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湖南省公立医院2011年无家属病人欠费1亿多元 Public hospital in hunan province in 2011 patients without family owe 100 million yuan
谁来破解“三无病人”救助难题 Who is going to break"3 without the patient"Relief problem
Data from the health department of hunan province,Only in 2011,Hunan province public hospital patients without family owe $106 million,The province of the hospital/Community service center such owe nearly ten million yuan.Provincial health department rules wealth in LiXingBiao told reporters following the China youth daily,New farmers and insurance/The establishment of medical treatment of a serious illness insurance and popularity have this problem better,Before the situation is more serious.
Chenzhou city's first people's hospital of HuangRenBin very headache."Every year there are a lot of money,More to spend a lot of energy."On August 11, 2012,The hospital emergency department accepts a vagrant patients,The skin ulcer infection/Chronic obstructive renal insufficiency/Kidney stones and other complications.In accordance with the 120 hospital set up emergency green channel,The hospital to give first aid,Stable patients signs.However,,The GuiZhouJi man surnamed Chen's condition improved after didn't mean to leave.After few months,He has been to stay to continue receiving treatment in hospital,The hospital has spent nearly $ten thousand.
"This is not we received such patients in the trouble."Chenzhou city's first people's hospital medical, deputy director of the ChengGuangQuan said,In early 2009,A 27-year-old jiangxi boy was injured in a car crash,Head neck seriously.The hospital to rescue,Half a year after rehabilitation,Patients began to awake,The hospital didn't know the home only 60 s of the old mother.Tried to contact with mother to chenzhou,Mother son see horror,With tears said to the son of lying in bed,Really have no ability to take you home,Turned to leave.Hospital to do the ideological work,And arrange the special house let her live,But in the end, the mother still son leave alone.
"We gave the patients continue treatment for more than two months,Ability to restore a activity,Again with their mother.The hospital opened an ambulance,4 people traveling to the jiangxi province."ChengGuang full name,Only for this time the cost of 8000 yuan,During the treatment period,The hospital paid the total cost of nearly 200000 yuan.
The hospital party secretary YinHuiPing said,On the traditional"3 without the patient"Many means no id card/No family member/Patients without money,And the street.But in recent years,Hospital of passive acceptance have their families but have no ability to pay of the patient to hospital has brought new problems.ChengGuangQuan told reporters,Hospital first-aid green passage,For each year"3 without the patient"Spending hundreds of thousands of yuan,Hospital most regard this as a kind of social responsibility.But for the hospital,The most trouble is to take special personnel to this kind of care,Heavy burden.
For such a headache problem is more than chenzhou first people's hospital.More hospitals face no relatives of the patients,There is plenty to bitterness.Xiangya second nd hospital emergency department person in charge said,Their basic meet every month was malicious abandoned/Mental disorders/Homeless and discovered by the masses and call 120 emergency phone of emergency patients after the hospital/From 110 patients and no family,In addition to the cost,Is also easy to cause other problems.
YinHuiPing said,The hospital has sent here by a passer-by/From 18 students to jump off a building on the floor,Although was exhausted,But the hospital a few families still spend a night,Do check,Do treatment,After the rescue invalid due to illness is too heavy.After a few days,Come to students' families,Said poor hospital to claim 590000 yuan.
Chenzhou city in charge of the first people's hospital said,With strength of public hospitals will encounter this situation,Basic is to do the good can't utter a word,Otherwise there will be more things out to the head.In addition to the cost and human consumption,The signature of the operation problem is also very difficult.Although in accordance with the provisions of the ministry of health by medical department to sign it,But in fact,It is a risk.For instance, the hospital,Lane is bad to stand on the case.
湖南省卫生厅相关人士向记者表示,目前无家属病人救治的大部分费用由医院承担,省里财政基本没有这部分列支,地市则更不乐观。相关人士建议,在公立医院改革时打破这一难题,对于无家属病人等可以由财政列支。“这是个社会问题,应该由政府统筹解决,健全社会救急机制,制定相应的政策,对这类人员的医疗费用进行补贴。否则医院面对这种消耗,会设法从其他病患身上收回,反而加重了其他病人的负担。”(记者 洪克非)
Hunan province health department relevant personage told reporters,Most of the families are not patient treatment fees shall be borne by the hospital,Province finance basic does not have this part of the payment,Cities are less optimistic.Relevant personage proposal,When in the public hospital reform break this difficult problem,For families with no patient, etc can be disbursed by finance."This is a social problem,Should be settled by the government as a whole,Improve the emergency mechanism,Formulate the corresponding policy,For such personnel of medical treatment charge of subsidies.Otherwise the hospital facing this kind of consumption,Will try to recover from other patients,Aggravate the burden of other patients."(The reporter HongKeFei)
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