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夫妇一对子女先天性无眼球 医院称无法治疗(图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室


Helen Keller in[If give me three days light]Wrote in the:"If you have a pair of good eyes,Will make the best use of it,As if it is the first time,Or the last time."but,"The three days of light"For a pair of children to RaoWeiPing,It is not possible to achieve expect.In XiuShui county road HuangQiao village township eight groups of RaoWeiPing couple they have a son and daughter,Daughter give sailing this year 3 years old,Son give day as it is less than one years old,Two children from the mother's womb out there is no eye,Even the appearance of parents are invisible.


父母苦心从“远航”到“天照” Parents from work"sailing"to"Day as"


In the intersection of township party committee under the leadership of WangChong,Reporter in the HuangQiao village to see the elder sister and younger brother,Also has a childish face/Sweet TongYin,The sister like closed his eyes.Who can think of,They can't open my eyes,Use finger to open the child's eyelids,But empty eyes.The father of the child RaoWeiPing said,The wife pregnant inspection did not detect any problems,They don't understand better how the child have no eyes.Daughter sailing question is often feel sad:"dad,What color is the sky?"


In October 2009,A couple took his daughter to nanchang city maternal and child care service centre and nanchang university first affiliated hospital inspection,The doctor gives conclusions are"Congenital no eye,Cannot treat"."The doctor said could be genetic variation,My daughter can only put on false eye."RaoWeiPing sigh said:"See things with eyes have what use?"Lose hope parents do not have the same disease son to go to a hospital,named"Day as",Expect him to get god to take care of.


力量单薄希望社会名医救助 Power feeble hope social medical aid


WangChong and HuangQiao every RaoYun director told reporters,At the township and village committee monthly according to the highest standards of subsidies subsidies to RaoWeiPing a issue 220 yuan,A relevant policy will consider RaoWeiPing home,But for the families is peanuts.Considering the RaoWeiPing a future life and a pair of children in the future road of life,RaoYun said:"Hope the social from all walks of life can lend a helping hand,Our strength is really limited.If there is to cure the disease hospital to contact them,The family is the greatest hope of salvation."


No eye disease is a rare disease,No one knows the cause of the disease.Nanchang love's eye hospital doctor liu said:"May is the mother during pregnancy, and the lack of certain nutrients,Inbreeding combines a genetic variation caused by many reasons, etc,Specific now also not settled yet."


前途堪忧当注重盲童智力开发 The future is to pay attention to when the blind child intelligence development

  黄桥村卫生所医生周美艳告诉记者,姐弟俩反应灵敏,正常的话,3年后小远航就该入学读书了。但记者了解到,九江地区的都昌县特殊教育学校和修水县特殊教育学校只收聋哑学生和智障学生。修水县特殊教育学校校长龚凡燕说:“教育盲人学生需要专业资质,我们没有这样的老师。”记者联系南昌市盲童学校,得知该校对于九年义务教育实行费用全免制度,家庭只需承担学生的生活费用。但该校书记胡荷英告诉记者,南昌市盲童学校针对南昌区域招生,只有在有空缺名额的情况下才会从外市的生源中抽取资质较好的学生入学。此外,她提醒家长,不能因为孩子没有视力就忽视培养他们的自理能力,此外要给他们描述事物的特征。要告诉他们触摸东西的颜色、形状等,即便在孩子脑中只是一个概念,对于盲人孩子的智力开发也很有必要。(记者 袁荣穗 实习生 王博)

HuangQiao village clinic doctor ZhouMeiYan told reporters,The sister and the sensitive reaction,Normal word,Three years later the little sailing is the entrance to read.But the reporter understands,Jiujiang area special education school duchang county and XiuShui county special education school only accept deaf students and disabled students.XiuShui county special education school principal GongFan yan said:"Education blind students need professional qualification,We don't have such a teacher."Contact reporters nanchang blind child school,Know that the school for nine years of compulsory education practice free of charge system,The family need to bear the cost of living students.But the secretary hu charge English told reporters,Nanchang city in blind child school admissions nanchang area,Only in a vacant seats in the circumstances will WaiShi students from the extraction of qualification good students.In addition,She reminds parents,Not because the child no vision will ignore develop their physical ability,In addition to the features of the objects they describe.Want to tell they touch the color of the things/shape,Even in children in the brain is just a concept,For blind children's intelligence development is also very necessary.(Reporter YuanRongSui WangBo interns)
