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老太花万元买“神药” 吃仨月患上尿毒症(图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室

老太花万元买“神药” 吃仨月患上尿毒症(图)                    工商部门介入后,赵大娘这些药最终退了。                     After the intervention of the ministry of commerce,Zhao woman these medicine finally back.


thought"Charity federation mental rehabilitation project office"The recommended tens of thousands of yuan"specific"His wife can be a variety of disease cure,But zhao woman didn't think his wife in medication after 3 months,But check out the had no urine protein and blood glucose.Test results show,The 71 - year - old uncle wang has been suffering from uremia early symptoms.After investigation,Zhao woman buy so-called"specific"No special functions.Recently, reporters found to investigate,The so-called mental rehabilitation project activities was over,The charity federation remind:Don't believe that play this flag propagandize people,Avoid deceived.


 卖药人吹嘘“神药”能治百病 Sell medicine people boast about"God medicine"elixir


yesterday,Reporter arrived at the new golden state street station of bohai sea community zhao woman home,A walked into the room and saw the earth a big box containing half box drug.According to zhao woman is introduced,At the beginning the one-time buy so much medicine,A because the flyer said the drug"elixir",Secondly because druggist's employees forced the drugs carried to the home sales,She and his wife because embarrassed refused,He bought the more than 10000 yuan of drugs.


According to zhao woman memories,On August 3,,She and several neighbors came home nearby pharmacy to buy medicine,A few people buy the medicine just out of pharmacy,Right against the face walk to a boy,He gave everyone a person a health magazine,And claim that"Liu wei",After everyone explained to diabetes and heart disease care, common sense.Zhao woman said,This magazine in addition to the introduction of disease cause and the health care knowledge,More is to introduce a name"Ginseng and astragali pollen tablet"drug.


After listening to the interpretation,You know,"Ginseng and astragali pollen tablet"This medicine can not only in the treatment of diabetes/hypertension/Cerebral infarction,Even the bone hyperplasia and other diseases can also heal,Because zhao woman wife suffer from heart disease/High blood pressure and cerebral thrombosis sequela and other diseases,So she"Liu wei"Introduction of drug very interested.then,"Liu wei"In each of the old man's magazine wrote his name and contact way,And told a few days will have a health seminar,Hope you to attend the old man.


 “健康讲座”做幌其实是卖药 "Health lecture"And do is actually selling medicine

  “这个药不错,你看看介绍。 ”赵大娘回到家后赶紧把那本“健康杂志”交给老伴。老两口经过研究,决定购买“参芪花粉片”。

"This medicine is good,You look at the introduction. "Zhao woman home hurriedly put the"Health magazine"To his wife.The old couple after research,Decide to buy"Ginseng and astragali pollen tablet".


Zhao woman and"Liu wei"Telephone communications,Freely will address disclosed to each other,then"Liu wei"Said the second day to visit.

  今年8月4日中午,“刘伟”来到赵大娘家,将“参芪花粉片”的功能功效又对王大爷进行了一番讲解,之后表示几天后就会接老两口去听健康讲座。 8月10日,“刘伟”又来到赵大娘家,希望赵大娘和王大爷可以去听讲座。“听讲座用不用带钱? ”王大爷脱口而出。“什么都不用带,都是免费的。”“刘伟”立即回答。赵大娘与王大爷跟随“刘伟”来到金州某酒店的一个宴会大厅,一位自称医学教授的中年人正在用幻灯片向听课者讲解着心脏病的成因。“当天去听讲座的约有二三十人,且全都是老年人。 ”赵大娘和王大爷被安排坐下后,也跟着一起听起了“健康讲座”。

On August 4, at noon,"Liu wei"Came to zhao woman home,will"Ginseng and astragali pollen tablet"The function and effect of uncle wang had a explanation,Then said a few days later will meet the old couple to health lecture. August 10,,"Liu wei"And came to zhao woman home,Hope zhao aunt and uncle wang can go to the lecture."Listen to a lecture use need not take money? "Uncle wang blurt out."What all need not take,Are free.""Liu wei"Immediately answer.Zhao aunt and uncle wang to follow"Liu wei"A hotel to golden state a banquet hall,A purported medical professor's middle-aged are using slide TingKeZhe to explain the causes of heart disease."The day to go to the lecture about twenty or thirty people,And all the elderly. "Zhao aunt and uncle wang was arranged after sit down,Follow up together to listen to"Health lecture".

  “现在大家看我手里的药,这个药能治疗各种老年病……”这位自称教授的中年人在讲完防病小常识之后,突然开始介绍“参芪花粉片”。“这种药可以治疗几乎所有的老年病,不仅是纯中药,还没有任何副作用,该药还是中华慈善总会‘绿拐杖’心脑康复慈善帮扶工程的指定用药。 ”

"Now you see my hand medicine,This medicine can cure all kinds of senile diseases..."The claim to the professor's middle-aged in finished after prevention tips,Suddenly began to introduce"Ginseng and astragali pollen tablet"."This medicine can treat almost all of the senile diseases,Is not only a pure Chinese herbal medicine,Do not have any side effects,The drug or the charity federation‘Green crutches’Mental rehabilitation charity supporting engineering designated drug. "


the"professor"Introduced after drug,The staff in succession with a blank form request to the lecture old people fill out a form."I saw on the form‘Taking a period’Space after,I tell them I don't buy drugs,Just to listen to a lecture."But officials said,This form is just routine,Zhao woman can't just according to the instructions of the staff,Fill in the"Taking two treatment".


老两口买下万元保健药 The old couple bought ten thousand yuan health care medicine

  听完讲座后,赵大娘与王大爷就回了家。当天下午,正在午睡的赵大娘被一阵敲门声惊醒,打开门发现“刘伟”和一名女子捧着一个大纸箱站在门口。“刘伟”表示,赵大娘上午填写的表格显示需要购买两个疗程的药品,所以和同事特意送药上门。赵大娘看着满满一箱的药品,立刻表示不想买,然而经过“刘伟”的百般讲解,赵大娘和王大爷的心理防线渐渐放松,决定买下这些药。“‘刘伟’说这些药需要16000多元,但我当时没有那么多钱,就说好先支付一部分,过两天再将剩余的补上。 ”赵大娘先交给了刘伟1万元现金,第三天“刘伟”来到赵大娘家索要剩余的现金,赵大娘随后将剩余的6400元交给“刘伟”。

Finish listen to lectures,Zhao aunt and uncle wang went back to home.In the afternoon,Is nap zhao woman was a knock on the door woke up with a start,Opened the door found"Liu wei"And a woman holding a large carton stood in the doorway."Liu wei"said,Zhao woman morning to fill in this form shows that need to buy two course of drugs,So and his colleagues have send medicine the door.Zhao woman looking at a full tank of the drug,Immediately said don't want to buy,However, after"Liu wei"Interpretation of all,Zhao aunt and uncle wang psychologically ease away,Decided to buy the medicine."‘Liu wei’Say these medicine need 16000 multivariate,But I was not so much money,The first part payment agreement,After two days then the rest of the patch. "Zhao woman first to liu wei 10000 yuan in cash,On the third day"Liu wei"Came to zhao woman home for the rest of the cash,Zhao woman will then the rest of the 6400 yuan to"Liu wei".


In the king's big ye take"Ginseng and astragali pollen tablet"period,"Liu wei"And in addition a few employees are regularly to home for zhao aunt and uncle wang measuring blood pressure and blood sugar,And told must take medicine on time.


服药之后病情反而加重 After medication condition aggravate

  王大爷在服用该药3个月后,感觉自己的血糖和原来相比很不稳定。 12月3日,王大爷来到金州区第一人民医院检查,结果显示王大爷尿蛋白两个加号,血糖也非常高,已经出现了尿毒症早期症状。

Uncle wang in the drug after 3 months,Feel like my blood sugar and compared to the original is not stable. December 3,,Uncle wang came to jinzhou first people's hospital inspection,Results show that uncle wang urine protein two plus,Blood sugar is also very high,Has appeared uremia early symptoms.


After 13 days of hospitalization,Uncle wang blood sugar smoothly,Urinary protein also ease symptoms.


Uncle wang after discharge,Zhao woman how also swallow not to descend this tone,Is going to put haven't kaifeng's a trunk of medicine return.Zhao woman through the various about,Understand that in the golden state ChengBin garden building no. 36 1 unit 504 room is selling"Ginseng and astragali pollen tablet"site,And is connected to a claim"Green crutches"Mental rehabilitation charity supporting engineering office director, director of the filled.


Zhao woman to fill that his wife of taking a"Ginseng and astragali pollen tablet"after,Not only did not ease symptoms,But serious,So I hope the rest of the drugs will be home all return.However the cheng director has said,At present, the company funds,Can't give zhao woman money back.then,Zhao woman to consumers' association complaints,Consumer advocates staff the study found,this"Ginseng and astragali pollen tablet"Is approved by the Chinese medicine,Do not belong to the fake and inferior products,So can't ban the sale point of medicine.


 心脑康复慈善工程已结束 Mental rehabilitation charity project is over

  近日,站前街道渤海社区了解此事后,社区工作人员向工商部门提及此事。经过工商执法人员的介入,赵大娘拿到了6600元的退款。“当时是‘刘伟’过来送的钱,他说先退一半,剩下的十盒药等过些时候就退钱给我。 ”赵大娘说。

recently,The bohai sea station street community after know about the matter,Community work personnel of the ministry of commerce to mention it.After the intervention of commercial law enforcement personnel,Zhao woman got $6600 refund."At that time is‘Liu wei’To send money,He said first half back,The rest of the ten box drugs later on will give my money back. "Zhao woman said.


after,Zhao woman many came to"Supporting engineering office"Looking for cheng director a refund,But never get a definite reply.At noon yesterday,Reporter dialed cheng director phone.Cheng director said,Take a lot of old people"Ginseng and astragali pollen tablet"All have no allergies or adverse reactions,But he has informed zhao woman recently will give her a refund.When a reporter asked the supporting engineering in specific work matters,The director cheng said"This you need not ask".


then,Journalists from the charity federation Beijing headquarters of a staff to know,"Green crutches"Mental rehabilitation charity supporting engineering in May have stopped all affairs,The staff said,If in society at present there are still the supporting engineering,It should be a charity federation sign of individual behavior.


Yesterday at about 16,Zhao woman to reporters call said,Cheng director send staff to the rest of the 6600 yuan all back.


揭秘 revelation

  骗人买药都是这几招 A buy medicine is this a few action


A once in a health care products sales Joe lady is introduced,Zhao woman meet situation is not an accident,At present a lot of health care products on the market or drug use the old way to promote sales.The specific process basic divided into the following several steps.


第1步街边发传单留联系方式 Step 1 street fliers leave contact information

  乔女士称,街边发传单,留下联系方式是比较普遍的做法,“这是一种钓鱼法,卖药人员夸大宣传药品功效,并在宣传单空白处写上自己的联系方式,等待感兴趣的老年人‘上钩’。 ”

Joe said ms,Street fliers,Leave your contact details is a common practice,"This is a fishing method,Sell medicine personnel exaggerated propaganda drug efficacy,And in the flyer blank write their contact information,Waiting for the old people are interested in‘Swallow the bait’. "


 第2步 Step 2

  要家庭住址上门做宣传 Want to home address the door to do propaganda


The second is to come home address,Personally to explain.Sell medicine personnel in and active in the telephone communication in the old man,First ask whether living with sons and daughters,If you hear that old man live alone,Just trying to come to the old man's home address,After a few days with the brochure for the old man to explain drug efficacy.


第3步 Step 3

  听讲座后上门强制卖药 After listening to the lecture to forced selling medicine

  “带领老人参加‘免费’讲座也是他们惯用的伎俩。 ”乔女士介绍,有的讲座会请些真正的医生,不过多数是假的,这些人会夸大宣传该药品功效。接下来就是上门送药,强制购买。卖药人员会按老人填写的疗程去老人家里送药,并想方设法向老人要钱。

"Led the old man to‘free’The lecture is they often trick. "Joe lady introduced,Some seminar please some real doctor,But most is false,These people will be exaggerated propaganda the drug efficacy.The next step is to send medicine,Compulsory purchase.Sell medicine personnel according to the old man to fill in this course to send the old man home medicine,And try every means to the old man want money.


第4步 Step 4

  定期做回访骗取老人信任 Regular return visit swindle old man trust


In addition,Sell medicine man will regularly the door to the old man for medical checks,and"experts"Pays a return visit.The old man in buying drugs after,Sell medicine personnel regularly for the old man to measure blood pressure and blood sugar,And told the old man medicine on time,and"experts"Regular phone pays a return visit.Joe lady introduced,these"experts"Basic it is selling medicine personnel pretend,Cheat the trust.


第5步 Step 5

  定期搞活动推销更多药品 Make regular activities sell more drugs

  最后一招就是定期举办活动,促使老年人大量购买。卖药商会经常举办外地旅游等活动,打着免费的旗号,其实是在活动中向老年人推销更多的药品。(半岛晨报 特别报道组文/图)

A last resort is held activities,Make old people buy in large quantities.Sell medicine chamber of commerce often hold foreign tourism activities,Under the banner of free,It is on the move to old people sell more drugs.(Peninsula morning special BaoDaoZu text/diagram)
