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重庆赤脚医生坚守深山38载 穿行山路7万多公里--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网重庆12月8日电 (谢道玖 刘相琳)海拔1300米高的崎岖山路上,常见一个佝偻的背影背着诊疗箱不时隐没穿行其间。38年来,他背坏了10多个药箱,穿破了上百双鞋,穿行山路7万多公里,为村民们出诊14000余次。他就是重庆巫溪县尖山镇白云村现年58岁的乡村医生蒋大春。

Beijing on December 8, chongqing (XieDaoJiu LiuXiangLin)At an altitude of 1300 meters high, the rough mountain road,Common a stoop figure carrying medical case from time to time subduction run through them.And years,His back is broken more than 10 box,Worn out hundreds of pairs of shoes,Through more than 70000 kilometers road,For the villagers home visit more than 14000 times.He is chongqing WuXiXian jianshan BaiYunCun town, and old JiangDaChun rural doctors.


8,Reporters on the muddy road toss nearly three hours to JiangDaChun cure the sickness to save the clinic,Is met him carrying a hurry back from the outside box.There BaiYunCun village head YeKun joked,"‘Asylum god’And market(For others to see a doctor)back."


东拼西凑 办起“史上最简陋”卫生 Pastiche qingyuan"History is the most humble"clinic


In 1954,,JiangDaChun was born in solitude in the mountains.12 years old,He witnessed the eldest brother 3 year old daughter because of high fever can't timely treatment and away from the world,And then to study medicine.


In 1972,,JiangDaChun worship local an old doctor for the teacher,Began to study traditional Chinese medicine.Two years later,JiangDaChun back to BaiYunCun three clubs,Make a adobe at home,Find medicine cabinet/The table/stool,Buy medicine,launched"History is the most humble"clinic.however,How long did not handle clinic,JiangDaChun found problems:BaiYunCun there are seven clubs,Oneself on top of the mountain,The farthest distance in the mountain people home clinic almost ten kilometers away,Mountain road difficult to walk,The patient drag myself to the top of the mountain to see a doctor,It is not convenient.


"Really want to put the clinic open to the village center",JiangDaChun confesses the idea,But because there is no much savings,Can only think of.


In February 1993,JiangDaChun rented a less than 10 square meters of the old soil,The clinic moved a past.later,He has rented a several villagers houses as village clinic.In 2008,,JiangDaChun ChouJie 40000 multivariate built between 4 in the anterior chamber,Really end"Flow village clinic"career.


"That s the most afraid of be sick,No money not,The key is the village doctors are not even."The village more than 70 - year - old man LiShaoChun magnificence,"(clinic)Open up,Everybody's heart is steadfast".


Since the clinic first day of business,JiangDaChun developed a rule,Never give patients disorderly prescribe to collect fees in disorder.In patients have no money to pay will play ious.Now his hands and more than twenty zhang ious,The earliest iou time in 1997 years ago,"Rich also,If you have no money".


Nearly two years,JiangDaChun work more hard.From 2009 the new medical reform after the policies,JiangDaChun not only to practice medicine cure,Still have to bear multifarious public health work:Assist township health centers for common people to build residents health files,On children's/maternal/Old instruction for health.


He was advised"In this earn money,Go to the town to open a private clinic,The business will be very good",Can JiangDaChun heart can not let go the villagers,Repeatedly declined.


出诊摔伤坚持行医 得名“蒋经打” Home visit hurt to practice medicine name"JiangJing play"


In the JiangDaChun medical career,Is more of a home visit."The road I walked and years,There are several ways which way turn,Which way is the most slippery after the rain,Where there is pit,I have clear."JiangDaChun smiled and said.


One side wife ceramic generation beauty some helpless,"I've bought him the most something is the shoes,(he)Almost a month to be worn out a pair of shoes,Mostly worn sole."And years,JiangDaChun a day at least walk about 5 km journey home visit,Through the village road foot has more than 70000 kilometers,What how many pairs of shoes are worn out,He himself can't remember.


The village blank after new highway,JiangDaChun decided to buy a motorcycle."Children to read,Home which have so much money to let you to buy a car?"this,His wife was very puzzled.


JiangDaChun is very persistent,A motorcycle can not only shorten the time of visit,You can't meet the disease treatment,Can the patient to hospital as soon as possible.So far JiangDaChun already riding a rotten three motorcycle.


One day in 2000,To learn to ride a motorcycle JiangDaChun home visit the doctor come back,The way will leg broke into fracture,Several passers-by to send him to the hospital,But he only please l find a few pieces of bamboo block and a piece of rope assistant,Simple dress at home after their treatment.


In 2007 a day late into the night,The village LiZhiYin sick old man,JiangDaChun immediately after receiving phone call.The yellow road abnormal slickness,A corner,JiangDaChun even fall down to people and cars.The idea of going to see a doctor to the old man,In spite of his thigh soft tissue hurt,By 1.48 m figure,Just will be more than 200 jins of motorcycle to push back,Lane on the highway.


"This little injury issues I,If I go to the hospital,Who will give big man son to see a doctor."When the villagers ZhangYuCui/Hu five guangxi, when come to see JiangDaChun,I found him lying in bed is to ask the patient,The wife of one side is as tisanes play helper,Is very touched.Since then,The villagers will send him a nickname --"JiangJing play".


坚守山村 欲倾余生行医救人 Stick to mountain village to pour the rest of my life doctor save


"In this life I only sorry is her."Speaking of his wife,JiangDaChun with guilt.


March 7,,Ceramic generation beauty after getting up, found the body some discomfort,After the big ChunMang jiang is set for ceramic and beauty when infusion to the villagers ZhengRenHua telephone,Says it more than 70 - year - old mother of pneumonia.JiangDaChun said nothing,Grabbed box and went out.Until he came home,Found that his wife fell to the ground,Incontinence of urine,unconscious.Original wife because of overwork and the cold has a fever,Blacked out.JiangDaChun down kit,Will hug his wife,Shed tears.


All the year round,JiangDaChun almost every home visit,The family no less advised him,"Age big,I also the good rest,Why so tired?"


"I don't feel tired, and bitter,As long as folks need me,I was going to do a few decades."JiangDaChun said,Although he had fifty-eight years old,Even if the future can't ride a motorcycle home visit the,Can also walk to.He wants the rest of my life can also like the village head that a few green plant as pine,Always watch for the villagers.
