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专家称艾滋病终身服药可控病情 最怕不积极治疗--亲稳网络舆情监控室


The ministry of health has released data show,2012 October 1 to our country in the new report of AIDS virus infection and 68802 patients;By the end of October 2012,The AIDS virus infection and 492191 patients,Survival of the patients and 383285 patients.December 1st is a 25"World AIDS day",This year's theme is"action,To zero towards AIDS".Experts said,Although there is no effective drug treatment,But AIDS can prevent controlled,Through the antiviral treatment can control the illness.


对艾滋病的认识在加深 To the understanding of HIV/AIDS in deepening


In the past,AIDS has been regarded as a century plague,Everybody talks of artemisia colour change,Think that this is an incurable disease,Infection will die.The ministry of health disease control bureau deputy inspector SunXinHua said,HIV is not terrible,Terrible is not active treatment.With the development of medical technology,AIDS is like diabetes/As high blood pressure,The industry generally recognized as chronic disease,Although there is not completely cured,But as long as the medicine according to the requirement,Life can be extended more than ten years or even decades,Life with poison lifelong treatment is to control the disease.


China's center for disease control venereal disease AIDS prevention and control center director wu zun friend said,If you doubt yourself are infected with the virus that causes AIDS potential factors,Should be timely to orgnaization to detection.This is a cure for AIDS virus infection and the patient's condition,Once diagnosed,Can timely symptomatic treatment.Some people to test is late,Treatment effect sent a lot of.


The ministry of health AIDS clinical experts group leader ZhangFuJie stressed,At present all of the departments at or above the county level are CDC has HIV antibody detection ability.In the year to October,A total of 83.16 million people detection,Compared to the same period last year increased by 20.9%.If not treated,Patient survival time in general only for 1 to 2 years.


消除艾滋病恐惧和歧视 Eliminate AIDS fear and discrimination


China's state council[Regulations on AIDS prevention and control]provisions,The AIDS virus infection/AIDS patients and their families at the same time enjoy the marriage/employment/medical/Entrance and legitimate rights and interests are protected by law.And the relative is,Inherent idea that people infected with HIV group in difficulties,In many people's consciousness,AIDS is still means that sin/Shame and dangerous.


Wu zun friend said,The AIDS virus infection and the patient suffered from school employment discrimination/Family neighborhood alienated situation quite common.There have been a AIDS said to him,The table as soon as he sat down,All the people will have gone.This is mainly for the public understanding of HIV/AIDS is not caused by the devil's worry/fear,Led to the devil's discrimination.


Last year,In China in 1043 cases of HIV occupational exposure report,The timely processing,Did not happen a infection.Wu zun friendly remind,In YiWuJie,Because of the risk of occupational exposure,This kind of discrimination is more serious.The medical administrative departments to strengthen management,Medical personnel to improve the preventive measures,To avoid risk,Eliminate fear and discrimination.


According to introducing,In 2010, modification[The regulations on the administration of entry and exit],Cancel the foreign AIDS virus infected person's entry limit,The public has caused people increase the risk of HIV/AIDS panic.A network survey,84% of respondents said they worry and resolutely opposed to cancel the limit.The ministry of health in 2012 public knowledge about HIV/AIDS survey,The public about HIV/AIDS prevention and control and related policy improve awareness.


抗病毒治疗机构建立 Antiviral treatment institutions set up


In our country,HIV/AIDS treatment get pay much attention to,The ministry of health has issued two files,AIDS antiviral treatment and related work puts forward specific requirements,Requirements point treatment/The first diagnosis of responsibility for first inquiry;Not allowed to refuse or shuffle patients;To provide technical support to nod medical establishment.


The ministry of health figures show,At present our country set up 3430 antiviral treatment mechanism,By the end of October 2012,A total of 197000 adult patient treatment,Conform to the standard treatment of the patients and patients receive antiviral treatment has the proportion of 84.0%,Treated patients was significantly.Beijing has established China's first large-scale MSM(Gay men)The high risk population dynamic follow-up cohort,The current number of 6000 people,And set up the world's largest and most comprehensive AIDS(HIV)The acute phase infections queue,This will of AIDS research and prevention and control play an important role.


Our country have nearly thousand folk AIDS organization,The official has clearly to be treated as HIV/AIDS prevention and control and eliminate discrimination indispensable power.Health officials said recently,In AIDS patients go to a doctor meet shuffle or refused,There will be a special department is responsible for receiving related complaints.


Experts said,Due to a variety of reasons,At present our country AIDS inspection rate is not high,About 50% of people infected with HIV don't know oneself infected with AIDS.Although our country's medical department and disease control department cooperation very well,From AIDS diagnosis in antiviral treatment to an average of just two or three months time,But nearly two years died of AIDS patients in China about 70% of people could not take antiviral drugs.The key to control AIDS illness or early detection/Early treatment.


therefore,The ministry of health has increased testing service point,At the same time mobilization folk organizations are involved,Mobilization has high risk behavior or doubt yourself infected people active to medical institutions were detected.


Experts called for,As long as the public pay more attention to their health,Pay attention to AIDS,Medical institutions in time to test/diagnosis,Early detection/Early start antiviral treatment,Can reduce the maximum AIDS virus propagation rate/HIV treatment to reduce cost/To enhance the treatment effect.


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身边的人感染了艾滋病怎么办 Side people are infected with AIDS


First of all,You should not against him,Should be in spiritual encouragement,Let him actively cooperate with a doctor's treatment,overcoming,At the same time let him pay attention to your behavior,Avoid the virus to others.secondly,Don't see patient for a great disaster and wince,Because the AIDS virus can't through the air/The general social contact or public facilities spread,And AIDS patients and HIV infected People's Daily life and work contact not infected with HIV.


针对艾滋病的传播途径采取以下措施   According to the spread of AIDS way to take the following measures


1/To prevent the sexual contact transmission:Abide by the sex moral,Stationarity partner,Safety behavior is HIV prevention sexually transmitted by the effective measures.


2/To prevent the spread of blood:Away from drugs,Against drugs;Don't accept without the AIDS virus antibody tested blood/Adjuvant therapies and organs;Do not use not disinfected strictly syringe;Not with others share syringe/razor.

  3、预防母婴传播:感染艾滋病病毒的妇女要避免怀孕;一旦怀孕要在医生的指导下考虑是否终止妊娠。(记者 喻京英)

3/Prevent mother-to-child transmission:Infected with the virus that causes AIDS to avoid pregnant women;Once pregnancy in under the guidance of doctors considering whether to terminate pregnancy.(Reporter yu jing British)
