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"Six years ago I moved to the village of baoshan district,Most worried about hair acute disease,Now the doctor on his doorstep big hospital,Both trust and save worry."Opened in more than a month of fudan university, huashan hospital north school,Cardiovascular disease GeGuiLin told reporters:"From January 5 day,The hospital has a medical separate,I want to 200 yuan a week with the medicine,A doctor medicine can cheap 30 multivariate."
As the nation's 17 trial reform of public hospitals is one of the city,Shanghai to meet the demand as the starting point,Vigorously promote resource optimization layout,Fill the suburb high quality medical resources"depression",In the service function to promote the existing resources to elderly care/Rehabilitation medicine direction tilt in transformation,Through the reform, let people get more benefits.
Through three years of a new round of medical institution construction,Four new tertiary hospital has open operation,Three suburban center hospital will complete ascension work level,1 home tertiary hospital, which has a new move,High quality medical resources in outer suburbs.At present,Shanghai every JiaoOuXian has at least a public tertiary hospital,Changed the way the doctor suburbs far condition.
Suburban increment at the same time,Shanghai strictly control the size of the central city medical institutions,Through the planning clear,Center city in addition to national clinical scientific research base and medical center construction need outside,The original level 3 general hospital beds no longer increases.
As the population ages/High incidence of chronic diseases,Shanghai elderly care/Rehabilitation medicine increasingly strong demand,More and more medical service gap,health/Medical insurance/financial/Price departments issued encourage policy,Guide the qualified secondary hospital function transformation for rehabilitation or aged care facilities,Optimization of medical resource structure,Formation level clear/A clear division of work of medical service system,At present,Already two hospitals complete transformation for rehabilitation medical institutions.
According to the survey,70% of the terminal cancer patient needs a better home,Give pain/Psychological comfort, etc"Relieve therapy guard"And hospice care.Through the consolidation of medical resource stock,Shanghai in 17 area were eighteen community health service center set up"Relieve therapy guard"),To realize the complete coverage area county,And to the promotion of medical institutions.
记者在多个“舒缓疗护”病区看到,病房整洁温馨,医护人员言语轻柔。静安区静安寺街道社区卫生服务中心主任徐慧明告诉记者:“我们把原来门诊的300平方米转成了舒缓疗护病区,挑选了15名医护人员培训上岗。病区的10张床位一直满员,还有很多晚期癌症患者前来咨询、排队等入院。”(记者 仇逸)
Reporter in more than one"Relieve therapy guard"Area), and see,Ward clean warm,Medical staff soft words.Body jing an temple street community health service center director XuHuiMing told reporters:"We put the original outpatient service 300 square meters into the slow therapy) protection,Selected 15 medical personnel training mount guard.10) beds have been full strength,There are a lot of advanced cancer patients to come to consult/Waiting in line to the hospital."(Reporter QiuYi)
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