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Reporters from the guangzhou municipal people's government concerned to know,1 month,The run[Guangzhou near period and the measures for the administration of the shelf life more than food(The draft draft)]To the public to solicit their opinions.This means that,Guangzhou intends to set up near the shelf life of food and the food consumption due hint system/Shelf life more than food processing system of public situation,Engaged in the food in the future sales fast overdue food,Must make eye-catching tips,Processing overdue food situation also need to consumers in public,Or the administrative department for industry and commerce to administrative penalty.
At the same time,[way]Also made clear the shelf life of food near the judgment standard,the,For a period of five days and less than 15 days,Two days before the expiration of the period for near food,And to guarantee period is less than 2 days, do not set near the guarantee period,Avoid food a factory that is near the shelf life of food become phenomenon.
Guangzhou affairs said,More than the shelf life of food may produce a large amount of harmful substances or pathogenic bacteria overweight,Once eat easy to cause acute food poisoning,Even cause acute infectious disease or cancer.In recent years,Shelf life more than food safety events emerge in endlessly,Has been attracting wide attention from society,It is necessary to strengthen the management of food more than guarantee period.As 2011 years,Guangzhou happened honey passenger sales down bread events,In recent years, the media have exposure the crown born garden sales overdue moon cakes/Bright milk expired return factory processing resale case, etc.City industrial and commercial bureau 12315 complaints reported center each year received involved more than shelf life of food complaints reported cases more than dozens of cases.
In the vanguard JiangYan road shop and BuFeng lotus supermarket stores car vicious shop and so on,The reporter sees some fast to the shelf life of milk and other goods,Will use tape bound together,for"Buy a send a"And so on promotion,Or take price cut processing.Reporter in the vanguard JiangYan road shop to see,Food shelf in,There is a shelf mark"Near the warranty goods discount sale",There are cookies/Drinks and squid silk and other kinds of snacks.The relevant person in charge told reporters:"General in the guarantee period ahead of 3 to 6 months in here with low to attract customers to buy."She said,In the face of the large stores vanguard,Has near overdue product sales areas,And clearly labeled.Expired food in every night when counting,Unified collection,Concentrated tore lousy packing broken products,But not back to the manufacturer."General large supermarket processing expired or close overdue product methods are similar,Is more normative.We as a result of long-term operation,To better understand the market demand,Even sell not over time,The rest of the also very few."
广州市法制办在说明中指出,“从管理实际出发,该项规定只对大中型食品超市作要求,在条件成熟时再在全市推广”。(记者何东霞 叶小钟)
Guangzhou legislative stated in pointed out,"From the reality of management,The only rules of large and medium-sized supermarkets for food,In the conditions are ripe to promote in the city".(Reporter HeDongXia YeXiaoZhong)
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