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12岁女童患病2个月暴增150斤 腰围168厘米(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室


Such as the hulk instant body expansion/The increase in size several times,Is the human dream divine power,Science fiction/Animation in,So of the hero can be found everywhere.But when"power"Really landing on earth,Who can catch live so heavy?


12 years old nanjing girl han han,Is being jumps weight overwhelmed."Drink all flesh"Literary exaggeration,She was with the time of two months,Proved it is possible:Last November, the weight be 110 catties of she,Now 264 jins.The most serious when,Every day can grow 4 jins or so,Parents can almost"Listen to"The daughter body expansion sound.


When so much weight,Pressure in a height is only 158 centimeters of children,To become a kind of suffering,A kind of life can't bear the heavy.


现状:胖到“铺满”成人床 status:Fat to"Covered with"Adult bed


Nanjing children's hospital intensie care unit,There are many children in serious condition,And 12 years old han han,Is the nurse to take care of the most recognized up a.Turn a body,Need eight medical staff to assist to satisfy,And the details,Also reflects the han han disease treatment difficulty:"The treatment of children,No precedent,To our,Is also a kind of unprecedented challenges."The hospital doctor musical instrument told jinling evening news reporter.


Medicine of hospital beds,Is adult with,But 12 years old han han,Can still"shop"full.Plug the breathing machine of she,Has been difficult to distinguish eyebrow eye.Reporters can only from the position of the oxygen mask,Judge her mouth nose position.The eye has become a seam of she,Like in the eye closure strongly support this sudden weight.


12 years old she,From nanjing liuhe area,Just two months ago,She also but are neighbors in the eyes of normal girl,Height 158 cm,Less than 110 jins weight,Every day with friends to play,Appetite also but three meals a day/Meals a small bowl.


"fermentation"Into today's appearance,The family said but spent two months.


数据:暴增150斤,只用了两月 data:Jumps 150 jins,Only two months


这是怎样的两个月? This is how two months?


parents,The children are looking forward to grow up quickly,But when the real appeared in the father's eyes Guo when Mr,He only felt"terrible".Since November,Han han in the second day after getting up,Feel that they become big,And this kind of feeling,Every day.Not a week,The child's clothes is tied to them.


With the change of weight increase,Is han han can eat."After one hour will shout hungry,Her mother had to give her meat,Five meal every day."Children stomach swell day by day,Dropsy spherical,Hand press gently up,Will a clear be in power,Even the finger joints are seen.


With heavy body,Originally full community around han han,Began to don't want to go out,To contact with children.


After a month,Han han has wanted to go out is difficult,His clothes outgrown,Mother's clothes also outgrown,Subject to buy the most large clothes,Like as gauze,Tightly wrapped in the body.And facial features are thick meat crowded together,Chin has can't find it.


Breathing difficult day by day,Even in the deadly degree.New Year's day just after,Han han will be sent to the children's hospital first aid.And then,Her daughter's accurate weight,Even parents can't say come.


治疗:脂肪太厚,胸片拍不透 treatment:Fat is too thick,Chest radiography pat opaque


"Waist 168 cm,The weight be 264 catties."Nanjing children's hospital of han han reported the latest data,Even parents are shocked.Weight is 150 jins father,Already can't understand the change of han han.Because of the severe ward can't visit,Only a week by video see a surface,Even they all don't know daughter at present looks like.


Nanjing children's hospital doctor musical instrument tell jinling evening news reporter,When children have just sent,Severe obesity with lung infection,Lead to difficulty breathing,Accompanied by fever/Hemogram higher symptoms,The hospital to her planted breathing machine.At present with the normal breathing gradually,But still needs the help of breathing machine.


But to the hospital for,Treated han han,Is also a kind of unprecedented challenges,From drug to diet, etc,All precedent.Even because fat is too thick,Ray can't penetrate the body,On the chest to present a piece of white.


In order to ensure accurate dosage,They invited the hospital clinical pharmacists and nutrition division of experts,To establish dose,The current medication,Is according to"At least adult quantity"Dose is carried out.


病因:有可能是“内分泌紊乱” cause:May be"Endocrine disorder"


For the reason of weight jumps,The musical instrument analysis generally there are two possible,namely"Endocrine disorder"or"Occupied tumor",But the still need time.


"Because children at present physical condition,Including CT, among many inspection,Can't do.Only after recovery, such as respiratory system,To do the next inspection."And the hospital also KuaYuan organization expert consultation,In determining the accurate after the cause,Treatment for the next step.


肥胖影响 厌食也长肉 颠覆能量守恒定律 Obesity affects anorexia also long flesh overturn the law of conservation of energy


Increase weight,What this 12 years old to adolescent girl,Brought much pain?In the han han parents and staff said,This kind of inconvenience,Has been far beyond the 264 jins burden,even,Has been a threat to life.


衣:腰围超身高,衣服买不到 clothes:Waistline super height,Clothes can't buy


From 110 pounds to 260 pounds,Han han's"Night grow up",For parents to find the clothes wear even when you are sad.From the wear mother's clothes,To wear clothes of the father,To buy large size/The large size clothes...now,Mr. Guo father already can't buy her daughter to wear clothes:Because the waistline is more than the height,Even if can buy the most large clothes,is"To have wide/Too long."


Want to fit,Unless made,And han han's weight will be how to change/Just do clothes to wear and a few days,Is that the house have a headache problem.


食:“喝水长肉”原来是真的 food:"Water long meat"It is really


According to the fat and calorie intake is proportional to the rule of,Two months jumps 150 jins,For normal to,Even daily the fat of the land/Gluttony is difficult to achieve,But han han is but a small bowl but each meal.Even though nearly two months to rising appetite,Also but daily eat two small bowl,The two small bowl of rice,Even without any loss/All the heat to stay in the body's theory may be next,Also difficult to fill the 150 jins huge growth."Two months of food added up to,Also not have 150 jins."besides,In December last year after,The children appeared anorexia situation,"Eat PaoFan plain boiled water,Refused to eat food."That let parents regrets,"Drink all flesh"Originally is a kind of exaggeration parable,But in the han han, real happened.


now,Live in intensive care ward han han drink low-fat milk every day.


In the special care of these days,Han han weight in a continuous sixty days cast high rise after the curve,Finally is a horizontal line,Has remained at about 260 pounds of weight.


住:翻个身需要8个人帮助 live:Over the body need eight people to help


In the medicine many children,Take care of han han is also the most arduous work.Difficulty breathing/Her body is weak,Have no way to bear his weight,With increasing volume make the skin is very fragile,Meat is bloated,Slightly do not pay attention to,Will the ceng break a piece of skin.So she all the more positive action,Almost all need help.


Medical researchers said,The nurse in han han keel over when wiping,She has not a buffet,Turn a body,Need eight people assist to complete.


And even peace after coming home,Find a suitable for han han sleeping bed,Mr. Guo father is also need to consider problems.


行:三个小时竟然打不着车 line:Three hours should play no car


Guo introduce Mr.,Not long ago had take han han to the drum tower hospital for treatment,But along the station for an hour,Leng didn't a car would like to load,A driver parked the car,Look at han han figure,Also firmly shook his head.Very not easy to have a good female driver willing to load,Come back the way it took more than three hours,Reason is also don't have a car to load.


And remove the life of the inconvenience,According to the reporter understands,This kind of very severe obesity can lead to harm,Even threat to life.DongGongWei


特别提醒 你的体重正常吗?不妨做道算术题 Special remind your weight normal?Might as well do math

  BMI指数(身体质量指数,简称体质指数,又称体重指数,英文为Body Mass Index,简称BMI),是用体重公斤数除以身高米数平方得出的数字,是目前国际上常用的衡量人体胖瘦程度以及是否健康的一个标准。

BMI(Body mass index,Referred to as body mass index,Also called body mass index,English for Body Mass Index,Referred to as BMI),With kg is divided by height m number square that number,Is the international commonly used to measure human body fat thin degree and whether a healthy standard.


When need to compare and analysis of a person's weight for different height of people brought about by the health effect,Might as well to do simple arithmetic word,To be reference.Chu arithmetic?Don't be afraid,Simple arithmetic is primary school will be enough.Such as:A person's height is 1.75 meters,Weight is 68 kg,His BMI = 68 /(1.75 ^ 2)= 22.2(Kg/m),When the BMI is 18.5 ~ 23.9 is a normal.


According to the world health organization set standards,Asian BMI if higher than 22.9 will belong to overweight.Asia and Europe and the United States people belong to different race,To make the Chinese reference standard:Generally speaking,Have the following standard:

  偏瘦 <18.5 <18.5 <18.5

Slants thin <18.5 <18.5 <18.5

  正常 18.5~24.9 18.5~22.9 18.5~23.9

Normal 18.5 ~ 24.9 18.5 ~ 22.9 18.5 ~ 23.9

  超重 ≥25 ≥23 ≥24

Overweight or 25 or 23 or 24

  偏胖 25.0~29.9 23~24.9 24~26.9

Partial fat 25.0 ~ 29.9 and 24.9 and 26.9

  肥胖 30.0~34.9 25~29.9 27~29.9

Obesity 30.0 ~ 34.9 and 29.9 and 29.9

  重度肥胖 35.0~39.9 ≥30 ≥30

Severe obesity was 35.0 ~ 39.9 30 was 30

  极重度肥胖 ≥40.0 而最理想的体重指数是22。 (董红伟 整理)

Very severe obesity was 40.0 and the most ideal bmi is 22. (DongGongWei finishing)


【笔尖】给涵涵们心理“减负”,每个人都可以 [pen]Han han to the psychological"Alleviate the burden on",Everyone can


The data shows,obesity,Easy to lead to premature aging or shorten life,And the reasons in addition to the joints of the body weight, such as excessive loss,From the inner feeling inferior the same great damage."Born by heart all",This inferiority,Often from around have intention to not intentional of discrimination.And many obese patients don't want to go out,Not because of laziness,But in his victory over weight loading the legs on after,But won't win others cast on him eyes.Gently a look,With a sound fun,It is possible to overwhelm his fragile,Let him originally narrow living space,Be my body a little occupy extrusion.

  涵涵,以及涵涵们,需要减负,除了减掉身体的重量,还有异样的眼神。除了他们自身的努力,还需要我们每个人的努力。(记者 董红伟 报道)

Han han,Han han and the,Need to alleviate the burden on,In addition to reduce the weight of the body,There are different eyes.In addition to their own efforts,Also we need everybody's efforts.(Reporter DongGongWei reports)
