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上海长宁推家庭医生负责制 三大优势吸引患者--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  在长宁,家庭医生为患者健康尽心尽责 “守门”;在松江,“集纳式”的诊断中心把优质资源送到家门口;在青浦,“新农合单病种预付”让慢性病患者既控制病情又省了费用……近年来,本市不少区县和医疗机构积极作为,推出了一系列具有探索性的医改新措施,亮点频现,效果初显。本报今起推出一组“医改新亮点”报道,介绍相关案例并请专家评点,期望对全市推广这些惠民利民的举措有所推动。读者可发传真67289226或发邮件至kjb@jfdaily.com参与。

In changning,The family doctor for patients health conscientious "gatekeepers";In songjiang,"Market offer type"The quality of diagnostic center resources to the door;In qingpu,"New farming combined single disease in advance"Let the patient is chronic disease control their condition and saved cost...In recent years,This city many districts and counties and medical institutions as positive,Rolled out a series of exploratory medical new measures,Window frequency is,Incipient effect.Our newspaper this up out of a group"Reform, new luminescent spot"reports,Introduce related cases and please experts commented,We expect to the promotion of the country and the measures to promote.Readers can fax 67289226 or email to kjb@jfdaily.com participation.


The family doctor HuangYaoTing office is located in xinhua community health service center on the first floor of the corner.Changning district launched since the family doctor responsibility system,Yellow doctor management of chronic patients soared,Has as many as 700 people,The first diagnosis and 100% in the community.


In addition to clinic,Yellow doctor most often go to the next lane community elderly activity room.Activity room in,Yellow doctor hasn't arrived,Several people have twitter."My nose has small polyps always uncomfortable","The most effective spray brine,The doctor said the yellow,Polyp is like home like bacon,And a salt,Still moist the,It reduces the";"The day is cold periarthritis of shoulder and made,Don't know how to do","Yellow doctor is not said,Hair dryer and safflower oil,With the heat invigorate the circulation of blood,The most effective"..."Yellow doctor care theory"In the community's fame getting louder and louder.


Community family doctors how to attract people,Has always been a bottleneck.Changning district in recent years to explore new ways,With HuangYaoTing words,"The patient attracted,My hand has three CARDS".


The first"brand"Is preferential.Two years ago,Changning district will"Basic medical insurance/Basic medical service/The government medical assistance/Social organizations medical aid"together,formation"Four medical linkage".into"Four medical linkage"Range of residents,Enjoy the margin of preference is quite large:Community inquiry,Individual conceit part 95% free;The family doctor turn to secondary hospital,Individual conceit part 90% free,At the same time can go green channel.There are HuangYaoTing thirty-eight"Four medical linkage"The patient,The charges will be plunged.Such as diabetes XuJianGuo,Before each big hospital looking round,Every time fee not less than one hundred yuan,Now time is only single-digit are expenses.Until the end of August this year,Changning district were issued"Four medical linkage"Security card 10208 copies,This means that these people first diagnosis to the family doctor.


The second"brand"Is big hospital referral convenience.Changning district all community health service center and zhongshan/huashan/Changning district central hospital/Tongren hospital and established a referral relationship.Breast cancer patient ms. Chen,And HuangYaoTing signing some time,Every time follow-up,His wife always companions.


Not long ago,His wife suddenly lower limb pain,Walks with a limp,A primary diagnosis of diabetes complications.Yellow doctor immediately open tongren hospital vascular surgical inspection list,The next day,His wife to tongren hospital"Referral window",Do not line up the check,In the afternoon to the report,"If I'm going to line up,Also don't know until when."Since then,Both the husband and wife have become yellow the signing of the patient.Yellow doctor open the cellular phone,find"The patient folder",Hundreds of patients name jump out,"They are friends with,Family took,With my mouth voluntarily signed."


Strength is the third family doctor zhang is also the most important"brand".District health bureau chief GeMin is introduced,To build a good family doctor platform,The first family doctor leave Shanghai studio --"Chen hua.how studio",Various training learning opportunities is increasing.Data display,The 80% of family doctors are bachelor degree or above.HuangYaoTing also have unique skill.His treatment of a case of a patient with hypertension,In the community spread so far.This last year,A high blood pressure suddenly old man,See too many hospitals/Eat a lot of medicine also does not work.Yellow doctor and he after chatting,Finally find"Know the disease"-- so,The old man worried about Spring Festival home nanny,No one to take care of yourself,"sorrow"To blood pressure surge.In the yellow doctor kindness persuasion,Nanny have been moved,After decided to go home,The blood pressure also drop down.Xinhua community health service center secretary of the party committee Hui sun said,"College can cure/General tube family",This is the family doctor to attract people's advantage.


专家点评 Expert comments

  复旦大学社会发展与公共卫生政策学院院长梁鸿教授:无论在世界哪个国家,医改成功都得益于两条:完善的医保制度、有序高效的服务体系。在形成高效有序的服务体系方面,长宁区推行家庭医生责任制,也即“向百姓负责”,并通过逐步推进策略,从最需要的人群做起,不断满足社区居民的健康需求,最终形成良好互动。在逐步推进的过程中,家庭医生能力得到提升,社区服务覆盖的人群扩大,这对完善社区“健康守门人”功能很有借鉴。(记者 顾泳)

Fudan university social development and public health policy, dean of the college of LiangHong professor:No matter which country in the world,Reform success thanks to two:Perfect medical insurance system/Orderly and efficient service system.In the formation of efficient and orderly service system,Changning district family doctor system implementation,namely"To the people responsible for",And through the gradually advance the strategy,From the need to start the crowd,Constantly meet the health needs of the community residents,Eventually form a good interaction.In the process of gradually,The family doctor ability get promoted,Community service coverage of the crowd to expand,The perfect community"Health the gatekeeper"Function is a reference.(Reporter GuYong)
