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重病婴儿被抛弃 民警通过吊牌找到父母--亲稳网络舆情监控室
January 8, half past five in the afternoon,Migrant workers ZhangDaHua after work,Go along the road back to the dormitory.In the next two women in the grass to throw things.He thought it was a litter,Also didn't care about.And went on a DuanEr road,He heard the baby crying waves.Turn head a see,Two women's gone,ZhangDaHua understand come over,They throw is children.
草丛里捡到个孩子 Long grass pick up to a child
At that time,The winter sun set when the fast.ZhangDaHua opens grass,See the red and yellow blanket wrapped with a baby.The child looked just shortly after birth,Very thin.The cold face has a bit the blue.ZhangDaHua quickly picked up the child,Dial 110.
Jiangbei police station of the police ChenChuanLiang and WangYuanBing soon catch up.They immediately carried the baby into the police car,Open air conditioning.The child still kept crying.They take the children back to the police station,Special find two female police,Back to the child in the urine not wet,Hello the milk powder.But the child still has been crying.Worry about the children and will stay at the source of the trouble,Police carrying the child to the children's hospital.
The doctor check your child body,Found abandoned baby is born just near the little boy,Only two jins weight 7 two.The child's leg was found on a piece of hospital tags,The top write a name,May be the child mother's name.The public security police through the connection query,Quickly determine the child's parents is a long one,Work in chongqing,Live in beibei CAI home.
通过吊牌找到父母 Through the tags to find their parents
The doctor gave her father phoned,But he hesitantly just,Is not willing to admit that.Police took the phone,The father to the children after the publicity related laws,They hurried to the hospital immediately shall be ordered to pick up the kids,Do the obligation to support.At this time,The child's parents didn't aware of the seriousness of the problem.
9 PM,The child's parents and grandma take a taxi home from beibei CAI to the children's hospital.The child's father said,The child was his mother and his wife discarded,After he is not informed.That child was discarded after,He is very heartache."The doctor says children ran not cure,Shout we discharge.We didn't have to work out a lot of money,Children of poor health,Home conditions are bad,I had to malicious center."
“其实我们也舍不得” "In fact, we also loathe to give up"
At the police station,The child's grandmother and mother have been crying,On and off to the police that the process of lost children.
"We feel that children can't live for a few days..."The child's grandmother said,On January 4,,The child was born in and hospital.The child's life down, she was sick.On January 6,,They put their children to the children's hospital."Children's hospital doctor said,There are 12 kinds of disease ran,Have no what hope,That we discharge."January 8 noon,They hold children hospital discharge.
"We also loathe to give up the grandson,Can the hospital,The doctor said the child's disease cured,And could spread."The child's grandmother said,Home has a 5 year old granddaughter,She worried about the child's disease infect granddaughter.The children after discharge,In the planned,She advised the daughter-in-law an afternoon,Daughter-in-law finally agreed to,Malicious center,The child threw.
That night,Police linked to children's hospital doctor,The doctor said,He was said to the child's disease infection,Are not infected,The child's grandmother may be listening to the wrong.
Because there is no serious consequences,Jiangbei town police station to the police the families of the children education after criticism,1 August night at half past nine,The child's parents and grandma together,Bring him home.Before he left,They repeatedly to police guarantee,No matter how long the child can live,They must exert good responsibility,Take good care of the children.
Yesterday afternoon,Police contact again the child's father.He said,The child things are fairly stable,But your belly button below a bit sore.They are now in rural soil way,Their children to be healed.
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