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广东肝癌死亡率比全国水平高50% 源于天气潮湿?--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
广东肝癌高发源于肝炎高发 Guangdong liver cancer high-risk from high hepatitis
专家称肝癌发病和地域有关,接种疫苗后可大大降低感染乙肝几率 Experts say the liver cancer incidence and regional relevant,After vaccination can greatly reduce the infection hepatitis b probability
National cancer registration issued by the center[2012 Chinese cancer registration annual report]display,Guangdong is in the high liver disease,And guangdong large-scale investigation into the death also shows,Guangdong liver cancer mortality was 50% higher than the national average,Is the world's average level of 3 to 4 times.Guangdong liver cancer incidence of a disease why so high?
近九成合并患有乙肝 Nearly ninety percent combined with hepatitis b
Guangdong had done three times survey the cause of death,"Three common survey results,Liver cancer has been ranks first."Guangdong province CDC chronic non-communicable diseases prevention and control of the institute XuYanJun said,Compared with the national,Guangdong liver cancer mortality was 50% higher than the national average,Is the level of 3 to 4 times.
"Liver cancer incidence of a disease remained high,This a high incidence of hepatitis and guangdong have a direct relationship."Sun yat-sen university cancer hospital hepatology, deputy director of the school professor yuan told reporters,Its long-term survey,In patients with liver cancer 89% combined with hepatitis b,That is most is hepatitis b lead to the occurrence of cancer,Only more than ten percent belong to other factors.
肝癌发病与地域有关 Liver disease and the region
"guangdong/guangxi/hainan/Zhejiang coastal areas such as hepatitis b high-risk areas,Especially the guangdong area wet weather,Very suitable for the growth of hepatitis b virus/spread."Yuan yunfei said,In the mainland, the dry areas,The pathogenesis of hepatitis b relatively less,The occurrence of liver cancer can also be reduced.
have"Guangdong carcinoma"Said the nasopharyngeal carcinoma and guangdong people's genes,Liver cancer is also has this kind of factors?Yuan yunfei said,Guangdong people emigrated to the field after,Incidence of nasopharyngeal carcinoma is still very high,But the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is decreased obviously,"Liver cancer incidence and regional relevant,No research shows that crowd and relevant".
如何减少感染肝病的几率?元云飞说,乙肝主要通过血液、体液传播,因此要注意接种乙肝疫苗,尤其母亲是乙肝病毒携带者的新生儿,注射乙肝疫苗可以大大降低感染的几率;已感染乙肝病毒的患者,建议半年体检一次,尽量做到肝癌早发现早治疗。(记者夏杨 通讯员黄金娟 欧晓芳)
How to reduce the risk of liver disease infected?Yuan yunfei said,Hepatitis b is mainly through the blood/Humoral transmission,Therefore attention should be paid to vaccination hepatitis b vaccine,Especially mother is hepatitis b virus carriers in the newborn,Vaccine of inject second liver can greatly reduce the risk of infection;Hepatitis b virus infected patients,A medical advice half a year,Try to make liver cancer early found early treatment.(Reporter XiaYang correspondent HuangJinJuan XiaoFang Europe)
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