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Has been,Men are locate in sex"activists".Little imagine,Common bath in love,The man also often feel nervous,For fear of his poor performance.The following these fears"murder"The passion,Let them not enjoying sex.
She is not satisfied with my size.recently,[Times of India]An article points out,The man in the sex care about the size of the genitals.Even in passion moment,Still worried about the size is not big enough,Can't satisfy the pleasure of looking forward to partner,Even so produce inferiority.
countermeasures:The adult male penis erection,Length more than 6 -- 7 cm if normal,And is not the bigger the better.The feminine vagina's sensitive parts of the outer end a third place,So the penis long 6 cm above is enough,Too long but may make women feel ill.Should know more about your partner's body,Found that arouse her pleasant sensation of sensitive areas,That's what made her way to the door of year.
One thousand this time is too short.Although men in every possible way please partner,But every time when sudden passion,Still worried about ejaculation too fast,Can't let partners to achieve orgasm.This is a very common concerns,Premature ejaculation man enough to blow all sexual confidence.
countermeasures:Many men mistake"marathon"Is sex ability performance.In fact as long as the penis fully erect,And in the vagina continuous movement 2 minutes or more,Coupled with the appropriate sex skills,Women usually can get satisfaction.There are some simple behavior training method,Such as stop moving combination method/Extrusion method, etc,Also can prolong the time of ejaculation,Reduce the worries of the heart.
How and erotic movies?Many men to pornographic movie"textbook",Imitate the movie some sexual behavior.Once a female partner no positive response,Or in the movie and different reaction,The man began to worry about lack of ability.
countermeasures:Man's psychological tend to be weak,Easy to be swayed lost.In fact,Sex doesn't need too care about their own performance and the other side of the reaction,Love is not only a physical feeling,But also spiritual communication.Ask the feelings of your mate,Then throw the good,Such ability in relaxed atmosphere enjoy perfect love.
Is masturbation let I can't?Many people mistakenly think that masturbation is a bad behavior,And of the feeling of guilt or even associated lifetime.Once they are poor performance in sex,Or appear impotence/The situation such as premature ejaculation,Often due to masturbate.
countermeasures:A number of studies show that,Childhood or youth period of masturbation will not affect the life of the future,Caused by the many fear is entirely unnecessary.Moderate masturbation does not cause damage to health,It can release pressure/Promote penile erection/Reduce the congestion of the prostate.
Don't accidental pregnancy.Although sex is one of the most important goal of breeding,But who do not want to be in a passion later an unplanned"surprise".Many men complain about,Condoms in the critical moment often"Off chain",Accident off or burst, etc,All of these let them worry.
countermeasures:Generally speaking,Condom use contraceptive efficiency can reach 98%,The pill can amount to 98% - 99%,For external use contraceptives can amount to 94% - 97%,These are relatively safe and effective contraceptive measures.Don't have luck,Choose the suitable contraceptive measures, and in strict accordance with the requirements to do,Generally not accidental pregnancy,Don't worry too.
Will not contagious disease?Some men in the sex worry about sexually transmitted diseases,Some because bosh affects the work and life,Some even too suspicious anxiety,Go to a hospital checking again and again.
对策:倡导健康的性生活方式,避免不洁性行为。如果出现高危行为,要及时到正规医院检查就诊,不能讳疾忌医耽误病情。(北京中医药大学东直门医院男科主治医师 王彬)
countermeasures:Advocate healthy way of sex,Avoid dirty sex.If a high-risk behavior,To timely to normal hospital check to see a doctor,Can't pathomeiosis delay an illness.(Beijing university of Chinese medicine dongzhimen hospital by attending doctor wang bing)
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