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福州连续接诊2名“阴阳人” 成因复杂出生前难发现--亲稳网络舆情监测室
Fuzhou children's hospital doctor recently continuous accepts two"hermaphrodite",Respectively is 1 one full year of life and 6 months old baby.Two people's genitalia are looks weird,looks"Don't male not female".One of the baby underwent surgery last week,Sure is a had pseudohermaphroditism girl.Another baby 14 just to the hospital,Have a further check and surgery,To be sure he(she)gender.
案例一:长着“小鸡鸡” 实为女生 Case a:has"Chicken chicken" Girl is
Fuzhou, vice President of the children's hospital/Son surgical director LinPeng is introduced,Last week surgery baby menu(alias)More than one one full year of life.Circle circle long a shapeless"penis",Urethral orifice in this"penis"At the end of the,The boy with general pee,Family thought menu is a boy,Just genitalia look how weird,So to the hospital inspection.
After laparoscopic,Doctors found,Although there are similar menu penis organ,The body is a uterus/ovarian/Vaginal and a set of complete female organ,The lack of male organ;And hormone and chromosome check also display menu is a girl.So the doctor determine,Menu is a pseudohermaphroditism person,Is a name"Adrenal cortex hyperplasia disease"The disease causes she appeared pseudohermaphroditism.
The so-called pseudohermaphroditism,Refers to the actual sufferers only male or female a gland.But have male gonad person,The genitalia appearance is female characteristic;Women who have sex gland,The genitalia appearance is male characteristics,Thus appear seemingly women as men,As men or women actually false ambivalent.False hermaphrodite is actually a sex people,Just because of the appearance of the reproductive organs opposite characteristics,Cause duplicity.
LinPeng director for round implement the clitoris angioplasty/Labia minora angioplasty/Vaginal orthopaedics and a series of hermaphroditism plastic surgery,To reshape the round urethral orifice and the vaginal opening,Let the menu can be like normal girl life.
案例二:乍看像女生 还待进一步检查 Case two:At first glance like girls a further check
14 the admission"hermaphrodite"Baby carry(alias)Only 6 months.LinPeng found,Carry the genitals looks more strange,At first glance like a girl,But a closer look,Part of the special big clitoris,Like a small penis.And the doctor still carry the genitals side reached similar scrotum/Testicular organs.Chromosome tests show,Carry are women.But doctors say,Carry will accept laparoscopy,To determine whether the body at the same time with male/Two sets of female reproductive organs.If you carry the body only female reproductive organs,Can sure she is a girl,If you also have two sets of organs,May is a very rare true hermaphroditism baby,When need an operation to keep one set of organs,And then to determine the gender.
Carry on the mystery of the gender,Our reporter will continue to focus on.
提醒:外阴部异常要及早就医 remind:Genital abnormalities will go to a doctor as soon as possible
LinPeng director reminded,Adrenal cortex hyperplasia disease/Pituitary tumor can cause hermaphroditism.Once parents find baby's genitalia have abnormal,Want to go to a doctor as soon as possible.This kind of hermaphroditism plastic surgery in the best finish one one full year of life,Otherwise, as the growth of the age,these"hermaphrodite"The gonadal possible progression;moreover,Amphoteric fuzzy appearance,Also can affect their psychological health.
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成因复杂 出生前难发现两性畸形 Hard to find complex causes birth gender deformity
Hermaphroditism is due to abnormal embryogenesis differentiation sex deformity,General according to sex chromosome/Beam color quality/Gonad and genitalia is not the same,Can be divided into male pseudohermaphroditism/Female pseudohermaphroditism and true hermaphroditism.
福建省立医院妇产科主任医师杨茵告诉记者,胎儿出现两性畸形的原因很复杂,与激素、酶等物质的异常变化有关,目前医学界还没有明确结论。由于目前的产前筛查不包含针对胎儿两性畸形的检查项目,而且两性畸形的情况有很多种,不易查,所以这种问题很难在孩子出生前发现。(记者 王杨林)
Fujian province made hospital department of gynaecology and obstetrics chief physician YangYin told reporters,In the cause of the fetus gender deformity is very complicated,And hormone/Enzyme and other material abnormalities associated with changes,The medical profession is not a clear conclusion.As a result of current prenatal screening for fetal do not contain hermaphroditism inspection project,And hermaphroditism situation has a lot of kinds,Is not easy to find,So the problem is difficult to found the child was born.(Reporter WangYangLin)
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