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专家谈医保控费意见出台 忧勒紧钱袋影响医疗质量--亲稳网络舆情监测室
三部委出台医保控费意见 "勒紧钱袋"能否不减医疗质量 The three ministries issued medical opinion control fee "Tighten purse"Can not reduce the quality of medical treatment
Human resources and social security/The ministry of finance/The ministry of health have jointly issued[About the development of the basic medical insurance for the opinions of the total amount control],Decided to use two years time,In all as a whole the area within the scope of work in total control,To control the rapid increase of the medical costs.Experts say,Health care costs should be controlled to ensure the quality of medical treatment as the prerequisite,Measures the total budget for distribution innovation,To establish"Big budget unit"To encourage the medical institutions relation coordination,Optimize allocation of resources.
医保基金“吃紧” 吹响控费“号角” Medical insurance fund"tight" Sound control fee"horn"
Due to the medical insurance coverage to expand in China in recent years,The medical insurance cost growth gradually highlight problems too,Some local medical insurance fund amount increasing"tight".
China Europe international business school health management and policy center director tsai jiangnan is introduced,In our country's three big medical security system,The main urban employee basic medical insurance is divided into individual account and as a whole account,"now‘tight’Is the main account as a whole,Individual account or a surplus".
In this context,The three ministries declared total amount control medical opinion,The total amount control for medical insurance,Refers to the medical insurance agency orgnaization is based on historical data and fund income status,Determine the total fund spending,At the same time will index decomposition to designated hospital medical insurance,In order to receive a set/balance/A little under the principle of balance,"Balance continue to employ/Overspend share".
Fudan university social security research center researchers seal into thought,Total amount control in the world that can be bound to keep medical medicine/Excessive medical treatment, etc."In the past the hospital and medical insurance settlement fee is paid after the system,The doctor is leading cost profit impulse,Is the main reason for the present excessive diagnosis and treatment."Seal into pointed out that,Health coverage after,Because patients can submit an expense account,Will have more to go to the doctor,These reasons will lead to medical insurance cost is not reasonable growth,The medical insurance fund to risks.
"The trend of the medical insurance fund management is the quota management."Peace group's peace endowment insurance company government business project manager lu, think,According to the total/disease/Head of the control mode combining,To a certain degree of ease the doctor drug abuse,Excessive medical treatment the mess.Such as,According to the medical costs in the average standard,A medical institution a patient in hospital cost four thousand yuan,One years were ten thousand patients,The cost of the hospital total control is forty million yuan,Beyond is part of the money to pay for hospital pad,No longer be covered the medical insurance fund.
医保控费将不以降低医疗质量为前提 Medical insurance control fee will not be to reduce the quality of medical treatment as the prerequisite
Zhejiang university medical school first affiliated hospital a respiratory medicine doctor told reporters,"I will open the even if a box of medicine,The hospital computer system will popup prohibited tip."The doctor said,At present medical insurance bureau issued regulations of medicine can not more than 40% of the total amount of the patient to see a doctor,Cost control is tightening than ever before,And the doctor worry too control medicine/Fee, etc for the patient's medical quality will affect.
Experts through the research found,Because each institution a year total health index is certain,By the end of the year Shanghai part of the hospital will appear for overspending and not treated critically-ill patients to wait for a phenomenon.
A local health care center staff said,For medical insurance control fee may produce negative influence,The competent departments have established measures.According to the opinion,According to the total amount control may appear after the shuffle rejection patients/Reduce service standard/Any services, etc,The competent department will strengthen the medical behavior to nod medical establishment of supervision.The officer pointed out,Switch are cost/Return visit rate/Hospital admission rates/Ginseng protect personnel to burden level/Referral rate of hospital/Operation rate/Rate of elective surgical procedures/Severe patients scale into the evaluation indicator system,To control cost at the same time guarantee the quality of medical treatment.
还需创新预算单位优化配置 Still need to innovation budget unit optimization configuration
Expert advice,The control method of the total budget shall be also"Secondary innovation".To put forward Suggestions"The total amount control target refining decomposition at various levels to nod medical establishment",Expert advice,Can build a bigger budget units to share cost overruns.
CAI said the,Can innovation measures,Joint hospitals at all levels in the formation of large budget unit,Encourage tertiary hospital contact secondary hospital/Level 1 hospital to realize the coordination of the total budget allocation.Big budget unit make various hospitals coordinate distribution of medical resources,The illness is lighter patients can coordinate to a primary hospital,Ease the large hospital medical insurance amount control pressure,In secondary distribution.
August,The national development and reform commission and so on six ministries issued[About urban and rural residents to carry out a serious illness insurance work direction],Need a serious illness medical insurance into the scope of medical insurance.Seal into pointed out that,The basic medical insurance amount control the balance of funds can help promote the establishment of a serious illness medical insurance system.Some places have already trying new model,If the government let go of some power space to professional insurance company,The government have set rules/Implementation of actuarial function,The insurance company as handling party,Play a supervisory role,Promote the market competition,Improve the efficiency and quality of health care.
Experts say,Medical insurance fund management should not be bank,Only control capital turnover,Ensure that the greater than cigarettes"Fund sources"function,And should develop a positive supervision mechanism,Analysis of actual data,Monitoring is not reasonable expenditure,Efficient allocation of medical resources.(Reporter wang tao/WangYuan)
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