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8旬翁遗体捐献遇尴尬 所捐器官多数只能作标本--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

8旬翁遗体捐献遇尴尬 所捐器官多数只能作标本


"Will donate her body"Although the concept of let a lot of baoding people to keep secret,But there are still many people in the world from donors after body,Let his life another way exists,Also let the lives of others to continue.But affected by various causes trouble,BaoDingShi most application body donors,But eventually failed to reach a wish,They donated organs in addition to the cornea,The rest of the viscera can only be used as a teaching specimen.


捐器官有了一个难解的疙瘩 Donate organs have a bottomless bumps


4 months passed,The 81 - year - old lie color heart still some ungrounded.At home,He will from time to time out of it[BaoDingShi will donate her body registration form],As if deep in thought gaze for a long time.The original,In his mind always have a bottomless bumps.


On September 13, 2012 in the afternoon,In hebei university department of medicine will donate her body reception room,The old man said again,He donated organ determination has not moved,I just hope that I donated organs can help to those in need of patients.Can staff told him,Make a contribution the center accept donated organs,Corneal transplantation can only,The rest of the only as teaching the use of specimens.


Gifts reception room staff may see that the old man doubts,Then explain says,Body organ is the medical scientific research/In medical teaching indispensable resources;Body use medical activities,Indispensable an important link.then,Carefully for the old man introduced the utilization of body organs three aspects mainly:One is the medical teaching,For medical students observing and anatomy;The second is clinical resin solution,So as to verify the diagnosis;The third is medical research,Further analysis the pathogenesis of incurable diseases.however,Staff professional interpretation,Did not seem to make the old man's don't understand love get solace."I donated organ is want to help more people,But now it seems,It is difficult to realize the."The old man reluctantly said.


捐献接待室没有专职工作人员 Gifts reception room no full-time staff


Deal with body organ donation procedures after a few days,The old man received a phone call.He was told that the telephone,BaoDingShi Red Cross will make a honorary certificate,The gesture for recognition.Said the incident,He constantly repeat such a word:"I'm not a prima Donna,All of these honors in one hundred years later,No significance to me."


The old man mouth say so,But many will donate her body at the reception room,Ask when issuing the certificate of honour.At the same time,Also want to consulting some organ donation related policies."So for a while,The telephone in the office has been nobody answered."He said,At that time can't,Can only let the son with he ran a trip.


Drive after the,Received his office before, and there was no man,Lock door,Beat a long time no response.About ten minutes later,The same floor another office out of a staff.The staff in the information and tell the old man,The reception room and no full-time personnel,And part-time responsible for the matter, director liu to go out the lecture,If you have any problem,To come back, director of the inquiry.The old man is very lie color is don't understand,He took out his body donation form,Illustrate the clear requirements,Donors after departure,Need to dial the telephone inform you accept an unit,To ensure the timely and effective body organ donation."That I just call the table a telephone,Can you also have been nobody answered ah?"He's a question,Staff have.


盼望建立遗体捐献信息库 Looking forward to build body donation information base


The old man is engaged in a lifetime of medical work,But the body's contribution but don't know much.He resents after and return,Began to refer to body donations of relevant laws and regulations,Always find no want to answer.


The old man read the newspaper every day.Whenever he saw about uremia patients without renal for source and hanging by a thread coverage,The mind can catch it."After my death will donate out kidney,Maybe can save a person,But BaoDingShi but it is difficult to find a mechanism,In organ transplantation or portable organ preservation."


The old man said,He is a keen to donate, business,He believes that he and the people,There are many in baoding.this,He has two wishes:

  一是希望保定市有关部门能重视此事,设立专门的管理部门和专职人员。“不能因为捐献者少,就忽视此事。此外,如果工作量小,兼职也可以,但是最起码应该有个值班人员。不能人一走,门一锁,而将遗体捐献者拒之门外。” 二是希望保定市遗体捐献接待室能建立一个遗体捐献信息库。他说,如果能建立一个像“中华骨髓库”一样信息网,便可以在一定范围内,为患者检索配型相符合的捐献者,以及进行器官移植等相关服务等,可及时救助更多的人。(燕赵都市报记者张卫军)

One is the hope that the relevant departments of the BaoDingShi can pay attention to this matter,A special management departments and full-time staff."Cannot because less donor,Just ignore it.In addition,If small amount,Part-time can also,But at least there should be a duty personnel.Can't go a,Door a lock,The body donors rejected." The second is BaoDingShi hope will donate her body reception room will be able to build a body donation information base.He said,If you can build a like"CDMP data bank"Information network as,Can in a certain range,For patients with heart patient retrieval consistent with donors,And organ transplantation and other related services,Can timely rescue more people.(ZhangWeiJun yanzhao metropolis daily reporter)
