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Last year,The city is home to more than 3 armour hospital medical separate start pilot reform,Reform has come into a substantial stage,At the beginning of the pilot results show.In this session of political consultative conference meeting,And the people's livelihood of the people closely related medical problem has become a lot from medical and health fields of the focus of the hot debate.The members are just public hospital reform/Civilian battalion hospital development prospects/Medical security/Construction of general ideas.
慢性病要有年度“指导价” Chronic disease to have annual"pricing"
发言人:贾继东 spokesman:JiaJiDong
市政协委员、首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院肝病中心主任 CPPCC members/The capital university of medical sciences, Beijing friendship hospital affiliated, director of the center for liver disease
Core ideas:In view of the partial common chronic diseases,The health department/Administrative departments of public health/Medical experts participation,Develop a chronic disease directory,Scientific measurement directory disease in a medical total cost,In the medical insurance reimbursement units,Don't haggle over time all expenses.As quickly as possible outpatient prescriptions the networking.
JiaJiDong think,Single cost down there are a lot of reasons,Such as the doctor does not reduce the rational drug use/Excessive use,This is good,But there are also part of the reason is now through the limit of time period and open prescribe the drug control.A less prescriptions,Times are less cost,But the patient a years to prescribe the number will increase.Blind emphasis on second all,Do not take into account the number problem,Will cause contradiction:Old patient hope every time develop some medicine,A year less can run several trips to the hospital,And the doctor can only implement regulations prescribe not overweight.
so,JiaJiDong Suggestions,To develop a"The old patient"Chronic directory,Scientific measurement of the disease in a directory of medical total cost probably how many,Find out a suitable amount,In the best units to submit an expense account,A year to burden so much,This line to see enough to meet the demand of primary medical treatment of the disease.Beyond part,Such as hope to patients better use of the drug,Will have to be borne by the individual.this,The doctor and patient can discuss common fixed cost how to spend.For patients with,Can be less run several trips to the hospital;To the doctor for,Can reduce a lot of unnecessary conflict and trouble;For medical insurance for,Can total quantity control.
In order to prevent patients in hospitals prescribe phenomenon,JiaJiDong said,To realize the outpatient prescriptions networking is very important,Now only medical insurance department may prescribe information network control patients,But the hospital doctor to see which the doctor prescribed medicine.
创新科室解决重症患者“压床” Innovation department solve in severe cases"press"
发言人:李刚 spokesman:Li gang
市政协委员、卫生部中日友好医院重症医学科(ICU)主任 CPPCC members/The ministry of health in the sino-japanese friendship hospital medicine(ICU)director
Core ideas:Conditional big hospitals can learn abroad some successful experience,To establish similar to relief vent breath therapy center and long-term nature of the emergency medical center department,To solve the large hospital emergency department severe and long-term press problem.At the same time,New farmers improve medical insurance line close to the urban medical insurance,The new farming town together into the integrated management of medical insurance.
Li gang think,Although the Beijing medical resources occupies the national first place,But most 3 armour hospital outpatient emergency care and ward is still often crowded.Investigate its reason,In addition to patients in hospital more cause to outside,There is another important reason is that for emergency and severe cases in the patient's export impeded:Especially in emergency and critical care medicine(ICU)Of some patients,After treatment although no life dangerous,But in a quite long time still from the breathing machine,Even need to perennial machine."These two types of press the patient's increasing,Seriously hindered the new critical critically ill patients in the hospital treatment and hospitalization,Affected the quality of medical treatment,Also bring some potential safety problems."Li gang told reporters,In his department,Some patients with respiratory machine room is 67.
And in some developed countries,Big hospitals have breathing adjuvant therapy ward,Such as some slow resistance pulmonary disease person,Within a month try two off line are not after the success,Will be moved to breathing adjuvant therapy ward,There are breathing machine/Respiratory therapists/Physical KangFuShi etc.so,Li gang members suggest,Conditional big hospitals can learn abroad some successful experience,To establish similar to relief vent breath therapy center and long-term nature of the emergency medical center department,Solve the press problem.
In addition,As a severe medicine experts,Li gang also attention to some serious illness such as:tumor/Dialysis patients to slow, etc,The situation of poverty due to illness still exist.He thinks,This, to a certain extent, illustrates the city health care system still need to be further perfected/expand.He suggested that,New farmers improve medical insurance line close to the urban medical insurance,The new farming town together into the integrated management of medical insurance,Perfect and improve an old small medical insurance coverage and limit,Clear a serious illness/Special disease definition standard,Enlarge its scope and amount of medical insurance.
特需市场应由民营医院提供 The special market should provide the private hospitals
发言人:董瑞 spokesman:DongRui
市政协委员、北京康益德中西医结合医院院长 CPPCC members/Beijing KangYiDe combine traditional Chinese and western medicine hospital dean
Core ideas:Public hospital should quit from the special market,Regression public welfare.All of the special market should provide the private hospitals,Including rehabilitation/Care and pension market.This city should be built private comprehensive or junior 3 armour hospital,The development of high-end special market.
As a private hospital administrators,In the reform of,DongRui pay close attention to the development of private hospitals problem.He sent the journalist offering a series of data:By the end of 2011,The city has more than 569 level hospital,The public hospital 276,Civilian battalion hospital 293,The total number of civilian battalion hospital is already more than public hospital,however,From the beds and personnel data to see,Private hospitals accounted for only about a third of all resources,More than a dozen only secondary.From 2011 a group of medical data to see,The number of people of Beijing hospital diagnosis for 104.341 million people,Beijing accounted for 64.6% of the medical institution,The public hospitals accounted for 91.3%,Civilian battalion hospital hospital accounted for only 8.7%.In 2011,,The number of hospital 1.879 million people,The public hospitals accounted for 91.0%,Private hospitals accounted for only 9.0%.
According to the ministry of health reform spirit,In the development of future planning,Public hospital special medical will gradually exit,Regression public,Designed for people to provide basic medical services.DongRui think,Civilian battalion hospital can assume the special market.However, the city only a minimum amount of private tertiary hospitals.so,He suggested that in Beijing set up at least 1 to 2 more than 1500 beds/Can reach the top of the standard comprehensive hospital,2 to 3 1000 beds above three level of first-class specialized subject hospital,To meet the needs of the people in Beijing special high-end.In addition,In the current Beijing municipal hospital take out 1 of comprehensive/1 junior,Take stock form or map form to manage for the conversion of the nonprofit hospital.
DongRui think,Hospital function to clear division of labor,Public hospitals based on basic medical service,All of the special market,Including rehabilitation/Care and pension market,Should provide the private hospitals.
三甲医院设全科医生对接社区 3 armour hospital set general practitioners butt community
发言人:王以新 spokesman:WangYiXin
市政协委员、首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院教育处副处长 CPPCC members/The capital medical university affiliated Beijing anzhen hospital, deputy director of the education
Core ideas:Learn from foreign experience,In a general practitioner qualification training base of 3 armour hospital Settings general medicine(Including outpatient and ward),Solve with multisystem disease patients see a doctor difficult question.
In order to solve a lot of old patients at the same time with many system disease/Go to a doctor the difficult question,WangYiXin think,Should be in the city all 3 armour hospital construction independent general medical department.WangYiXin said,China is stepping into the aging society,The number of elderly patients increased year by year,They are often at the same time in system disease,To the hospital to see a doctor,Even if their condition is stable,Also have to to 2 to 3 professional department to see a doctor,Very trouble.In the current environment,The objective in this city there are many complex/Difficult disease involving multiple professional at the same time.and,The hospital branch carefully,The narrow range of knowledge:On the one hand,Easy form"Tubular vision",Therefore cannot effectively solve many patients comprehensive/Complicated problem;On the other hand,All the professional doctor only consider their system or organ diseases,Not in the overall level of diagnosis and treatment on patients with fast,Likely to bring a lot of pain in patients with body and mind.
WangYiXin told reporters,At present Chinese registered general medical department occupational physician number more than 80000 only,Accounted for only 4.3% of the total number of doctors.In primary health attention of countries and regions,General practitioners generally accounted for one third of the total number of physicians even more than half.The western developed countries proved,General practitioners to basic common disease frequently occurring disease diagnosis and treatment/The patient rehabilitation and referral/Disease prevention and control and so on have important function,80% of the residents in the community health problems can get effective treatment,General practitioners and therefore is regarded as the health of the residents"porter".
因此, 王以新建议,学习和借鉴国际的经验,在具有全科医师培训基地资格的三甲医院设置全科医学科(包括门诊和病房)。由三甲医院中的全科医学科对应周边社区医疗服务中心,方便全科医生之间的转诊会诊。 (记者 徐晶晶 摄影 首席摄影记者 蔡代征)
so, WangYiXin Suggestions,Learn from international experience,In a general practitioner qualification training base of 3 armour hospital Settings general medicine(Including outpatient and ward).The general medicine by 3 armour hospital corresponding peripheral community medical service center,Convenient between general practitioners of referral consultation.(Reporter XuJingJing photography chief photographers tsai basis)
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