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Shanghai Red Cross/Shanghai health bureau 11 joint announced,Shanghai 17 home level 3 medical unit for the first human organ donation pilot hospitals.


11 at the Shanghai human organ donation work propulsion conference was announced"Shanghai human organ donation work leading group",Administrative office,The Red Cross office in Shanghai.The meeting also announced composition"Shanghai human organ donation expert committee"and"Shanghai human organ donation municipal medical specialists PingGuZu".


The meeting clearly,Shanghai human organ donation work will be in China human organ donation work under the leadership of the committee,In strict accordance with the ministry of health/By the Red Cross society of China"China's human organ donation pilot work plan"And other relevant documents/Technical standard work.For donor organs will be in accordance with international distribution principle,The statistical analysis of the computer,Automatic, in accordance with the order elements,Pick out the most need of patients.


According to introducing,China is the most populous country in the world,Also waiting for organ transplant patients the most number of countries.China's human organ donation size and need organ of patients number proportion serious on the low side,The contradiction between supply and demand is very outstanding.so,Citizens in after the death of organ donation,Expand organ source,Will save more people's life.


In 2007,,The state council promulgated the[The human organ transplant regulations],Make the human organ transplant work into the legal system/Standardized track.The establishment and adapt to situation of human organ donation system,In all social order in accordance with the advance human organ donation work,Help to save more lives,Help the healthy development of the medical science.(QiuYi)
