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中国科学家发现“致胖细菌” 追寻“药食同源”--亲稳网络舆情监控室


 (声明:刊用《中国新闻周刊》稿件务经书面授权) (statement:reproduced[China news weekly]For the manuscript written authorization)


原标题:重新发现肠道细菌 Original title:Rediscover intestinal bacteria


Microbial group learning is the life science field in the most popular,On the basis of,Chinese scientists first made a bacteria are the causes of obesity.This take oneself to do test scientists successful weight loss story,From the point of view of intestinal microbiology,To find a interpretation of ancient Chinese medicine theory of the new way


The sweater fits well under no uplift the abdomen nan,72 kilograms,For height 173 cm/At least fifty years old ZhaoLiPing speaking,"Just right".But in four years ago,He was a weight more than 90 kilograms of fat people.In June this year,Along with the thin body before and after the photos together,His weight loss story on the United States[science]magazine.ZhaoLiPing the grand"appearances",Not only because of his research field it happened that conform to the current magazine cover theme --"Microbial groups to learn",More because he is a to themselves"mice"Scientists - he by regulating intestinal flora,To achieve their weight loss goals.


In 2010 the United States at the conference on human microbial groups,ZhaoLiPing tells the story of lose weight.The intestinal flora theory in the testimony of yourself,Let him more qualified for the current big hot subject areas endorsement.University of Washington genome, deputy director of the institute of George temperature stoke-on-trent evaluation said,"ZhaoLiPing brought a fresh air.A refreshing is,He is a kind of leviathan/objective/The scientific way to present his findings."


Even so,Shanghai jiaotong university professor ZhaoLiPing does not want to talk about his personal experience reducing weight.He thinks that the research is scientific problems,Rather than a way of life.besides,In China,There is still on his academic research"Not buy it".He was in a popular science activities mentioned"Bitter melon and yam can help you to lose weight""Intestinal bacteria are divided into‘good’and‘bad’two",Later someone gave him the button on the"pseudoscience"Big hat.ZhaoLiPing said,He is worried about his be mistaken for"Science zhang the enlightenment".


发现“致胖细菌” found"Cause fat bacteria"


In 2004,,American academy of sciences/Washington university professor Jeffrey Gordon and his colleagues made a famous experiment,This is the scientist in the intestinal flora and obesity relations,Use sterile animals do the first experiment.


All the animals, including man,Just was born,There is no bacteria in the gut.Through the production and fostering links such as contact,Mother will be the first time in his flora pass on to their children,so,Mother and child/Between brothers and sisters of the intestinal flora will have a certain similarity.Scientists will newborn mice in a completely sterile isolation bag,They eat food/Drinking water and the air we breathe is the filter.This feeding out in mice,Intestines is always sterile.Compared with the normal mice,They are the biggest characteristic is very slim,But when the flora back mice intestinal,Let them become the normal mice,Their appetite is smaller,Weight but returned to normal level.


In 2006,,Gordon will be ordinary feed with high fat feed,Repeat the experiment,The results showed that:Aseptic mice even eat high fat feed also won't get fat,At the same time their metabolic rate is better than a bacteria low in mice.that,Animals have bacteria than sterile animal metabolic consumption/Eat less,But more body fat storage instead,This obviously and people usually think"Eat more/Little movement/Redundant quantity of heat into fat save"Against the law of.


In the past,Most people from the point of view of the gene to obesity.But Gordon experiment,From the intestinal flora this new Angle,To explain obesity,Think flora of"With and without"And weight"Big with small"A connection between.This finding unique,ZhaoLiPing said,before,People only know intestinal flora and enteritis relevant,But Gordon research,Is put forward for the first time,The intestinal flora and obesity/Diabetes metabolic disease have relations.


however,Gordon's study was not put an end to the work,He just open the way to the unknown world of a door.The intestinal flora have thousands of,Which one on earth with obesity and metabolic disease most closely related,Is still a mystery.In 2006,,Gordon group in[natural]The paper believes that the journal,Obesity main and"firmicutes"related,And in the intestine of healthy people is"Class bacillus door"Bacteria more.but,The conclusion in the industry not only has the argument,and,Biological classification from big to small it is"The door of species",from"door"To study the level of microbes and the relationship between obesity and appear too rough.


ZhaoLiPing think,Should be in a micro level,Such as"Kind of"Level to trace flora and the relationship between obesity.In 2009, published in[International journal of microbiological ecological society](English referred to as the ISME journal)On the paper,ZhaoLi peace colleagues from normal mice eating into high fat diet,And to let it return to normal diet,The results showed that 80 and a change in diet related bacteria.According to the further analysis,When in obese,Mice can produce more is) bacteria,Such as sulfate reducing bacteria.Endotoxin can lead to chronic inflammation in the human body,And inflammation is the beginning of the body begins to be destroyed.Eat more high-fat feed,The more of this kind of bacteria.In healthy mice,More is bifidobacterium kind of beneficial bacteria.Sulfate reducing bacteria belong to"Deformation bacteria door",Bifidobacterium belong to"Actinomycetes door",Two bacteria and Gordon mentioned the two door has nothing to do.


For obese can poor source is far from over.ZhaoLiPing chose a weight 175 kilograms/26 year old male big fatty,From him trying to explore the pathogenic bacteria of obesity."Medical general think,For such a fat man,Interention nutrition and exercise intervention is invalid,The only way is to do the gastric bypass surgery.If we can by changes in diet to adjust the intestinal flora,Make him thin come down,It shows that our theory stand."ZhaoLiPing said.


Nutrition intervention in front,A fat person intestinal most advantage bacterium group is sewer enterobacter,But after four weeks intervention the bacteria is almost not to test.Weight loss in 9 weeks after 30 kg,Patients from physical condition"Three tenors"And serious metabolic disorder state gradually returned to normal.At the end of the experiment,He has lost 51.4 kg weight.


ZhaoLiPing doubt sewer enterobacter may be cause inflammation and metabolic disorders in patients with the culprit,He will be processed the bacteria inoculation to aseptic mice,At the same time feed with high fat feed.The results,Mice seriously get fat,The degree of obesity and the control group, eat the same feed of the normal mice have bacteria is the same,It appeared the characteristics of diabetes - insulin resistance.Because Gordon, have proved that aseptic mice eat high fat feed not fat,Thus it can be deduced,Sewer enterobacter is the first found can lead to obesity and metabolic disorders of intestinal bacteria.


ZhaoLiPing because of this experiment meet"Koch's postulates"- confirm disease pathogen of the golden rule,So can say,Sewer enterobacter is human obesity and metabolic disorders of pathogenic bacteria.The reason that is"of",ZhaoLiPing said,Because of the intestinal flora differ in thousands ways,They speculate that,Obesity may have a variety of bacteria.so,Their work is pioneering significance:It is more involved in identification of obesity and metabolic disorders occur/Development of intestinal bacteria laid a foundation,At the same time also established a new model of obesity,Can be used for drug screening/Curative effect evaluation and mechanism study of many aspects.The latest research results in the recently published online in the ISME journal.


The intestinal flora and the relationship between obesity and diabetes,To the Chinese people have a more important meaning.In the past thirty years,The Chinese diabetes incidence of a disease from the initial less than 1% to 10% today.The main or changes in the environment,Especially the diet structure caused by the change.ZhaoLiPing said,Different race to metabolic disease resistance is different,that,White even very fat are not sick,And the Chinese people a little bit a fat is vulnerable to diseases.so,Make clear what kind of diet structure and the intestinal flora can avoid obesity,Is China in the field of intestinal flora is the direction of the deep cut.


追寻“药食同源” after"Medicine edible"


From nanjing agricultural university molecular plant pathology professional doctor graduate ZhaoLiPing,After work of contact,Is nothing but"How to use the beneficial bacterium to control Chinese cabbage decay"Issues like.One day,The problem of animal husbandry colleagues told him,Heard that bacteria can be used to treat pigs and chickens diarrhoea,But don't know how to do.This caused the ZhaoLiPing curiosity,He gave his colleagues some flora,One of the two kinds of bacteria and effective.ZhaoLiPing from now on animal gut flora produced strong interest.From then on,He gradually the research focused on the human body microbial flora and healthy relationship.


meanwhile,ZhaoLiPing themselves gradually into a waist 115 centimeters of fatty.Married two years,He gains a doctor's degree and a daughter,And twenty kg dewlap.Then he went to Cornell university postdoctoral,In the United States and fat 10 kilograms,hypertension/hyperglycemia/High cholesterol"Three tenors"Symptoms appear one after another,Watched his body will follow a standard middle-aged man trend chutzpah to develop.He had tried to go on a diet and running,But no function.Read after the Gordon,He plans to use the results to yourself validation test.


With what food to improve intestinal flora?ZhaoLiPing steering unique Chinese traditional medicine for inspiration.His father is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine firm embracer,Once twice a day to take a pungent black medicine soup cured her second liver.In ZhaoLiPing youth was ill,Parents often take him to find the local famous old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine calls.These experiences,Make ZhaoLiPing in accepting the modern science and later,And not to the traditional Chinese medicine are rejected.He thumbed through the[Yellow emperor]Classics such as,Traditional Chinese medicine and to ask for advice.the,medicine"Bitter cold foods clearing away heat and toxic material","Can make the MiZhi into the belly,Don't make wine grease into the intestine"concepts,He was impressed by.


In 2006,,ZhaoLiPing began to bitter melon/Chinese yam and roughage primarily food therapy.He thought he,The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine seems to be"Medicine edible"Food might be able to change the growth of bacteria in the digestive system.Two years,The ZhaoLiPing minus twenty kg weight,Blood pressure and cholesterol level also drop down.Based on their own intestinal bacteria detection,A kind of anti-inflammatory properties of bacteria from the experiment cannot be detected before,Growth to 14.5% of the total number of bacteria.


Through the take oneself to do an experiment,ZhaoLiPing not only got"Slim figure",Also for his scientific research to establish the basic confidence.In 2009,,He in taiyuan started the first clinical trials.In the world,The research on intestinal flora in animals has.Because of the rich material life and health idea is relatively backward,Today, the Chinese,Already have 325 million fatty,Almost beyond the United States as"Realms of the fat man".so,Should ZhaoLiPing recruitment to registration fat man very much,That need in the midst of them for a"auditions"- through the physical examination to eliminated the at the same time with other complications of people,Leaving only simple obese patients.They soon recruited 123 volunteers.


He is 123 obese volunteers set a 9 weeks of scheme,Tailor diet,Let them receive a regular intestinal flora and metabolic parameters testing and monitoring.They in the diet of 14 weeks after the termination of 90 patients who were tracking.93% of the participants to complete the experiment,Weight loss about 7 kg,At the same time they produce poison in the intestinal tract in bacteria reduce,Beneficial bacteria increased.


ZhaoLiPing crowd test win[science]One of the reasons for the magazine attention,Is he to the traditional Chinese medicine"Medicine edible"By using the theory of.Those subjects from the food is not only the low quantity of heat,More important is to change the body of gut flora composition.


ZhaoLiPing on berberine research,The more directly proved the effect of traditional Chinese medicine principle.Berberine and that berberine,Is the main effective components of traditional Chinese medicine coptis chinensis,It is a treatment of bacterial diarrhea non-prescription drugs.But in recent years,The domestic many doctors will be applied to the treatment of diabetes,Have obtained the very good curative effect.however,The medical profession has not make clear the mechanism of the effects.


In the study of berberine in vitro,Its use in the mg concentration level,But a large number of studies show that,Berberine bioavailability is very low,It is difficult to enter the blood after oral,In the form of basic technical droppings from in vitro,The human body in the blood concentration can only achieve microgram level.A drug if not into the blood is not work,so,Berberine in diabetic mechanism like mist.


Since 2004,There are a lot of research shows,The structural imbalance of intestinal flora may cause endotoxin into the blood,Induced chronic inflammation,Cause fat/diabetes/Coronary heart disease (CHD) and metabolic disease.so,ZhaoLiPing guess,Berberine in through the intestinal tract,May improve the structure of intestinal flora,Reduce the endotoxin into the blood,Relieve chronic inflammation,So as to achieve the purpose of treatment or prevention of diabetes.


so,They to rats as a model,High fat feed induced obesity and insulin resistance and metabolic disorders,In the feeding high fat feed at the same time,Irrigation suit certain dose of berberine.Results amazing:Berberine effectively prevent obesity and insulin resistance.According to the results,Can be popularly said,If you eat junk food,Eat some berberine,May serve to prevent long fat action.


The ZhaoLiPing high-throughput sequencing technology test animal intestinal flora,The results show,Berberine is significantly changed the structure of intestinal flora.In August 2012,The results, published in[The public library of science · comprehensive]magazine,Explain the berberine prevention mechanism of metabolic syndrome.


Berberine regulation flora action research,To explain the mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine experience class provides a new train of thought.now,A kind of new ideas began to attention:A lot of chronic disease occurrence and development and intestinal flora structure disorder have close relations,Traditional Chinese medicine have may be through the improve intestinal structure to play the curative effect.The Chinese academy of sciences researcher at the institute of microorganisms ZhuBaoLi,The truth was criticised for many problems of traditional Chinese medicine boast,But he thinks,ZhaoLiPing study is encouraging,"He is heading in the right direction."

  在瘦身成功以后,赵立平依然保持着多吃粗粮、多吃素少吃肉的习惯。他解释说,人们平时总会发现身边有些人怎么吃也吃不胖,但事实并非如此。人在年轻时乱吃东西或许还能保持好身材,那是因为肝脏的解毒功能好;随着年龄增长,身体器官机能下降,肠道菌群恶化对身体健康的影响就会越来越大。在他发出的每一封电子邮件的末尾都有这样一句话:“EAT RIGHT,KEEP FIT,LIVE LONG,DIE QUICK。”(吃喝适度点,身材匀称点,活得长寿点,死得痛快点)记者/ 钱炜(发自上海)

After success in thin body,ZhaoLiPing still eat more roughage/Much less meat is a habit.He explained,People usually will always find the side some people how to eat also eat not fat,But the fact is not the case.At a younger age disorderly eat may be able to keep fit,That is because the liver jiedu function well;With the age growth,Body organs function drops,The intestinal flora deterioration to affect the health of the body will be more and more big.He sent in the end of every email has such a word:"EAT RIGHT,Keep fit,LIVE LONG,DIE QUICK."(Drink moderate point,Has a trim figure point,Live long life point,Die time point)Reporter/QianHui(From Shanghai)
