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冬季易发呼吸道传染病 疾控专家提醒防控结合--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  中新网南昌12月4日电(刘占昆 梁静)记者从南昌市疾控中心了解到,自12月份进入冬季后,早晚寒凉,流感、麻疹、风疹、流行性腮腺炎等呼吸道传染病呈多发趋势。在南昌市,到各大医院就诊的呼吸道疾病患者有所增多。

Beijing on December 4, nanchang(LiuZhanKun LiangJing)Reporters from nanchang city CDC to know,Since December after enter winter,Sooner or later, cold,flu/measles/rubella/Respiratory infections such as mumps in multiple trend.In nanchang city,To each big hospital patients with respiratory illness has increased.


It is understood,According to the situation of respiratory diseases in winter,Nanchang city health department comprehensive prevention and control work deployment,Prevention and control the occurrence and prevalence of respiratory diseases.Nanchang city CDC issued winter key infectious disease warning,Remind people would like to prevent respiratory infectious diseases,Completes the protective measures in time.


According to the disease control department is introduced,Respiratory infectious diseases shall pathogens from the nasal cavity of human/throat/The air tube and bronchus, etc into the respiratory tract and cause infectious diseases.Common have influenza/Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis(Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis)/measles/rubella/mumps/Pneumococcal disease/Varicella, etc.


"Nanchang after winter,The weather is cold cold said,Sooner or later the temperature shock suddenly,If people to heat and cold mutation to effective protection,Is susceptible to disease."Nanchang city, deputy director of the centers for disease control and XiongZhiWei said,Part of the children/Old people/high/Malnutrition or chronic disease/Overwork is/The spirit of high tension people likely to suffer from respiratory infectious diseases.In the school/Kindergarten and collective unit population centers,Once into,Which are popular and outbreak.


"Improve the immune level,Vaccination is to prevent and control the respiratory infection/Protect at-risk group is the most effective method."Nanchang city CDC infectious disease prevention and control department experts remind,children/The elderly patients with chronic diseases and should actively immunization influenza vaccine and other corresponding preventive vaccine,To prevent the flu and respiratory diseases.


Is daily prevention,XiongZhiWei reminds the public,Attention should be paid to warm warm;Keep life/Working environment air circulation;Reasonable diet,Eat more fruits and vegetables,Drink plain boiled water,Right amount added vitamin C;Get enough sleep,Don't stay up late;Usually pay attention to the physical exercise,Enhanced physique;To avoid more crowded/Air liquidity poor public places;Old people/Children and was a sickly man once appear, fever and upper respiratory tract symptoms,To promptly to the hospital.(finish)
