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北京口罩类产品销售增20% 应急生产日均超11万只--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网北京1月5日电 (记者 杜燕)连日来,受持续雾霾天气影响,口罩等防护品出现了全国性热销。为保证首都市场供应,北京市药监局今天表示,北京市口罩储备已达200万只。同时,该局已紧急协调,调动口罩类产品应急生产能力,确保口罩类产品日均生产达11.5万只。

Beijing Beijing, jan. 5 (Reporter DuYan)For the last few days,The continuous fog haze weather,Mask and protective product of a nationwide sell like hot cakes.To ensure that the capital market supply,Beijing's drug watchdog said today,Beijing mask reserve has reached 2 million only.At the same time,The council has an emergency coordination,Mobilize mask products emergency production capacity,Ensure that mask products daily production of 115000 only.


Beijing's drug watchdog monitoring display,recently,The main pharmaceutical retail chain enterprises respiratory disease prevention and control of drugs and mask products sales appear larger growth.the,Mask products daily sales growth of 20% or so.Tongrentang pharmacy chains in as an example,January 10, to 14 RiGong sales mask of more than 30000 only.


The administration's director of Beijing by cluster by said,At present,Beijing mask ample.At the same time,Beijing already established in 2008 medical materials reserve mechanism to deal with public health emergencies,Beijing mask reserve has reached 2 million only.Once appear market shortage problem,Beijing's drug watchdog may at any time transfer supply,Security market demand,Protect the public health.


In addition,Beijing's drug watchdog has emergency issued documents,Ask each branch also to carry out comprehensive prevention and control of chronic respiratory disease drugs and mask products supervision and inspection work,Ensure that the sales of respiratory disease prevention and control of drug and mask products quality and safety.(finish)
