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中新网成都1月21日电 (周迪迪)21日,跨国企业瑞华药业集团与成都高新区管委会签署投资合作协议,将在成都高新区西部园区成立子公司瑞华药业(成都)有限公司并投资建立国际化的蛋白质药物生产及研发中心。该项目总投资为1.5亿美元,投产后年产值将不低于10亿人民币。
Beijing on January 21, chengdu (ZhouDiDi)21,The multinational enterprise ruihua pharmaceutical group and chengdu high-tech zone the ac signed investment cooperation agreement,Will be in chengdu high-tech zone west park established subsidiary ruihua pharmaceutical(chengdu)Co., LTD and investment to establish international protein drug production and research and development center.The project total investment of usd 150 million,After put into production the annual output will not less than 1 billion yuan.
The project land area of 65 mu,5 years is expected to complete in two phase.The project total construction area of about 46000 square meters,Including new drug research and development center,And in line with international GMP standard production base of protein drugs,Began in 2018 is expected to sole production to develop with independent property rights and the cancer drug supply global market.
It is understood,Ruihua pharmaceutical research projects for the anticancer drugs for ADI - PEG20,Is a use of tumor cells themselves in amino acid metabolism of the major differences of the design of targeted drugs."Cancer cells and normal cells in metabolism has many different,Cancer cells without arginine cannot synthesis.Through the use of drugs into the body,As cut off‘food’,and‘Starve to death’Cancer cells."Ruihua pharmaceutical group chairman of the board of directors WuBoWen said,The drug can totally replace chemotherapy/radiation,Reduce pain in patients with.At present has set up a file in the global for 16 different tumors/More than 600 patients for treatment,Curative effect and side effects clear very mild.
Ruihua pharmaceutical in July 2011 start ADI - PEG20 global multinational many center of the third stage liver cancer clinical trials,At present in the United States/British/Italy/South Korea/Taiwan has been home to join and medical center,And more than 180 advanced liver cancer patients in clinical trials.Expected to be completed in 2014 this test,And in 2015 by the United States in the/Taiwan/The European/South Korea and China, the examination and approval,Obtain authorisation.Ruihua pharmaceutical will have this project in greater China all research and development/Production and sales rights,And has set up a file from the relationship between enterprise Polaris pharmaceutical group made global except outside the greater China region in all areas of the exclusive right to manufacture.In the chengdu plant the production of anti-cancer drugs ADI - PEG20 will through the advanced countries in the world of the GMP certification,Supply global market.
In recent years,Chengdu high-tech zone has gradually become the domestic and international famous biological pharmaceutical enterprise in western China in the first.By the end of 2012,Chengdu high-tech zone gathered biological medicine 264 enterprises,the,Production enterprise 117,Research and development and service outsourcing enterprises and home,Medicine circulation enterprises 91,Management consulting and other service enterprise 10.A total of 195 drugs and medical devices research and development and industrialization of project,the,Clinical research stage before 100,Clinical trial stage and a,Declaration registration and industrialization phase 47.
The area has been initially formed including mondial drug screening center/Pharmaceutical chemistry research test public service platform/West China hospital GCP center/Chengdu biological medicine GMP pilot production center, etc,Covers drug discovery/Drug development/Preclinical evaluation/Clinical trials/Pilot production of new medicine r&d system process,And modern traditional Chinese medicine/Chemical medicine/Biological agents/Medical devices/Research and development outsourcing five industries.(finish)
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