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挂儿科号“机关医保卡”引质疑 浙医保称费用统一--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网杭州1月18日电(记者邵燕飞 实习生肖娜)17日上午,一则关于“公务员孩子挂号只要2元,挂儿科号扯出‘机关医保卡’”的微博引发网友热议,众多网友纷纷质疑,为何医院挂号费也分三六九等。浙江省医疗保险服务中心办公室陈主任在接受中新网记者采访时称医院的挂号费的收取金额都是统一的,所有参保人员均按此标准收费。但由于各个医患人员的医保卡的种类和卡内金额不同,报销的比例是不一样的,最后的自费部分金额也会不同。

Beijing hangzhou 1 month and report(Reporter's ShaoYanFei practice Chinese zodiac)17 morning,About a"Civil servants child registered as long as 2 yuan,Hang pediatric, pull out‘Authority medical insurance card’"Micro bo cause net friend of hot debate,Many users have been questioned,Why a hospital registration fee is 369 points, etc..Zhejiang medical insurance service center office director Chen told reporters a said the hospital of the registration fee charge amount are unified,All ginseng protect personnel all according to the standard rate.But as a result of each medical personnel insurane card type and card in different amount,The proportion of reimbursement is not the same,The last part at one's own expenses amount also will be different.


Ten o 'clock yesterday morning,Sina micro bo net is"Vic dad's micro bo"Sent a micro bo said:"Son to the hospital to see a cold,Is also a pediatric,Ordinary registered 10 yuan,Ordinary social security 5.5 yuan,Civil servants child 2 yuan."The micro bo a,He draws at net friend:Give children a doctor,The registration fee to the waiting?


therefore,The reporter interviewed the city each big provincial hospital.


Zhejiang institute of traditional Chinese medicine clinic office wang says,Registration fee on the window all doctor-patient are unified,This is not a so-called identity level to distinguish."but,Due to the provisions of the medical insurance system,Some medical insurance card is in its place of affiliated institutions,The medical insurance card credit card in the relative will derate certain amount."


Zhejiang university of Chinese medicine in the 2nd affiliated hospital medical insurance office staff said in an interview,The hospital registration fee collection system is according to the medical insurance system of,And the hospital card read system is according to the different kinds of medical insurance card and brush take different amount,All of the designated hospitals are follow such a card read fu biao.


Zhejiang medical insurance service center office director Chen told a reporter,The hospital of the registration fee charge amount are unified,All ginseng protect personnel all according to the standard rate.But as a result of each medical personnel insurane card type and card in different amount,The proportion of reimbursement is not the same,The last part at one's own expenses amount also will be different.like,Civil servants' social security card is directly enjoy the allowance of officeholder medical treatment,To pay 20% of the medical fee."So like this someone at one's own expense 5.5 yuan/Someone at one's own expense 2 yuan arises also is normal."


"‘Authority card’System exists."Ms. Chen explained,This card mean authority(institutions)Workers children as a whole medical insurance.Those who both parents have a party belongs to civil servants or career compilation,Can apply for children.Medical insurance card charge by parents place unit one time payment.(finish)
