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北京启动新一轮公立医院改革试点 严控“大处方”--亲稳网络舆情监测室


 【新闻背景】 [News background]


On December 1,,Beijing launched the third group"Medicine separate"Pilot reform,In big college respectively to the characteristics of the temple of heaven in Beijing hospital/Tongren hospital/Ji shui tan hospital three three level of first-class comprehensive hospital.after,Beijing friendship hospital and successively in chaoyang hospital launched the first/The second batch of to medicine separately for the core of the comprehensive reform pilot.


"Medicine separate"Reform practice cancel 15% drug addition/The registration fee and fee,All drug purchase price, sales.At the same time set up medical service charge,Grading pricing.General outpatient service/Of doctor of vice director of/Chief physician/The famous expert outpatient service medical service charge standard respectively determine for 42 yuan/Sixty yuan/80 yuan/100 yuan.Outpatient service medical service charge from Beijing medical insurance rating to submit an expense account forty yuan.Cancel the drug addition,Practice medicine separate,Patients can reduce the burden?Can completely cut off"To raise the medical medicine"?The hospital can provide high quality service?


 【核心观点】 [Core ideas]

  观点一 View a


Clinic medicine accounted for more than/Second all cost/Second all expenses for medicine and inpatient cases have cost also decreased to different extent,Time for both fell about 17%,Patients burden.


 观点二 View two


"DaChuFang"The decision must pass strict group review,Not only to price as evaluation standard,Still is the objective condition as the main basis for judgment.

  观点三 View three


Hospital management from"To disease as the center"steering"To the patient as the center",Propulsion make an appointment,Optimization service process,The implementation of the attending physician responsibility system.

  一 问 能不能减轻患者负担 A q can reduce the burden of patients


reporter:So far,Beijing has five 3 armour hospital began"Medicine separate"reform.Medicine separate,The burden of the patients can reduce?


The Beijing hospital authority chief seal kingdom was born:Friendship hospital and chaoyang hospital start"Medicine separate"Since the pilot,Two hospital outpatient service of medicine than/Second all cost/Second all expenses for medicine and inpatient cases all expenses index were given different degree of decline,Time for both fell about 17%,For treating patients burden.Questionnaire survey:More than 85% patients can accept the price of medical service,More than 82% of the patients to the services of a doctor with ability,And that the doctor communication time than ever before long.The reform of the three pilot hospitals,Further validation medicine separate reform path is correct,In a wide range of separate evaluation medicine policy effect and can be applied.


reporter:The temple of heaven/colleagues/Ji shui tan three hospitals,All is specialized advantage prominent general hospital,See a doctor to surgical patients,Fees accounted for more than on the low side.Cancel after drug addition,"DaChuFang"less,"examination"High value consumables will increase?


Beijing medical director HanXiaoFang do:"Medicine separate"And is not isolated reform measures,Implement price/Medical insurance/financial/Prepare policies linkage comprehensive reform,Formed a powerful control fee mechanism,Formed a reform force.Beijing to"Medicine separate"Pilot hospital set up monitoring indicators,Includes not only for medicine than down,And evaluation of outpatient service medical insurance patients second all medical expenses and inpatient cases have cost index.At present,Three hospitals are launched abnormal strict clinical drug monitoring/High value consumables use evaluation and large inspection rewards and punishments measures.


The temple of heaven WangChen hospital dean:Medical separate cancelled hospital drugs addition,How many sales drugs has and the hospital income has nothing to do,So the hospital will no longer pay attention to how to sell medicine,But pay more attention to how to value disease,To promote rational drug use.


Tongren hospital dean WuJiXiang:At present,Colleagues medicine accounted for more than 38%,Further control"High difficulty",Must through the strengthen prescription monitoring,Tight control of unnecessary inspection/consumables,Implementation of the ambulatory surgery, and other comprehensive measures,To reduce the burden of patients.


Ji shui tan hospital, vice President of the JiangXie far:Reasonable large check into the department of medical performance evaluation and assessment criteria of the medical practitioners.The clinical department director for undergraduate course room reasonable large check first responsible persons,And is responsible for the implementation of this department reasonable large check management duties,Are responsible for the administration responsibility.The hospital to strengthen the high value consumables management,The professional committee discussed through the newspaper club after the decision through discussion,Be in clinical use;The current high value material variety and brand,Organization expert group on the use of high value consumables are demonstrated in the paper,Reduce the same variety consumables,Standard consumables used.


 二 问 能不能破除以药养医 2 q can break to raise the medical medicine


reporter:Medicine separate,Can mobilize the enthusiasm of the doctor?


Seal countries born:The third batch of pilot hospital through establishing the new performance evaluation mechanism,To fully reflect the quality of service/Service efficiency and the degree of satisfaction of patients is the core of the public welfare goal,At the same time reflect the medical staff of labor value.Gradually realize receive payment according to work/The purpose of optimal work best,Mobilize medical personnel/Full mining potential medical personnel.The system mechanism innovation will provide for pharmaceutical separate promote sustainable security,Ensure that medical separate propulsion job get real results.


HanXiaoFang:Friendship hospital and chaoyang hospital"Medicine separate"Reform effect good than expected.If the temple of heaven/My colleagues and ji shui tan hospital pilot well,Next year will continue to expand medical reform limits separately.The pilot is to trial and error,Through the experimental see policy have what problem,For the promotion of reform scheme for preparation.In the full implementation of the next year"Medicine separate"reform,Central hospital is also in the positive research to promote the pilot.


reporter:In order to punish DaChuFang behavior/Standard rational drug use,Three pilot hospitals are clear,The comments found not rational drug use behavior problems serious doctor,ChuFangQuan will be cancelled.Implement medical separate,Can put an end to DaChuFang?


WangChen:The temple of heaven hospital has established a and the clinical pharmacists and department clinical physician team,In the doctor's advice to prescription and rational drug use audit/Comment on and public,Combined with outpatient records judge this prescription is reasonable.For the price is expensive or the medicine tube and pharmacotherapeutics committee established key monitoring varieties,Implement key monitoring.Hospital regulations,Western medicine department shall not cross department prescribe,The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine department shall not open western medicine and injection.


WuJiXiang:The hospital will be greater than the amount of 400 yuan every day/All antimicrobial prescription drugs and the amount of partial top ten doctors prescription comments,The group have special comment on,For the unqualified prescription for punishment.The monthly sales amount/Sales volume ranking top twenty drug for dynamic monitoring and early warning long.


JiangXie far:"DaChuFang"The decision must pass strict group review,Not only to price as evaluation standard,Still is the objective condition as the main basis for judgment.If they really need,Doctor open far higher than 400 yuan of medicine is also in line with norms.Pilot stage,Daily will be randomly selected from a third of the ChuFangChan spot check.If the illegal,According to the prescription for the first time the number of amount multiplied by 2 to doctors to punish,The second time in two times the amount of punish prescription based on,To punish doctors half a month bonus,The third time in punish prescription amount on the basis of two times,To punish doctors month bonus,If the parties to the fourth time doctors in more than 400 yuan of the illegal prescription,Not only punish,The doctor will take a year of ChuFangQuan.


 三 问 能不能改进医院服务 3 q can improve hospital service


reporter:Practice medicine separate,Cancel continue years of 3 yuan/5 yuan/7 yuan/14 yuan registration fee and fee.Additional medical service charge,The hospital can provide high quality service?


Seal countries born:Hospital management from"To disease as the center"steering"To the patient as the center",We take a series of measures to improve the service for the convenience.One is to make an appointment.Take phone/network/window/Return visit and community referral and so on many kinds of reservation mode,To make an appointment for 24 hours,Work hard to solve"Registered difficult"problems.The second is to optimize the service process.Outpatient service center set up,Set DaoZhen/appointment/Health education/Consulting function;Implementation fees/Medicine one-stop service,Realize self-help print test results/The hospital patients bedside settlement,Shorten the waiting time.The third is the implementation of the attending physician responsibility system.According to the disease group or medical technology,The department will be divided into several team,Provide from outpatient service/In the whole process of the rehabilitation service,To ensure the continuity of the diagnosis and treatment.


reporter:Practice medicine separate,The hospital take what we for the convenience of the measures?


WangChen:The temple of heaven hospital outpatient service cashier will registration office and integrate,Achieve registration fee through tank,So that patients can be in a window complete address/fee,Alleviate queue times,Convenient patients go to a doctor.The hospital take the normal number in any number of measures,The hospital the first floor to the fourth floor are open registration window,Outpatient service/Emergency registered fee window up to more than twenty.The hospital outpatient service hall in placed a safe medication consultation printer,Patients only need to enter a drug name,You can print profile clear medicine focuses on the instructions.The hospital outpatient service implementation of electronic medical records,Regulating medical behavior.On the basis of,Neurology department also issued the health education prescription,For patients with targeted health guidance.


WuJiXiang:Medicine separated after the pilot start,Eye ordinary number by original daily 500 number increased to 700,ZhuanGuHao increased by 20%.Ophthalmic center will night outpatient normalization.From this month, within 3,Otolaryngology head and neck surgery will also open evening outpatient service.The hospital outpatient service areas to establish integration,Provide one-stop service for the patients,Will continue to implement a time,A large number of patients to avoid peak concentration take number or waiting.

  蒋协远:积水潭医院采取重点科室普通号源不限号措施,增加重点科室出诊医师数量,增加专家出诊人次,非重点科室普通号的号源投放量增加10%。医院已将号源的95%投入预约挂号系统。医院完善退费、补方等服务流程,提供人性化服务。医院还为新街口、回龙观社区服务中心和社区卫生站提供预约专家门诊。(记者 王君平)

JiangXie far:Ji shui tan hospital take key department general number source no number measures,Increase the number of key departments home visit doctors,Increase the experts home visit people,The key department general number number source mechanization increased by 10%.The hospital has no source 95% investment make an appointment system.Hospital perfect refund/Fill party and service process,To provide the humanized service.The hospital is new street/Hui-long-guan community service center and community clinic pre-registered expert outpatient service.(Reporter WangJunPing)
