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电子处方强制患者买“贵药”? Electronic prescription force patients to buy"Your medicine"?

  市民:“就诊一卡通”看不到药方,要想知道药名只能先买药 citizens:"Medical card"See prescription,Want to know medicines can only to buy medicine

  市卫生局:春节前后将上新设备,方便市民打印药品清单,选择在何处购药 City health bureau:Before and after the Spring Festival will be the new equipment,Convenient public print drug list,You choose to buy medicine


Early November,Stone city eighth hospital/Stone city third hospital/Stone city the first hospital and the hospital opened"The medical card system",Small card greatly simplifies the process of citizens to see a doctor/Shorten time to see a doctor,Make many people feel convenient.


But some people reflect,After the opening of the medical card,The doctor the doctor to prescribe medicine in the computer,Patients in the hospital only bought drugs,On receipt of charge will show the medicines,Feeling is compulsory in patients in the hospital to buy drugs,And the hospital many drugs than pharmacy medicine your many.On the afternoon of December 25,Shijiazhuang city health bureau said,Before and after the Spring Festival will be opened"The medical card system"Hospital acquire new self-service equipment,Patients need not consumption can print in the equipment list of drugs,The patients can choose where to buy drugs.


市民反映 Citizens reflect

  “一卡通”被指强制在医院买药 "card"Be in hospital to forced to buy medicine


On November 10,,Shijiazhuang third hospital took the lead in opening"Medical card system"(namely"Medical card"),then,Shijiazhuang city the first hospital and the hospital is open to the system.


It is understood,Opening in patients with"Medical card"Hospital see a doctor,As long as a card in hand,Can be directly to the doctor to charge a doctor,Save before long queues register of the time.At the same time,Patients after replenishing card,Directly with a doctor's prescription to the pharmacy medicine or to inspection inspection department to accept the service,No longer every time they go to a cashier pay cost/Seal...

  近几日,使用过“就诊一卡通”的市民向本报反映,石家庄市一些医院推行“就诊一卡通”的确方便了很多,但有一个情况让他们感觉有些不满,就是医生只在电脑上开处方,自己的病要吃什么药,只能在医院药房买了药才能得知。 “这不是强制我们在医院买药吗?”家住华药宿舍的顾先生说,以前他在医院看病,大夫开了处方后他可以比对着医院与外面药店的价格买药,现在只能在医院的药房买药,不然根本不知道自己的病该吃什么药。“想跟大夫说自己在外面买药,又怕大夫有意见,到时候少开几种药怎么办?这样得不偿失。”

Recent days,used"Medical card"To our citizens reflect,Shijiazhuang city some hospitals implement"Medical card"Indeed a lot of convenience,But there is a situation that make them feel unhappy,Is the doctor only in computer prescribe,His disease want to eat what medicine,Only in the hospital pharmacy bought medicine can learn. "This is not compulsory in our hospital to buy medicine?"Live in the dormitory HuaYao said Mr Gu,He used in the hospital,The doctor has prescribed than he can the hospital and outside pharmacy price to buy medicine,Now only in hospital pharmacy to buy medicine,Or don't know of their disease this eat what medicine."Want to talk to the doctor says he is in outside to buy medicine,Again afraid the doctor have opinions,When the time comes less open some medicine?So the loss outweights the gain."


记者体验 Reporter experience

  药房买药后,才能得知药品名称 Pharmacy to buy medicine after,To learn that drug name


24 morning,Reporter allergic rhinitis attack went to shijiazhuang first hospital experience a"Medical card".In the first hospital of shijiazhuang,Reporter fill in the information after a single name"Shijiazhuang city residents health card"Card that is"Medical card".Reporter to cary cost 100 yuan.


In the hospital ent,The doctor check for reporters after another attack that reporter allergic rhinitis,Then insert the card card read equipment,Began to beat the computer keyboard.For a while,The doctor put the card to reporters let to the pharmacy medicine,And the reporter still owe $29.


The reporter asked:"Not to write a prescription?How do I know what medicine?"The doctor answered,Go to the pharmacy medicine will know.Reporters on the first floor consulting staff,How to know the doctor open what medicine.The employees say,Only in pharmacy took the medicine,Produced cost,Print out the list of charges will be display.

  记者在药房拿药时,一名老太太正跟身旁的一名老人嘀咕,“不想在他(医院)这儿拿药,都比外边药店的贵,不拿药又不知道开的啥药?”“可以告诉大夫,就说自己要在外面买药,让他开一个单子。”记者提醒这位老太太。老太太笑笑说:“你告诉人家不在这儿买药,人家能高兴啊?会给你好好开药啊?” 随后记者在药房拿了药,收费单上显示,大夫一共开了3种药。记者随后到一家药店进行比对,发现其中两种药都是同一厂家生产,一种比医院的便宜1.57元,另一种则比医院的便宜6.15元。

Reporter in the pharmacy in medicine,An old lady is a old man beside to whisper,"Don't want to in his(hospital)Here may or may not prescribe medicine for,Than the outside your drugstore,No medicine and don't know the open what medicine?""Can tell the doctor,He said to outside to buy medicine,Let him open a list."Reporter to remind the old lady.The old lady smiled:"You tell the somebody else is not here to buy medicine,People can be happy?Will give you a good prescribe ah?" Then press in pharmacy took the medicine,Charge list shows,The doctor altogether opened three kinds of medicine.Reporter then to compare a chemist's shop,Find two kind of medicine is the same manufacturer production,A cheaper than hospital 1.57 yuan,Another advantage of hospital is 6.15 yuan.


部门回应 Department response

  将添设备方便市民打印药品清单 Will add equipment for citizens print drug list


On the afternoon of December 24,Reporters on the consulting the stone city the first hospital.A staff member said,The city is so other hospitals,They also have no way.


On the afternoon of December 25,this,Shijiazhuang city health bureau planning in the finance office said,Citizens reflect problems,The municipal bureau of health, has been considering,Relevant measures are in progress.The person in charge to explain,About before and after the Spring Festival,Health bureau will for opening"Medical card"Hospital for a new automated equipment,When patients don't consume first in self-service equipment can print the doctor prescribed drug list,He can choose in the hospital or outside pharmacy medicine.

  该负责人还透露,今后市卫生局还会继续上一些自助设备,到时候患者还可以自助挂号、自助打印发票等,极大地方便了市民,但因上一些新系统涉及方面较多,因此需要一定时间。对于市民的一些顾虑,该名负责人表示能理解,但他认为大多数医生都有其职业操守,市民想在外面药店买药大可以告之大夫,要求其开一张药品清单。(燕赵都市报 记者 任利)

The official also said,The municipal bureau of health, in the future will continue to some automated equipment,When patients can also self-help registration/Self-help print invoices, etc,Great! Where citizens,But for some new system involves more aspects,Therefore need a certain time.Some of the concerns for the citizens,The official said can understand,But he thinks that most doctors has its ethics,People want to buy medicine pharmacy outside big can tell the doctor,Ask its open a drug list.(RenLi yanzhao metropolis daily reporter)
