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  饭后松裤带 可使腹腔内压下降,消化器官的活动与韧带的负荷量增加,从而促使肠子蠕动加剧,易发生肠扭转,使人腹胀、腹痛、呕吐,还容易患胃下垂等病。

After dinner pine waist belt can make the pressing to drop in the abdominal cavity,The activities of digestive organs and load of the ligament increase,To facilitate increased intestine peristalsis,Vulnerable to volvulus,Makes people abdominal distension/Abdominal pain/vomiting,Also likely to suffer from gastroptosis, and other diseases.

  饭后即睡 会使大脑的供氧量随之减少,易引起心口灼热及消化不良,还会发胖。

After that sleep will make the brain oxygen supply decrease,Easy cause heart burning and indigestion,Will get fat.

  空腹吃糖 有空腹吃糖的嗜好越久,越会损伤蛋白质的吸收,从而影响人体各种正常机能,使人体变得衰弱。

Hollow eat sugar have hollow eat sugar hobby more long,The damage of protein absorption,Thus affect human body all sorts of normal function,Make human body becomes weak.

  跷二郎腿 会使腿部血流不畅,影响健康。如果是静脉瘤、关节炎、神经痛、静脉血栓患者,跷腿会使病情更加严重。尤其是腿长的人或孕妇,很容易得静脉血栓。

Qiao cross-legged will make the leg poor blood flow,Affect health.If it is varicose vein/arthritis/neuralgia/Vein thrombosis patients,See leg will make the illness is more serious.Especially long legs or pregnant women,Very easy to venous thrombosis.

  强忍小便 有可能造成急性膀胱炎,出现尿频、尿疼、小腹胀疼等症状。美国的一份研究报告指出,有憋尿习惯的人患膀胱炎可能性比一般人高5倍。

Trying to hold back urine can cause acute cystitis,In frequency/Urinary pain/Small abdominal distension painful wait for a symptom.The United States says a new study,Have suppress urinary habits have cystitis possibility is higher than average person 5 times.

  睡前不洗脸 留在脸上的化妆品和灰尘不洗掉,会引起粉刺和针眼之类的炎症,还能使眼睛发炎,引起皮肤过敏反应。

Do not wash a face before sleeping in the face of the cosmetics and dust don't wash off,Can cause acne and pin holes and so on inflammation,Still can make eye irritation,Cause skin allergic reaction.

  热水沐浴时间过长 在自来水中,氯仿和三氯化烯是水中容易挥发的有害物质,由于在冰浴时水滴有更多的机会和空气接触,从而使这两种有害物质释放很多。

Hot water bath time is too long in the tap water,Chloroform and three chlorinated olefin is water easy to volatilize harmful material,Because the ice bath water when there are more opportunities and air contact,So that these two kinds of harmful material release a lot of.

  眯眼看东西、揉擦眼睛 眯眼看东西,眼角易出现鱼尾状皱纹。习惯性眯眼还可使眼肌疲劳、眼花头疼。揉眼时,病菌会由手部传染眼睛,导致发炎、睫毛折断或脱落。(黄奕新)

Narrowed to see things/Rubbing eyes narrowed to see things,Canthus wrinkle easily appear fishtail shape.Habitual narrowed eye still can make eye muscle fatigue/Dazzled headache.Massage table,Bacteria are hand infection by eyes,Cause inflammation/Eyelash break or fall off.(HuangYiXin)
