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卫生部准备立法 为转运危重病人急救车争取路权--亲稳网络舆情监控室

卫生部准备立法 为转运危重病人急救车争取路权

  前晚,在国瑞城门口的非机动车道上,急救人员将一名病人推上120急救车。新京报记者 王嘉宁 摄

The night before last,In countries at the entrance of the gate of the city he is not on motor vehicles,Emergency workers will be a patient on 120 ambulance.The Beijing news reporter WangJiaNing perturbation


The national institutes of health/The municipal bureau of health is separate out first aid related laws and regulations,Crack emergency patients in a traffic jam or hospital"No bed"The transfer problem encountered.


《北京市急救医疗服务条例》第五稿调研 [Beijing emergency medical services ordinance]The fifth draft survey


yesterday,The ministry of health held a regular press conference.According to recent"Ambulance pulled the patient run 5 hospitals may not meet cure"/"Ambulance stopped in,3 km walk forty minutes patients died"events,The ministry of health DengHaiHua spokesman said,The ministry of health related departments are lead and make the relevant policies,Including last year has to social for opinion[Prehospital emergency medical management measures],Will be in the form of minister to release.


Additional as we have learned,Beijing's first aid local laws and regulations from 2007 motion,This year has already entered the municipal people's congress legislation research stage.According to the relevant person in charge of the municipal bureau of health is introduced,At present,This ZanDingMing for[Beijing emergency medical services ordinance]Local emergency legislation has begun the fifth draft survey.


考虑从免责角度为急救车争取路权 Considering from the relief Angle for the right to fight for an ambulance


According to the public attention"Ambulance stopped in"problems,Legislation drafter fitting in[regulations]Increase the draft"Pen and ink",Emphasis on for transport and critically ill patients with emergency ambulance for more clear"Priority right".In the city,Ambulance in transit encounter traffic is normal.According to the Beijing first aid center monitoring statistics,The day/In the urban area 120 ambulance transport speed of average shortage and kilometers.


In fact,Ambulance during the transfer patients way right priority for law clearly.current[The road traffic safety law of the People's Republic]The provisions of article 53,The ambulance/Police car/truck/Engineering emergency vehicle four kinds of special vehicle,In carrying out an urgent tasks have priority right,Including from driving route/Driving direction/Running speed and the limitation of the light,Other vehicles and pedestrians should be to give way.


Beijing for[Way JiaoFa]In the implementation of the measures and specific penalties:Such as driving motor vehicles carrying out an urgent task in the police car/truck/The ambulance/Engineering emergency car not according to stipulations of to give way,Or, in violation of the regulations, take emergency lane,All place a fine of RMB 200 yuan.


But many residents said,This kind of penalty is hard to define,Also difficult to implement.so,Legislation drafter in preliminary collection citizens advice,Considering from the relief Angle for the right to fight for an ambulance.Such as,During the transfer on the critical patients,Ambulance as and neighbouring social vehicles appear cut over,Liability shall be.


But also the relevant person in charge said,In this clause,The patient's condition how to define/Department of health after the definition of tubal branch and whether the public recognition,Is the execution of law will meet the specific problem.


追访 After visit


120拟设非急症患者预约转运服务 120 intends to set up the emergency patients appointment transfer service

  新京报讯 北京市急救中心计划单独调拨出10辆急救车,探索对非急症患者开设预约转运服务。

The Beijing news - Beijing first aid center plan alone transfer out ten a ambulance,To explore emergency patients were not set up an appointment transfer service.


At present,The 120 and 999 first aid network daily transfer patients,20% to 30% is the emergency"swing"The patient.In the face of likely occur at the same time of the emergency and the emergency patients,First aid center scheduling system how to distinguish"priorities"/Ensure that the first time transfer the critical patients,At the same time under the condition of the car can also satisfy the emergency patients medical transport demand?


According to the municipal bureau of health emergency to do relevant controller introduces,Need to carry out an appointment transfer service"Emergency patients were not",Do not include the malicious call emergency telephone or illness without ambulance transport of the patients.here"Emergency patients were not",Refers to still need in transit for professional medical care slow patients,If you want to go to hospital or go home elderly patients with chronic diseases.


This person in charge said,The emergency patients reservation transport services,Should be able to undertake the social resources,But there is no such social enterprise emerged,First aid center can only be use of the present resources do some trials.To make an appointment transfer ambulance would need to match the hospital first aid/Equipped with what kind of equipment problems,Remains to be explore.


焦点 focus


Protocol of[Beijing emergency medical services ordinance],Also faced with several big concerns"Emergency speed"Debate focus,The municipal bureau of health also aimed at these focus consult opinions from all walks of life.


1转运哪家医院医生定还是患者定? 1 transport which hospital doctors or patients will set?

  【背景】 一方面是大医院急诊科床位爆满;另一方面是患者及家属盲目信赖“品牌医院”,临近有空床的普通医院急诊科不去,执意要去三甲医院急诊科“碰运气”等床位。在“3公里走40分钟”的急救事件中,有不少市民提出,离伤者更近的还有比目的地武警总医院更近的两家医院,但不知道急救车为何没有前往。

[background] On the one hand is big hospital emergency departments full bed;On the other hand is the patient and family to blind trust"Hospital brand",Free near the bed general hospital emergency department not to go,Determined to go to 3 armour hospital emergency department"lottery"Beds, etc.in"3 km walk forty minutes"In the event of emergency,Many people put forward,From the wounded closer and closer than the destination armed police general hospital two hospitals,But I don't know why not to an ambulance.


Citizens advice:Ambulance transport the patient,To the problem of hospital,Whether in the legislation in clear.The patient is conscious of the situation,The patient to decide,The doctor only JianYiQuan;The patient was not completely clear case,Decision in the doctor.In the ambulance to which hospital open decision problem,Can have a similar to"Informed consent"Legal documents,To distinguish responsibility.


Department response:In the first aid the transfer process,has"Informed consent",But now the"Informed consent"It is difficult to stop some non emergency patients or emergency patients families want to go to large hospital determination.The draft protocol work,Also in the debate over the original emergency transfer principle to do some practical adjustment.near/emergency/Ability is/Intend to four of the,"Intend to"Whether the location can move one step forward,But this adjustment need careful argument.


2 无故占用急救通道能否加重处罚? 2 take emergency channel can cause severe penalty?

  【背景】 据深圳媒体日前报道,拟出台的《深圳经济特区急救医疗条例》将专门设立“主动让行”条款,对占用急救绿色通道的处罚标准将超过深圳现行交通管理条例中规定的500元。

[background] According to the shenzhen media reported,Quasi on the introduction of the[Emergency medical regulations of shenzhen special economic zone]Will set up"Initiative to give way"clause,For first aid the green channel of punishment standard will be more than shenzhen current traffic regulations specified in the 500 yuan.


Citizens advice:At present[Way JiaoFa]And the measures for the implementation of the Beijing,The right to ambulance co., LTD., has been defined and penalty clause,But not clear,Also difficult to implement.It is necessary to learn from the practice of shenzhen,in[Emergency medical services ordinance]According to the priority again in an ambulance right problems are clear and emphasize.Offenders to,punish.


Department response:In the strength of the provisions of punishment,Do have one and the relevant laws and regulations on the problem.Hope that through now pay more attention to the hot issue and the emergency legislation,Push related departments to strengthen the ambulance priority right.


3路人邻居参与急救能否“免责”? 3 l neighbors can participate in first aid"disclaimer"?

  【背景】 北京有很多胡同,道窄车多路难行,急救车一时间很难开进去;也有很多老旧小区,由于没有电梯,楼梯内杂物堆放多,转运重症患者的担架都难以通行,耽误了有限的抢救时间。

[background] There are a lot of hutong in Beijing,Narrow road car multiple difficult to do,Ambulance at that time it is difficult to drive in;Also has a lot of old village,Since there is no elevator,Stair inside lumber more,In severe cases, the transfer of the stretcher is difficult to passing,Delay the rescue time limited.


Citizens advice:Whether in the legislation to mobilize social forces?Such as encouraging other medical personnel or has a medical background,If you find yourself surrounding neighbors or side meet among patients with emergency,Emergency workers in the ambulance arrived at the front,Can you implement emergency disposal,Win the rescue time.But legislation must have for this part"Never hesitated to"The disclaimer.


Department response:Drawing lessons from international experience,Also consider first to have doctor qualification doctor give emergency first aid the patient's"disclaimer"right.According to the present situation investigation,In a planned way to cultivate community doctor"emergency"potential.Such as the community to meet in the community emergency patients,Ambulance time under the condition of hard to get,First to emergency patients have the right to give emergency treatment.


4以高价限非急症患者占急救资源? 4 at a high price limit the emergency patients of emergency resources?

  【背景】 北京一直没有完整的院前急救收费标准,目前执行的标准是物价部门参照医院内的临床医疗服务的收费标准来制定的,部分收费不尽合理。

[background] Beijing has been no complete first-aid charging standard,At present the execution of standard is price department according to the hospital in clinical medical service fee standards of to make,Part of the charges are reasonable.


Citizens advice:If it is possible to emergency legislation of pre-hospital care given to charge standard regulations.For the average non emergency patients,Transport cost raised;To the critical patients,Transport cost down.Through the price lever,To the emergency patients waste of emergency resources to a control.


Department response:Health department is to apply for relevant departments,Reorganized of prehospital emergency treatment fee standards.Charging standard and emergency site layout planning can through administrative means to solve,The health department are also trying to promote,But not as the focus of the legislation.


W MingYan
