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父母患癌相继去世 男子终日焦虑成“恐癌族”--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


My parents both suffer from cancer,In the time of half an year died,Mr Heart buried the heavy shadow,Always thought that I also got a cancer,Although has done many times inspection is all right,Every day can still worried.On December 14,,Unbearable torture fung came to the town center hospital tumor psychological consultation clinic,Accept the expert psychological treatment.The reporter understands,With the understanding of cancer incidence,Like Mr Such"Fear of cancer"More and more people,The doctor warned the,As long as people manage mouth/Hyperactivity leg/Mentality good,Can cancer.


害怕得癌人瘦了一圈 Afraid of cancer people lost a ring

  “检查这么多次了,都没查出什么来,但之前就是感觉自己已经得了癌症。”12月 14日 ,在心理门诊见到冯先生时,因为长期吃不下饭、睡不着觉,43岁的他看起来非常消瘦,对于目前的状态,冯先生说自己也很无奈,今年父母因为癌症相继离世,间隔都不到半年,后来看到网上说癌症可能遗传,他开始害怕了,每天茶饭不思、心神不安,还经常腹胀,甚至还有胃痛的迹象,“我上网查了查,很像胃癌的前期征兆”。

"Check so many times,Didn't find out what,But before is feel have cancer."On December 14, ,In psychological clinic when see Mr,Because long-term can't eat rice/sleep,43, he looks very thin,For the present state,Fung said he is also very helpless,This year my parents, because cancer have passed away,Interval are less than half a year,Then see online said cancer may be genetic,He began to feel scared,The tea rice don't think every day/malaise,Often abdominal distension,There are even signs of stomach,"I checked on the Internet,Like the early signs of cancer of the stomach".

  为了打消自己的顾虑,冯先生跑了多家医院,先后检查了三四次,超声波、CT、血液检查……能做的检查一个没落下,并没发现健康异常,但他还是不放心。12月 14日,他又去了市中心医院肿瘤中心要求体检,医生询问了家族病史,又了解了他的日常饮食、工作环境、个人性格和平常心理状态,对他进行了患癌风险评估,初步断定他并非患癌,而是“恐癌”,建议他到肿瘤心理咨询门诊接受治疗。

To give up their own concerns,Mr Ran more hospitals,Has checked the three or four times a year,ultrasonic/CT/Blood test...Can do the inspection of a miss,And didn't find health anomaly,But he is not assured.On December 14,,He went to the town center hospital cancer center, medical requirements,The doctor asked the family history,And know his diet/Working environment/Personal character and common psychological state,The cancer risk assessment,Preliminary judge whether he is not cancer,but"Fear of cancer",Advised him to tumor psychological consultation clinic treatment.


心理作祟让他们恐癌 Psychological haunt let them fear of cancer

  在肿瘤心理咨询门诊,副主任医师张传民查看了各项检查和患癌风险评估报告,向冯先生介绍了各类癌症的早期信号及癌症性格的 10种表现,才让冯先生解开了心里的疙瘩。

In tumor psychological consultation clinic,ZhangChuanMin view of doctor of vice director of the inspection and cancer risk assessment report,When introduced to all kinds of cancer and cancer of the early signal of the character of the ten kinds of performance,Just let Mr Solved heart knot.


"In fact like that when more and more people,They didn't have any cancer,Is completely psychological haunt,Also can say a lot of cancer symptoms,Also leads to cancer terrorist psychological,This is a sign of cancer risk."The town center hospital tumor psychological consultation clinic consultants MouZongKe is introduced,From its inception in 2009,Each year more than 300 people can accepts,Many have after tumor,Worry about face become ugly and lead to increased fear,Or that whether benign or malignant is cancer,"Starting from 2009,Fear of cancer more and more,In 2009,/In 2010, about a dozen cases,Last year to more than twenty cases,This year has cases".


癌症和性格息息相关 Cancer and character is closely linked


because"Fear of cancer family"On cancer don't know,Which led to the"About cancer colour change".Downtown medical group MaXueZhen professor introduced,Living in the same environment,Some people healthy,And some have cancer,This and temper character and habits are closely linked,At the same time also shows that cancer can be prevented.

  例如,岛城肺癌患者发病明显增高,这与心理负荷加重、经常生闷气、吸烟和环境污染有非常大的关系;胃癌、直肠癌、结肠癌的患者逐年增多,和经常吃一些盐腌制食品、高脂肪、过多的肉类饮食习惯有关。“积极开展肿瘤防治常识宣传,让人们养成良好的生活习惯,适当加强体育锻炼,就可以有效防癌”。记者 高亮本报通讯员 赵健 (半岛都市报)

Such as,Patients with lung cancer incidence located significantly higher,This and psychological load increase/Often moped/Smoking and environmental pollution have very big concern;Gastric cancer/Colorectal cancer/Colon cancer patients increased year by year,And often eat some salt pickle/High fat/Too much meat eating habits."Actively develop cancer prevention and control knowledge propaganda,Let people develop good living habits,Appropriate to strengthen physical exercise,Can effectively prevent cancer".Reporter highlighted our newspaper reporter ZhaoJian (Peninsula metropolis daily)
