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浙江市场假鱼翅主要源自广东 涉假鱼翅正在下架--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
中新网杭州1月13日电 (记者 童静宜 徐乐静)浙江省工商局13日召开浙江省鱼翅市场整治情况通报会,公布了鱼翅送检的鉴定结果,82个样本中79个为“人造假鱼翅”,假鱼翅的来源主要是广东省。浙江省工商局表示,目前浙江市场上销售的问题鱼翅正在下架封存,并进一步查清其来源及相关情况,全力阻击假鱼翅流入浙江本省市场。
Beijing hangzhou January 13 (Reuters) (Reporter TongJingYi XuLeJing)Zhejiang industrial and commercial bureau of zhejiang province held 13 fin market regulation situation sessions,Announced the shark's fin inspection appraisal results,82 samples for 79"Artificial shark's fin",False main sources of shark fin is guangdong province.Zhejiang industrial and commercial bureau said,At present zhejiang market problems shark fin is sealed off the shelves,And further find out its source and related conditions,To block off shark's fin into zhejiang province market.
In December of 2012,Industrial and commercial bureau of zhejiang province, zhejiang province according to disappear is protected appoint the investigation reflects,The market sales of shark fin products have true/Heavy metal exceeds bid, etc,Organization of zhejiang province market sales of shark fin product special law enforcement inspection.
Since late dec.,Zhejiang industrial and commercial bureau environmental enforcement staff more than 1000 people,Check the hangzhou/ningbo/wenzhou/Taizhou, shark's fin product distributors in 617/Sales shark fin restaurants 316,A total of 31 pieces inspected and case,Check and detain problem shark fin of more than 560 kilograms.
Zhejiang industrial and commercial bureau JingJian corps captain PanHui is introduced,Zhejiang industrial and commercial bureau to check and detain problem shark fin to the national forestry bureau forest public security judicial authentication center cleared 82 samples,Authentication institutions to sample the morphological characteristics/Physical and chemical testing and DNA composition was analyzed.detection,The inspection of the dry spaghetti most morphological characteristics with unifor thickness,Only longitudinal texture,Do not conform to the natural shark fin growth characteristics,Accord with the characteristics of die forming.
"The 70 degrees of water for 30 minutes after physical and chemical test,Have a lot of very thick sticky gelatin overflow."PanHui said,DNA analysis,Most of the inspection sample did not detect the shark DNA ingredients.Appraisal report,The test 82 samples for 79"Artificial shark's fin".
Reporters also learned at the meeting,From the current case at a preliminary investigation,Operators involved in large scale terminate his/her leave shark's fin 6 dealers are from fujian,The shark's fin counterfeits the main sources of guangdong province,Respectively from the guangzhou a-de way mountain haicheng market HongYou seafood line/Jia zhi seafood do/JinLong seafood do;A-de road south guangdong food wholesale market spread 711-712/125 shop/811 shop;A-de way sea treasure and market purchase.
"Law enforcement personnel in the on-site inspection stock certificate which found,125 shop/811 shop distribution of the shark's fin for processing‘Jiangmen lotus pond town the shark's fin processing factory’."PanHui said.
It is reported,Zhejiang industrial and commercial bureau has plans to carry out comprehensive commerce authorities around the shark's fin market inventory action,To market problems under the shark's fin frame seal,And further find out source and related conditions,To block off shark's fin into zhejiang province market.
In addition,Zhejiang commerce authorities also all according to the report,For some catering hotel sales to consumers synthetic false shark fin on case investigation.The results showed that,There are 12 hotels in zhejiang province in the market to buy a synthetic shark's fin/Synthetic meat products such as shark's fin is made"Shark fin soup"Pretend to be true shark fin sales to consumers,Seek profits.According to the[The consumer rights and interests protection law]regulations,At present the local commerce authorities have to initiate an investigation parties respectively.Wenzhou pingyang/Yueqing local industrial and commercial department also the clamped down on a local shark fin illegal processing centers.(finish)
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