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ZouLin(The allotted time periods specified by the)Is a hospital nurse,Normal working pressure,Often the candle night not say,Also often for patients and family members.After coming home too lazy to speak,Don't go out to play,The only hobby is getting.This need not go out shopping way let her don't have to pay in cash,Also feel relaxed.Recently a period of time,Various sales promotion let ZouLin fundamental can't hold myself,Boyfriend's credit card overdraft 4000 multivariate.later,Boyfriend finally bear ZouLin way of decompression and break up.

  邹琳今年28岁,是一名护士。由于平时工作比较累,需要经常走动,因此下班后她总是满身疲惫,哪也不愿去。“除了身体累,心也累。 ”邹琳说,总在担心自己出错,担心被患者以及家属指责。压力需要释放,而邹琳的释放渠道就是网购。她告诉记者,自己平时爱上网,从前年开始迷恋起网购,一下班就呆在电脑前浏览各种购物网站,起初购物尚有节制,近来几乎看见便宜的商品就下单,也不管自己是否用得着。家里大大小小的用品大都是网购的,还有很多东西都买重了。男友看到家里堆满的商品,非常头痛。加上网购过多导致入不敷出,两人没少为此吵架。最近一段时间,邹琳购物更加没有节制,一个月下来信用卡透支了4000多元。要还信用卡,还要交房租,再加上快过春节需要用钱,月收入不高的两人力不从心。男友跟邹琳闹分手,而邹琳觉得这样网购并非理性,但就是控制不住自己,为此她找到国家二级心理咨询师佘向阳求助。

ZouLin 28 years old this year,Is a nurse.Because work at ordinary times is tired,Often need to walk,So she always exhaustion after work,What also don't want to go to."In addition to body tired,Heart is tired. "ZouLin said,Always worry about making mistakes,Worry is the patient and family.Need to release the pressure,And the release of ZouLin channel is the net buys.She told reporters,Oneself love surfing the Internet at ordinary times,From the year before last year began to crush the net buys,A work will stay in front of the computer browsing all kinds of shopping website,At first shopping there is moderation,Almost saw cheap goods orders recently,No matter whether they are useful.Home supplies are mostly the net buys, big and small,There are a lot of things to buy.Boyfriend to see house of merchandise,Very headache.Plus the net buys excessive red,Two people not less for this fight.Recently a period of time,ZouLin shopping more extravagant,A month down the credit card overdraw 4000 multivariate.Will pay credit card,Pay the rent,Plus is the Spring Festival need money,Monthly income is not high of two people.Her boyfriend broke up with ZouLin make,And ZouLin think that e-commerce is not rational,But I couldn't control myself,So she found national psychological consultant SheXiangYang for help.


SheXiangYang analysis,ZouLin all attention to the health of patients,A slight delay,The consequences will be severe,Pressure is very big,She found that shopping on the Internet,On the Internet"shopping"Can make you forget the troubles,So the net buys as comfort a way of working pressure,And gradually lead to rely on,Develop into obsessive-compulsive disorder."E-commerce addiction"Is the workplace stress of refraction.When the mood depressed/When the pressure buildup,Shopping has become the way they decompression.


专家建议 Experts suggest

  以积极态度应对压力 In a positive attitude to deal with pressure


SheXiangYang pointed out that,work/In the life,When we can't change and relieve pressure,Can the pressure as part of life,In a positive attitude to deal with,To improve yourself"The compressive"The ability to.There are many ways to relieve stress,Reasonable arrangement of life,Go out to fitness,Sing a song,Reading a book, etc are all healthy way to relieve stress,Hope ZouLin reasonable transformation,Find the correct method.(Peninsula morning paper reporter ZhangLu)
