smooth.


The reporter learns,In the city makes low oil low salt health restaurant work,Because does not have the municipal level cooking association and other departments intervention,Each area county CDC staff visited many restaurants ate"Given a cold shoulder",Worry have had to adapt to the current high oil high salt high heat food consumers,Once found the taste of food


Light the,Will affect their business."In the public is not aware of the dangers of chronic disease when,Many department to create a healthy environment becomes more and more important,But but didn't lead unit,Most of the food service institutions to cooperate".So far,The only 22 home demonstration restaurant record oil every week/salt/Such as the dosage of soy sauce seasoning,Gradually to reduce the total amount."Our goal is to promote large area,But the current rate is too slow".


At the same time,The relevant person in charge said,Although the national last year has issued a ban on indoor smoking requirements,But this municipality's smoke control situation still"Not optimistic",All the smoking rate and passive smoking did not drop back up,Respectively by 29% in 2008 and 42.8% up to 29.4% in 2011 and 50.7%.The officials say,The national health way of life build will benefit everyone,But at present because of the functional departments did not attach importance to it,So in specific implementation and cooperate in the process,Often appear"Running in improper"/"Each tube a",even"AiDaBuLi"Do superficial phenomenon.


□原因5 - reason 5


全科医学教育起步晚 General medical education starting late


Compared with popular professional,Choose general medical students is not much.


At the basic level hospital general practitioners in the prevention and control of chronic diseases plays an important role in the.


"General medical used to be ignored."Peking University, deputy director of the department of medicine and education section for rock is introduced,China's general medical education started late,In 1999,,The ministry of education will general medical as the secondary discipline on 14th clinical medical college of the teaching system.Since then,Our country really put the general medical as a subject to pay attention to.


Renewal rock is introduced,Level 1 subject including clinical medicine/Basic medicine/Oral medicine/Preventive medicine/Nursing, etc,Clinical medicine under the corresponding secondary discipline,Including internal and external fu ent, etc,Medical colleges and universities students for more"5 + 3"system,That is five years after the first level subject,Choose a secondary subject 3 years of branch training.Since 1999,5 years of clinical professional graduate students can be in internal and external fu and general medicine in the secondary discipline choose their own professional direction.But compared with popular professional,Choose general medical students is not much.


After three years of secondary discipline study,Really into the community hospital students in front of Posting,Must also go to top comprehensive hospital three-year resident standardization training,This means that,Is China's first batch of colleges and universities graduation/After eight years education system of general medical graduates really into the basic health service agencies,For residents interrogation/prescribe,At least until 2015.


At present,Countries have to establish general medical education system.Since last year,The ministry of education approved the general medical master recruit students,Peking University faculty of medicine for a total of 10 people."But how to make their real on basic education of post,This needs countries have environment,To we wanted them to go to place,Leave we want them to leave the place,Good service we want them to service the crowd."Renewal rock said.(Reporter WangHaiXin)
