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老人乘公交车晕倒 公交变身“120”急送医--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


recently,Dalian again when there is an old man by bus faint,Hospital after the rescue invalid death.The old man to take the bus had a disease,The bus change"120"Urgent to send medical things repeatedly made public.City bus group car a branch operations manager Chen wei tell them why,The old body is not strong,Even suffering from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular/Chronic illnesses such as asthma,Under the condition of the winter window airtight,The old man in peak time crowded bus,Hard to avoid have hangovers,Suggested that the old man stagger the morning and evening peak as far as possible by bus.


 新闻背景 News background

  2012年9月18日上午11时左右,一辆1路公交车正缓缓驶入青泥洼桥终点站时,车上一位年过七旬的老人突然全身冒虚汗,晕倒在地。公交车驾驶员李家春开着公交车赶往大连医科大学附属一院。 2012年12月12日7时50分,一位老人晕倒在因堵车停在大连沙区法院附近绿波桥上的413路公交车上,尽管司机立即拨打了“120”,但老人仍不幸离世。

On September 18, 2012 at around 11 am,A no. 1 bus is slowly into green mud hollow bridge terminal,The car trouble over the age of the old man suddenly the whole body sweating,Faint on the ground.Bus driver LiGuChun open bus to dalian medical university affiliated hospital. On December 12, 2012, 7 50 points,An old man at the stop at the traffic jams in dalian area court near the green waves on the 413 bus on the bridge,Although the driver immediately dialed"120",But the old man still unfortunately passed away.


 早高峰乘5路去傅家庄晨练老人多 Morning rush take no.5 to exercise FuGuZhuang old man


The reporter understands,Morning and evening peak bus proportion of more than 10% of the elderly.In the case of 5,Every day morning rush before a few bus,Mostly to FuGuZhuang exercise of the old man,And a lot of old people is bringing camp stool to sit on the aisle.In fact,Exercise of the old man can early or delayed,To avoid peak time travel to work.In addition,In taishan to liberation square bus lines with car investigation,That part of the old man sooner or later the rush send children to school by bus,An old man just drive up and down in the peak time of travel by four bus.


In order to guarantee the operation of bus in winter,Prior to the,Car a branch leadership of key routes with the traffic of the car.The reporter sees on October 18, 2012(On Thursday),A branch of 15 bus passenger survey,, the total quantity is 53732,The 60 to 69 years old(Half price discount)For 3740 people,Accounted for 7% of total amount of guest;70 years of age or older and all kinds of redeeming for 5968 people,Accounting for 11% of the total amount of guest;Converted into a dollar price,All margin (16%).15 bus two peak passenger flow accounted for 40% of all passenger flow,Morning rush east number is 1.3 times that of the west,Late west peak passenger flow is greater than the east.


According to the survey,A branch timely adjust the plan,Two peaks double-decker buses all online operations,Morning rush additional sets of village to MingZe street east extra trains,Late peak in green mud hollow bridge to xinghai park west direction increases 5 car,The maximum guarantee citizens travel.


早晚高峰挤公交车老人易发病 Morning and evening peak crowded bus old man easy


More than 60 - year - old man suffering from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular/asthma/Chronic illnesses such as diabetes,In the morning and evening peak time to crowded bus,The body will be unable to stand.Especially in the winter temperature is low,Most of the passengers are not willing to open the window,In-car air circulation is poorer,Old man in rush time by car,Hard to avoid can produce physical discomfort.And the old man the psychology bearing capacity is poorer,He worry lose more.Chen wei told reporters,15 bus from xinghai to MingZe street,Normal operation of 45 minutes,Meet the bad weather will run about 60 minutes or more,Engine bus in road - often for a walk,This old man easy generation dizziness/Discomfort symptoms, including nausea,"With car investigation personnel take two or three laps after,Have a feeling of nausea,What is the old man".Encounter on a bus the old man suddenly,In order to prevent its peak of 120 ambulance to delay time on the way,Bus drivers are often directly suddenly come on old man went to the hospital,More to save time for the old man.


 提醒 remind


Bus company remind old man bus travel pay attention to the following questions:A view from caring for their health,As far as possible to avoid the morning and evening peak by bus;2 it is to travel alone should be equipped with emergency medicines and simple with CARDS(Indicate the address and contact my family),In order to timely rescue them;Three is to sit near the front/After the door and the position of the window,For drivers to meet an emergency may be able to open the window/Open the door ventilation,Or communicate with the old man.(Peninsula morning paper reporter YueYuYan)
