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调整后的职业病分类和目录公开征意见 新增17病种--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
Occupational disease classification and catalog of pneumoconiosis, three occupational disease classification for adjustment
中新网1月22日电 据卫生部网站消息,卫生部今日在其官方网站发布《职业病分类和目录(征求意见稿)》,向社会公开征求意见。调整后的《职业病分类和目录》包括130种职业病,其中新增职业病17种,删除职业病1种,对2项开放性条款进行了整合,另外对16种职业病名称进行了调整。
Beijing on January 22 (xinhua) -- according to the ministry of health news website,The ministry of health issued today in its official website[Occupational disease classification and catalogue(draft)],To the public to solicit their opinions.After the adjustment[Occupational disease classification and catalogue]Including 130 kind of occupational disease,The new 17 kinds of occupational disease,Delete one kind of occupational disease,Two terms to open the integration,In addition, the 16 kinds of occupational disease name has been adjusted.
In order to thoroughly implement the newly revised[The prevention and control of occupational diseases],Protect laborers' health rights,To adapt to the prevention and control of occupational diseases in our country situation and characteristics,The ministry of health/Safety supervision bureau/Human resources and social security, the all-china federation of trade unions decided to study published in 2002[Occupational disease directory]adjusted.for[The prevention and control of occupational diseases]Expression in,After adjusting for the name of the protocol[Occupational disease classification and catalogue].
The ministry of health announced[Occupational disease classification and catalogue(draft)]Adjustment for pointed out,[Occupational disease classification and catalogue]Continue to use the current[Occupational disease directory]Classification method,Still will be occupational disease is divided into ten categories,were:Occupational pneumoconiosis and other respiratory diseases/Occupational dermatology/Occupational eye disease/Occupational ent of oral diseases/Occupational chemical poisoning/Physical factors caused by occupational disease/Occupational radiation sickness/Occupational infection/Occupational tumor/Other occupational disease.
And current[Occupational disease directory]Compared with,Draft for 3 kind of occupational disease classification name changed.One is to consider pneumoconiosis in our country the status of occupational disease prevention work and maintain the integrity of the respiratory system disease,The pneumoconiosis to occupational pneumoconiosis and other respiratory diseases;The second is to consider the consistency of the classification system,The occupational poisoning modification for occupational chemical poisoning;The third is the biological factors of occupational disease caused by modified as occupational infection.
According to the[Occupational disease classification and catalogue]Adjustment principle and the principle of selection,After the adjustment[Occupational disease classification and catalogue]Including 130 kind of occupational disease(Contains four open terms).The new 17 kinds of occupational disease,Delete one kind of occupational disease,Two terms to open the integration,In addition, the 16 kinds of occupational disease name has been adjusted.
职业病分类和目录(征求意见稿) Occupational disease classification and catalogue(draft)
一、 职业性尘肺病及其他呼吸系统疾病 a/ Occupational pneumoconiosis and other respiratory diseases
(一) 尘肺病
(a) pneumoconiosis
1. 矽肺
1. Silicosis
2. 煤工尘肺
2. Coal workers pneumoconiosis
3. 石墨尘肺
3. Graphite pneumoconiosis
4. 碳黑尘肺
4. Carbon black pneumoconiosis
5. 石棉肺
5. Asbestosis
6. 滑石尘肺
6. Talc pneumoconiosis
7. 水泥尘肺
7. Cement pneumoconiosis
8. 云母尘肺
8. Mica pneumoconiosis
9. 陶工尘肺
9. Potter pneumoconiosis
10. 铝尘肺
Aluminum pneumoconiosis
11. 电焊工尘肺
11. Electric welder pneumoconiosis
12. 铸工尘肺
12. Caster pneumoconiosis
13. 根据《尘肺病诊断标准》和《尘肺病理诊断标准》可以诊断的其他尘肺病
13. According to[Pneumoconiosis diagnosis standard]and[Pneumoconiosis pathological diagnosis standard]Can diagnosis of other pneumoconiosis
(二) 其他呼吸系统疾病
(two) Other respiratory system disease
1. 过敏性肺炎 调整分类及名称
1. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis adjustment classification and name
2. 棉尘病 调整分类
2. Cotton dust disease adjust classification
3. 哮喘 调整分类及名称
3. Asthma adjustment classification and name
4. 金属及其化合物粉尘肺沉着病(锡、铁、锑、钡及其化合物等) 新增
4. Metal and its compound dust lung calm disease(tin/iron/antimony/Barium and compound, etc) new
5. 刺激性化学物所致慢性阻塞性肺疾病 新增
5. Irritating chemicals in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease caused by new
6. 硬金属肺病(钨、钛、钴等) 新增
6. Hard metal lung disease(tungsten/titanium/Cobalt,) new
二、 职业性皮肤病 two/ Occupational dermatology
1. 接触性皮炎
1. Contact dermatitis
2. 光接触性皮炎 调整名称
2. Light contact dermatitis adjustment name
3. 电光性皮炎
(3) electro-optic dermatitis
4. 黑变病
4. Melanosis
5. 痤疮
5. Acne
6. 溃疡
6. Ulcer
7. 化学性皮肤灼伤
7. Chemical skin burn
8. 白斑 新增
8. White spot new
9. 根据《职业性皮肤病诊断标准(总则)》可以诊断的其它职业性皮肤病
9. According to[Occupational skin disease diagnosis standard(general)]Can other occupational skin disease diagnosis
三、 职业性眼病 three/ Occupational eye disease
1. 化学性眼部灼伤
1. Chemical eye injuries
2. 电光性眼炎
2. Lighting ocular inflammation
3. 白内障(含放射性白内障、三硝基甲苯白内障)
3. Cataract(Containing radioactive cataract/Trinitrotoluene cataract)
四、 职业性耳鼻喉口腔疾病 four/ Occupational ent of oral diseases
1. 噪声聋
1. The noise deafness
2. 铬鼻病
2. Chrome nasal disease
3. 牙酸蚀病
3. Tooth acid corrosion disease
4. 爆震聋 新增
4. Knock the deaf
五、 职业性化学中毒 five/ Occupational chemical poisoning
1. 铅及其化合物中毒(不包括四乙基铅)
1. Lead and its compounds poisoning(Not including tetraethyl lead)
2. 汞及其化合物中毒
2. Mercury and its compounds poisoning
3. 锰及其化合物中毒
3. Manganese and its compound poisoning
4. 镉及其化合物中毒
4. Cadmium and its compounds poisoning
5. 铍病
5. Beryllium disease
6. 铊及其化合物中毒
6. Thallium poisoning and its compounds
7. 钡及其化合物中毒
7. Barium and compound poisoning
8. 钒及其化合物中毒
8. Vanadium and its compounds poisoning
9. 磷及其化合物中毒
9. Phosphorus and its compound poisoning
10. 砷及其化合物中毒
The arsenic and its compounds poisoning
11. 铀及其化合物中毒 调整名称
11. Uranium and its compound poisoning adjustment name
12. 砷化氢中毒
12. Arsine poisoning
13. 氯气中毒
13. Chlorine poisoning
14. 二氧化硫中毒
14. Sulfur dioxide poisoning
15. 光气中毒
15. Phosgene poisoning
16. 氨中毒
16. Ammonia poisoning
17. 偏二甲基肼中毒
17. Partial dimethyl hydrazine poisoning
18. 氮氧化合物中毒
Nitrogen oxides poisoning
19. 一氧化碳中毒
19. Carbon monoxide poisoning
20. 二硫化碳中毒
Carbon disulfide poisoning
21. 硫化氢中毒
21. Hydrogen sulfide poisoning
22. 磷化氢、磷化锌、磷化铝中毒
22. The phosphine/Zinc phosphide/Aluminium phosphide poisoning
23. 氟及其无机化合物中毒 调整名称
23. Fluorine and inorganic compounds poisoning adjustment name
24. 氰及腈类化合物中毒
24. Cyanide and nitrile compound poisoning
25. 四乙基铅中毒
25. Tetraethyl lead poisoning
26. 有机锡中毒
26. Organotin poisoning
27. 羰基镍中毒
27. Carbonyl nickel poisoning
28. 苯中毒
Then. Benzene poisoning
29. 甲苯中毒
29 toluene poisoning
30. 二甲苯中毒
30 dimethyl benzene poisoning
31. 正己烷中毒
31. Cyclohexane is poisoning
32. 汽油中毒
32. Gas poisoning
33. 一甲胺中毒
33. A methylamine poisoning
34. 有机氟聚合物单体及其热裂解物中毒
34 organic fluorine polymer monomer and the thermal cracking content poisoning
35. 二氯乙烷中毒
35. Dichloroethane poisoning
36. 四氯化碳中毒
36. Carbon tetrachloride poisoning
37. 氯乙烯中毒
37. Vinyl chloride poisoning
38. 三氯乙烯中毒
And, trichloroethylene poisoning
39. 氯丙烯中毒
39. The allyl chloride poisoning
40. 氯丁二烯中毒
Forty. Chloroprene poisoning
41. 苯的氨基及硝基化合物(不包括三硝基甲苯)中毒
41. The benzene amino and nitro compounds(Not including TNT)poisoning
42. 三硝基甲苯中毒
42. Trinitrotoluene poisoning
43. 甲醇中毒
43. Methanol poisoning
44. 酚中毒
44. Phenol poisoning
45. 五氯酚(钠)中毒
45. Pentachlorophenol(sodium)poisoning
46. 甲醛中毒
46. Formaldehyde poisoning
47. 硫酸二甲酯中毒
47. Dimethyl sulfate poisoning
48. 丙烯酰胺中毒
And. Acrylamide poisoning
49. 二甲基甲酰胺中毒
49. Dimethyl formamide poisoning
50. 有机磷中毒 调整名称
Fifty. Organophosphorus poisoning adjustment name
51. 氨基甲酸酯类中毒 调整名称
51. Carbamate poisoning adjustment name
52. 溴甲烷中毒
52. Profume poisoning
53. 拟除虫菊酯类中毒 调整名称
53. Quasi pyrethroid poisoning adjustment name
54. 铟及其化合物中毒 新增
54. The indium and compound poisoning
55. 溴丙烷中毒 新增
55. The bromine propane poisoning
56. 碘甲烷中毒 新增
56. Iodide poisoning new
57. 氯乙酸中毒 新增
57. The chloroacetic acid poisoning
58. 环氧乙烷中毒 新增
Fifty-eight. Epoxy ethane poisoning new
59. 上述条目中未提及的化学因素所致中毒,所发生的中毒与接触的职业有害因素之间存在直接因果联系,根据相关职业病诊断标准可以诊断的其他职业中毒 调整范围及名称
59. The above items not mentioned in the chemical factors caused by poisoning,What happened with contact poisoning occupational harmful factors between the direct causal connection,According to relevant occupational disease diagnosis standard can diagnosis of other occupational poisoning adjusting range and name
六、 物理因素所致职业病 six/ Physical factors caused by occupational disease
1. 中暑
1. Heat
2. 减压病
2. Decompression sickness
3. 高原病
3. Plateau sickness
4. 航空病
4. Air sickness
5. 手臂振动病
5. Arm vibration disease
6. 激光所致眼(角膜、晶状体、视网膜)灼伤 新增
6. Laser caused by eye(corneal/lens/The retina)Burn new
7. 冻伤 新增
7. Frostbite new
七、 职业性放射性疾病 seven/ Occupational radiation sickness
1. 外照射急性放射病
1. External exposure acute radiation sickness
2. 外照射亚急性放射病
2. External exposure subacute radiation sickness
3. 外照射慢性放射病
3. External exposure chronic radiation sickness
4. 内照射放射病
4. Internal radiation radiation sickness
5. 放射性皮肤疾病
5. Radioactive skin disease
6. 放射性肿瘤(新增矿工高氡暴露所致肺癌) 调整范围
6. Radioactive tumor(New miners high radon exposure caused by lung cancer) Adjusting range
7. 放射性骨损伤
7. Radioactive bone injury
8. 放射性甲状腺疾病
8. Radioactive thyroid disease
9. 放射性性腺疾病
9. Radioactive gland disease
10. 放射复合伤
Radiation compound injury
11. 根据《职业性放射性疾病诊断标准》(总则)》可以诊断的其它放射性损伤
11. According to[Occupational radiation disease diagnosis standard](general)]Can other radioactive damage diagnosis
八、 职业性传染病 eight/ Occupational infection
1. 炭疽
1. Anthrax
2. 森林脑炎
2. Forest encephalitis
3. 布氏杆菌病
3. Brucellosis
4. 医护人员因职业暴露感染艾滋病 新增
4. Medical staff due to occupational exposure to HIV/AIDS infection increased
九、 职业性肿瘤 nine/ Occupational tumor
1. 石棉所致肺癌、胸膜间皮瘤 调整名称
1. Asbestos caused by lung cancer/Pleural mesothelioma adjustment name
2. 联苯胺所致膀胱癌
2. Benzidine caused by carcinoma of urinary bladder
3. 苯所致白血病
3. Benzene caused by leukemia
4. 氯甲醚所致肺癌
4. Chlorine methyl ether caused by lung cancer
5. 砷及其化合物所致肺癌、皮肤癌 调整名称
5. Arsenic and its compound caused by lung cancer/Skin cancer adjustment name
6. 氯乙烯所致肝血管肉瘤
6. Vinyl chloride caused by hepatic angiosarcoma
7. 焦炉逸散物所致肺癌 调整名称
7. Coke oven escape scattered content caused by lung cancer adjustment name
8. 六价铬化合物所致肺癌 调整名称
8. Hexavalent chromium compounds of lung cancer caused by adjustment of name
9. 毛沸石所致肺癌、胸膜间皮瘤 新增
9. Erionite caused by lung cancer/Pleural mesothelioma new
10. 煤焦油、煤焦油沥青、石油沥青所致皮肤癌 新增
Coal tar/Coal tar pitch/Petroleum asphalt caused by new skin cancer
11. β-萘胺所致膀胱癌 新增
Beta naphthylamine caused by new bladder cancer
12. 双氯甲醚所致肺癌 新增
12. Double chlorine methyl ether caused by the lung cancer
十、 其他职业病 ten/ Other occupational disease
1. 金属烟热
1. Metal smoke heat
2. 井下作业所致肘、膝滑囊炎 调整分类及名称
2. Downhole operation caused by the elbow/Knee bursitis adjustment classification and name
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