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大医院急诊床位普遍紧张 部分急诊资源被滥用--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


原标题:大医院急诊普遍压床部分急诊资源被滥用 Original title:Big hospital emergency general press part of the emergency resource abuse


    recently,"‘120’Pull the patient even run 5 hospitals for emergency no bed were not"news,Has been attracting wide attention from society.The municipal bureau of health issued by recently[On further strengthening the work of emergency medical institutions notice]:In the future,Hospital emergency department to"No bed not equipment"Rejected by the patient,The hospital intends to be demoted.


Reporters found that,High quality medical resources too centralized/The emergency patients in love with emergency doctor/Referral mechanism is not fully play a role/The public understanding of this some mistake...Various factors have increased the present situation of emergency resources nervous.


□现状 - status

  冬季急诊床位尤其紧张 Winter emergency beds especially nervous


On 19 November 12 o 'clock at noon in twenty points,This may not be the authentication of the Beijing union medical college hospital emergency department in the doctor(Micro bo called Ed superwoman)In micro bo vomit tank,"Intensive care last night last a bed in a young patients,A door begin to do recovery,Are busy,The nurse called me out,And he sent a unconsciousness of the patients.We have no bed/No equipment that they put forward another,But 120 tell me here is the fifth house,Didn't bed.Look at the face of the family too deep for tears,Psychological defence suddenly collapse."


This article micro bo aroused the attention of the society from all walks of life,The municipal bureau of health first time said,Considering the construction of emergency information network system,With the 120 hospital butt,When the hospital emergency treatment bed will real-time transmission to the emergency center,And points out that each big hospital emergency department must and first aid staff cohesion.


this,The sino-japanese friendship hospital emergency department director zhang guiquan said,Micro bo mentioned among the phenomenon does exist,Especially in some big cities of 3 armour hospital.Good medical resources too centralized,Had resulted in good hospital emergency patients in one bed is hard to find.He said,Emergency resources nervous or loose with season also has a certain relationship,It is winter,Is the respiratory system and cerebrovascular disease high season,At this time of the year each big hospital emergency room at any time during a day are packed in.


According to the emergency beds nervous,Patients to bed only in the problem of luck,Chaoyang hospital emergency department doctor qin thought,It is not only a hospital emergency beds total set of problems.This situation is formed by various reasons.a/Patients and families needs improve,Don't like to community hospitals,More willing to to the hospital,"Would rather wait for,In big hospitals".two/Some non emergency first aid patients accounted for a large number of emergency resources;three/As the population aging intensifies,Elderly patients often multisystem disease there at the same time,A certain organ acute onset of the disease or acute attack of chronic disease,Generally preferred a large general hospital emergency department.so,Management department needs from policy to tilt,The policy of shunt part of emergency patients.four/Secondary hospital share/Referral effect are not yet fully able to play,Lead to many not fit to stay in the hospital emergency department patients continued to dominate emergency resources.


大医院急诊普遍压床 Big hospital emergency general press


In many 3 armour hospital emergency department intensive care,Many patients are superimposed a variety of elderly patients with chronic diseases based disease.A number of such old man through the acute phase and still stranded emergency intensive care,Often more than a week, even longer time.


On December 5,,Reporter in chaoyang hospital emergency department saw,The emergency department press is very obvious.The nurse told reporters,The emergency rescue of intensive care configuration and a bed,But at noon that day has added to 44 a bed.Press here to see,A bed next to a,Nurse station all around are filled up with temporary add beds.Next to the emergency staying chamber is packed,Emergency observation room have 37 beds,But the retention of patients more than doubled.


In the emergency department infusion room,This situation also exists.Infusion room door,Encircled by the infusion to the patient,The rest area is full of infusion of the patients.The nurse told reporters:"The day is better,Evening outpatient shut,To see many more of the emergency."


Reporter noticed,The patients in the older age group is in the majority,They are in heart failure/Cerebral infarction and elderly critically ill patients.And most patients compared with,Lying in the emergency department nurses station on the edge of intensive care patients with age and liu is very young.Family told reporters,After work last night Mr. Liu suddenly feel dizzy/Accompanied by vomiting more than wait for a symptom,An emergency.To the hospital after the doctor diagnosed with cerebral hemorrhage."No matter what bed,As long as can live at ease in the."Family said.


Qin said,Some old man with a variety of basic disease and illness is not stable,Specialist ward bed itself also nervous,Difficult to smooth receiving hospital.And some of the old man was in stable condition,But families not trust turned to secondary hospital rehabilitation,Would rather stay in emergency department.


This kind of situation in the sino-japanese friendship hospital remains the same.On December 6,,Reporter in the hospital emergency department also see a similar situation,Both intensive care or infusion room,Everywhere is full of.


Zhang guiquan think,Many factors lead to chronic diseases patients complicated trapped in tertiary general hospital emergency department.A specialized hospital is now more and more special,From junior to ZhuanBing,For more complicated organs in patients with chronic diseases were treated to or weakness;The second is the public hospitals blind trust,A lot of people have been diagnosed for end-stage disease,But families don't trust grass-roots hospital medical level,"The truth is, they need to quiet hospice care,Not every day to stay in intensive care by breathing machine and senior antibiotics to maintain."


Zhang guiquan and new huadu said,According to the regulation,Ed had bed utilization rate index is:Salvage bed 24 hours cycle/Staying bed 72 hours of rotary,But now this request"Basic unable to realize".In recent years,Due to the patient's sharp increase,Emergency department is"Be infinite expansion".


 □解决之道 / solution

  信息发布易统一调配难 Information release easy unified deployment of difficult


Many people put forward,If the reference market/Office building intelligent parking guide practice,Will the hospital emergency department bed occupancy situation real-time transmission to transfer an ambulance,Circumstances may a bit better.this,Said zhang guiquan,This can not fundamentally solve the problem.


"Establish a unified information release channel is simple,But how to allocate but very complicated."Said zhang guiquan,This is not a phone call/A message can be solved,It needs to plan as a whole information/Unity of command/Authoritative judgment/Comply with doctor's advice and so on various factors unity to just go.


Remove patients and families don't abide by recombined the problem outside,If the patient's condition to appear mistake,Go to the wrong hospital for treatment,Relevant personnel of accountability is the key.In Hong Kong as an example,In a certain area designated hospital for the first aid center,What is the secondary rescue center,In emergency cases will have special judgment you should sent to which level of rescue center.


完善基层医疗提高公众常识 Perfect primary care to improve public knowledge


Qin said,At present our country's primary care level in gradually improve in,The patient cannot effectively given and initial screen,Unable to big hospital effectively ease congestion.In addition,The public is not a sick go to community medical diagnosis and habits.He thinks,To solve this problem is not only the responsibility of the relevant departments,And the improvement of our public health literacy have a close relationship."Of course, this problem is difficult to solve in a short time."


In addition,Zhang guiquan also believe that,Public personal health knowledge increase is also a key step.Because of the emergency treatment fast,Now some people in order to save time,Such as the cold weather will also like to emergency clinic,This approach not only take the emergency channel,For real emergency needs of the patients medical effects,Can also affect personal illness treatment."Such patients accounted for about a third of the number of medical emergency.""Our emergency was immensely expanded."Said zhang guiquan.


According to the hospital emergency department nurses and doctors reflect,This phenomenon SiWuDian afternoon when is more outstanding,This is mainly because the clinic work half past four,Some hang the number of people will come to the emergency,Some people do not want to line up in the clinic,Also want to go to,Hope to be able to solve the problem in the emergency department.


this,Said zhang guiquan,Such emergency and outpatient service concept confusion many patients.In fact speak only emergency in principle two aspects function:One is"help",Processing have dangerous life or potentially dangerous life of the patients,The second is"Relieve symptoms",Some patients even though dangerous without life,But is very painful symptoms,Emergency treatment can reduce the pain of temporarily,This is emergency task.


Said zhang guiquan,Now the emergency doctor has too many functions,Including chronic disease/The treatment of common diseases, etc.Suggestions to the clinic diagnosis and treatment of disease for junior doctors to just go,Such as cough a period of time to emergency,Emergency doctor can only temporary open some cough medicine,Let themselves to alleviate the symptoms,But the specific because tracheitis/pneumonia,Or cardiac function caused by the bad,Should also be to find a specialist outpatient the concrete problem is made a concrete solution to just go.So don't want to line up in the clinic,Hope the disease emergency doctor promising idea is completely wrong."In this case,See the disease is not equal to value disease."
