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罕见病致医疗保障压力增大 医药研制需国家扶持--亲稳舆论引导监测室


Along with the international medicine market change constantly,In view of the rare disease"Orphan drug"Market development present rapid momentum in recent years,Taking transnational giants have initiative,Behind the policy guidance of experience is worth using for reference.The current biological technology development for the world"Orphan drug"Industry brought new opportunities,To catch up and the development of China's industry still need to make up for lack of multiple.

  全球“孤儿药”产业发展迅猛跨国公司借机“分羹” Around the world"Orphan drug"Industry developing rapidly multinational companies are dealing"Points rewards"

  世界卫生组织(WH O )将罕见病定义为患病人数占总人口0.65%至1%的疾病,常见的有白血病、地中海贫血、血友病、苯丙酮尿症、白化病、法布瑞病、成骨不全症、戈谢病等。“孤儿药”指用于预防、治疗、诊断罕见病的药品,具有研发成本高、药品定价高等特点。如罗氏治疗非霍奇金淋巴瘤的“孤儿药”美罗华年销售额为64亿美元,在全球所有药品市场排名中位列第八。

The world health organization(WH O )Define a rare disease presenting material 0.65% to 1% of the total population,Common with leukemia/The Mediterranean anemia/hemophilia/Phenyl acetone urine disease/albino/Method of bree osbourne disease/According to the disease/Gaucher disease, etc."Orphan drug"Used to prevent/The treatment/Diagnosis of a rare disease,With research and development cost is high/Drug pricing etc.Such as roche in the treatment of non-hodgkin's lymphoma"Orphan drug"Mabthera in annual sales of $6.4 billion,For the top spot in the global pharmaceutical market all ranked eighth.


Townsend Reuters report,Between 2001 and 2010"Orphan drug"The growth of the market(Compound annual growth rate of 25.8%)Relative to the non -"Orphan drug"The market(Compound annual growth rate of 20.1%)Has significant advantages.In 2011 the global"Orphan drug"Market sales of $50 billion,Accounts for about 6% of global medical market.


In view of the world"Orphan drug"The broad prospects of the market,Multinational pharmaceutical companies in recent years in succession"Orphan drug"Market opportunities.2009, Pfizer Protalix biotechnology companies to reach an agreement with Israel development of drugs for treatment for gaucher disease,Began to set foot in"Orphan drug"The market.Gaucher disease is rare hereditary disease,Treatment costs about $200000 to $200000 a year,Patients need lifelong treatment.In the same year,Roche in biotech companies wholly owned $46.8 billion offer genentech,Make full use of their professional knowledge in the field of biopharmaceutical"Orphan drug"In the field of.


In 2011 as the world's third largest pharmaceutical company sanofi to more than $20.1 billion acquisition of rare drug giant health in the United States,Like to take this opportunity to enter the"Orphan drug"The market.In addition,Novartis is also very attention"Orphan drug"The market,Its blockbuster products"Orphan drug"Gleevec target groups is chronic myelogenous leukemia patients,Has amounted to $5 billion in annual sales.


Just in the 16 th Beijing international biological medicine industry development BBS some of the personage inside course of study thinks,International medicine market was the so-called "heavy bomb" business model -- by a kind of medicine can sell billions and billions of dollars in time has gone,Personalized medicine will become the trend of the global pharmaceutical industry,That is according to the specific situation of each patient,Targeted drug.


The Johnson & Johnson group innovation center senior director XiaMingDe think,Orphan drug is personalized medicine a concrete manifestation of the trend.Although orphan drug varieties of single market scale is not big,But because is for special crowd,Low degree of competition,Market entry threshold is relative taller,Profitability is stronger,The current under the pay attention to the trend of personalized medicine all over the world,Orphan drug research and development of especially attention.

  罕见病致医疗保障压力增大“孤儿药”产业亟待政策支持 Rare disease medical security pressure increasing"Orphan drug"Industrial policy support urgently

  目前罕见病在我国尚无官方定义,疾病种类及患病人群尚无确切统计数据。按W T O罕见病定义粗略估计,我国罕见病患者至少在1000万以上,常见罕见病包括白血病、血友病、白化病、法布瑞病、戈谢病、成骨不全症、苯丙酮尿症等。

At present rare disease in our country there is no official definition,Disease types and sick people there is no exact statistics.According to W T O rare disease definition to a rough estimate,China's rare disease at least 10 million above,Common rare disease including leukemia/hemophilia/albino/Method of bree osbourne disease/Gaucher disease/According to the disease/Phenyl acetone urine disease, etc.


Beijing biotechnology and new medicine industry promotion center of the related report,Our country still does not have a kind of independent development and production"Orphan drug"listed,Is still mainly rely on import,And the difficulty in,This makes many rare disease can not get effective diagnosis and treatment,Rising health care,Such as"Porcelain doll"Is often misdiagnosed as calcium/polio;The domestic rare disease"gleevec"Must be accepted by China charity federation international donor.


In addition,Domestic for orphan drug related policy support for the development of the lag,Just released in 2009[About print and distribute new drug registration special stipulations on the management of the examination and approval notice],to"Orphan drug"New drug application for registration can be a special examination and approval.

  相比而言,发达国家高度重视“孤儿药”产业发展。美国、欧盟、日本、新加坡等超过30个国家和地区先后颁布了“孤儿药”法案,通常给予权益拥有者市场独占权保护、大量研发资金资助、临床研究和新药报批相对时间较短等特殊国家政策优待。如美国在1983年《罕见病药法案》实施前仅有不足10个“孤儿药”上市,到2008年FD A批准上市的“孤儿药”达到325种;欧盟在2000年的“孤儿药”法规实施前,仅有8种“孤儿药”审核通过,到2009年已有47种“孤儿药”审核通过。

compared,Developed countries attach great importance to"Orphan drug"Industry development.The United States/The European Union/Japan/Singapore successively promulgated more than 30 countries and regions"Orphan drug"bill,Usually give the owner of the rights and market monopoly right protection/A large number of research and development funding/Clinical research and drug approval relative short time special national policies such as preferential treatment.Such as the United States in 1983[Rare disease drugs act]Only less than 10 before implementation"Orphan drug"listed,To the approval of FD A listed in 2008"Orphan drug"Up to 325 kinds of;The European Union in 2000"Orphan drug"Before the implementation of laws and regulations,Only eight"Orphan drug"Through audit,In 2009 for 47"Orphan drug"Through audit.


Johnson & Johnson group senior director XiaMingDe pointed out that innovation center in the United States,The us and Europe a series of supporting policies,Laid a good foundation for the national industrial development,Not only encourage social capital to enter"Orphan drug"The development of links,And through market means security research TouRuZhe have certain time cost recovery,At the same time also offer certain preferential price,In order to guide the"Orphan drug"Industry into the benign development track,Control the cost of social medical insurance,Is worth using for reference.

  生物技术带来发展新机遇国内产业提升需补三大缺失 Biotechnology brings new opportunities domestic industry development promotion to fill three big loss


The personage inside course of study points out that the,In recent years,Borrows the biological technology development,In foreign countries"Orphan drug"The r&d efficiency has been greatly increased.Because 80% of the rare disease is a genetic disease,With the deepening of the research on biology associated with disease,Many specific targets are likely to become the research and development"Orphan drug"The breakthrough,Biological technology of intervention,In order to"Orphan drug"Research and development and market expansion brings opportunities,American biotechnology company health blessing so is known as"The king of the orphan drug".


Power research institute LiuJunBo pharmaceutical group limited company, etc. Industry experts say,Due to the"Orphan drug"In view of the disease is rare,And our country has not set up according to the special policy of development of orphan drug system,Therefore at present large-scale orphan drug research and development in domestic development are more difficult,Comprehensive view,Industrial development need to compensate for three missing.


One is to establish"Orphan drug"Research and development of the platform,Perfect basic data.Related department should guide industry rare disease and clearly as soon as possible"Orphan drug"definition,To construct"Orphan drug"Research and development platform,With the reform and development of mobile medical,Establish unity of rare cases of patients with electronic files,Statistics of domestic rare disease categories and number,In order to"Orphan drug"Research and development enterprise specific choice of projects and to recruit patients in clinical trials.


Second, improve the market mechanism,Arouse the enthusiasm of market main body condensed industrial development power.Some of the personage inside course of study points out,At present the domestic drug registration system/Including medical system,Go against the development of orphan drug,Enterprise if investment in research and development,The profit is small,Lack of market power.The government should develop as soon as possible in our country[Rare disease prevention and control],Develop rare disease management and rare disease drug management system;Follow the laws and regulations authorized abroad"Orphan drug"Owners added monopolies in the market/New drug pricing/Preferential tax policies, etc,Through the market mechanism.


Three is to promote domestic and international enterprise cooperative innovation.Innovation and cooperation is the trend of the global pharmaceutical industry,Without innovation, there is no new drugs,There is no generic drugs,At present many enterprises for short-term perspective,Mainly do generics,Development in a passive.

  2012年10月,跨国制药企业赛诺菲与中国医药工业研究总院签署合作备忘录,共同进行我国首个罕见病领域疾病诊断及治疗的联合研究。政府应支持产业内类似的国际合作创新,同时借助政产学研联合支持一批“孤儿药”研发项目,鼓励制药企业投入“孤儿药”研发。(记者 张舵 王晓洁)

In October 2012.,Multinational pharmaceutical companies sanofi pharmaceutical industry research institute signed memorandum of understanding with China,Common in our country the first rare disease diagnosis and treatment in the field of joint research.The government should support similar international cooperation within the industry innovation,At the same time by political union support a batch"Orphan drug"Research and development project,To encourage the pharmaceutical enterprise"Orphan drug"Research and development.(Reporter zhang rudder Braun c a.manufacturing process controls)
