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探访内江艾滋病“公民家园” 已获附近村民认可--亲稳网络舆情监控室


The day before yesterday,Is NaJiangShi ZiZhongXian citizens town take days,In the citizen center health centre at the entrance of the gate of an AIDS before booth,Gathered many residents,They are listening to the world AIDS day prevention propaganda.Responsible for AIDS knowledge publicity,In addition to the hospital doctors,There are more than people infected with HIV.


The driving distance ZiZhongXian city only half an hour's town is known as the international"The lighthouse in AIDS haze",Because the citizens have a established ten years"Citizen home",The current members are 42 people infected with HIV.Ten years,Something old partner continuously from the world,There were also some new partners to join,Constant is,"Citizen home"Always is a warm and no discrimination in.


从受助到助人给病人捐2000元钱 From the recipients to help patients to donate money 2000 yuan


45 years old this year LiBen is a AIDS patients.Before doing lumber business to earn some money,"But in the first half of last year lumber mill was shut,This year basic didn't have what income."In this case,He was out of our small store of money to help others.


"In fact also nothing important,Everyone is used to help me,I now conditions better,Should also help others."According to LiBenCai introduced,In 2010,,He had heard that near the town has a female leukemia patients,Because of family difficulties cannot afford medical treatment,Give the people sent 2000 yuan,"Soon the woman went away,Have a daughter was just five years old."Last year and this year,LiBenCai all give the little girl went to collect 1000 yuan,"Now my daughter has been out of work,Nothing to worry,Now everyday life is very easy,Can help others I am also very happy".


从等待到养鱼不能等着天上掉钱 From the wait to fish can't wait for heaven off money


"This year we started to catch fish,Every year, can produce YiLiangWanJin fish,There is hope."The 44-year-old gold form and 48 years old YangTianJun is the same village of the patients,"Although we did not have the ability to work,But also can't at home waiting for heaven off money."


"Thanks to the YangTianJun,Or I must live."According to the gold form is introduced,He is four years ago to join"Citizen home"of,Find yourself after the disease,Think outside of a dead."He gave me a call,Cheat me say my mother to passed away,Shout I hurry back."Gold form said,It is this white lies,Saved his life.


In 2010,,join"Citizen home"Two years later,Gold form and YangTianJun around the chip in contract more than 20 acres,Raise silver carp/Grass carp/carp."We can't to do hard work,Cannot catch fish,For fear of one thousand cut the blood will infect,So is to employ people do these things."


从害怕到尊重他们为村民主持婚事 From fear to respect them for the villagers host marriage


The 44-year-old s is a infections,At present,He and a gold/Responsible for YangTianJun together"Citizen home"Internal management work."I am a volunteer,Hope can help you do something."According to introduce s,They are"Citizen home"Under the help of the YangJun project director,This year successful application to AIDS project funding."To apply for the project bidding,From the production plan to bid,We are all do it yourself."


now,Three of them not only become the"Citizen home"Internal organizers,Also became the village all kinds of wedding and funeral organizers."From the discrimination to be recognized/respected,This process is not easy."YangTianJun said,Once everyone is afraid of them,But now,Not only talking and laughing,Whenever the murakami weddings,Also please him and gold form to leaders."Are we treat as a distinguished guest,Feel very respected."


S said,as"Citizen home"Volunteers representative,They often go abroad to participate in the activities of the infections."We will use own experience to educate them,Tell them what AIDS is not a terrible thing,To treat correctly."


记者手记 Reporter notes


他们的微笑驱走我心里的阴影 They smile drive away the shadow of my heart


This is the first time I approached group of people infected with HIV,On the way to interview,My mind there are countless imagination,I think I'll see some could not hide sad expression of the people,I think I hear mood letting a person is heavy complain and SOB...


However, when I push away"Citizen home"Office door,Several people infected with HIV warm greetings I sit down,Then naturally speak his name/Infection time,I do not think it is natural that man it is I.When I gingerly ask if need alias/If you need to play when photo Mosaic,S bright and clear laughing,Pendulum motioning with his hand said:"Don't,Have no what need hidden."


Gold form said,Just outside the village from back to when,Stay at home every day to go out,is"Citizen home"Let him rediscover the life of faith."Now the people in the village often told me the GouJianDaBei,It is I'll remind they pay more attention to."


Ten years,in"Citizen home"The vast majority of people infected with HIV is found here identity and existence move,They are here to finish their"new"."The government not only avoid expenses for medicine/treatment,Give them free of charge/Hair seed.""Citizen home"Project director YangJun said,In recent years,Citizens of the town number of people infected with HIV basically stable,There is no explosive growth,Living in citizen home AIDS patients are optimistic and active treatment.

  “公民家园”用昼夜不熄的“火光”,给予艾滋病感染者爱的温暖。(见习记者王瑶 图为受访者提供)

"Citizen home"Day and night with the don't extinguish"firelight",The warmth of love to give people infected with HIV.(Trainee reporter WangYao the respondents provide)
