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Wearing only had three lenses is cracked,What's this all about?
yesterday,Anshan citizens don lady tells the story of what happened to her,An eye specialist said contact lenses chapped there are many reasons why,The wear contact lenses"exquisite"Also many,People need to know more of the reentry after wear.
隐形眼镜戴3次就裂开 Contact lens wear three times will be burst
Tang said ms,In December last year she bought 1) season cast type contact lenses,At that time have 30 yuan to the different types of fifty yuan,She chose one of the most expensive,But usually doesn't often wear,Buy back for two times.
In January, and at noon,The third time she had to wear contact lens wear several times to put on,But just put on feel eyes hurt,To remove contact lenses crack found a cut.She also don't know is to wear before crack or wear after the crack.
For glasses why crack,Ms tang several guesses:Several days ago she went to Harbin two days,Is it because the weather is cold will contact lenses frozen is broken;Would it be wearing glasses in the nail accidentally scratch glasses;Or buy contact lenses is fake,Itself quality problems.Because not sure contact lenses is how to split off,She has put the glasses away is not going to look for business change.
厂家称眼镜裂开原因很多 Manufacturers say glasses crack for many reasons
Reporters call this contact lenses fujian's manufacturer,A staff is introduced,Make contact lenses equipment need hundreds of thousands or even millions,Fraud cost close in,Therefore invisible glasses does not exist true and false questions.For contact lenses chapped reason he says there are many situation,Such as the weather is cold preservation improper or other human reason,Consumers can take bad contact lenses to stores and businesses to communicate to solve.
Shenyang fourth people's hospital HuangFuXiaoJin refractive center director is introduced,The quality problem of the glasses itself/People wear glasses in finger cut/Contact lenses too long aging dry may cause fracture,The temperature is too low to contact lenses crack is possible,"Contact lens wear in the eyes is certainly not the frost crack,Only in a box in the outdoor cold case for long time to may be frost crack."
佩戴隐形眼镜不当可能失明 Wear contact lenses may not blind
The reporter interviewed several glasses store,Contact lenses in accordance with the use of time/Material and so on the different divided into 30 dollars to 200 dollars.In the reporters want to buy when contact lenses,Most of the shop assistant and not asked reporters have eye disease,Just introduce contact lenses brand and price.Reporters said they have trachoma,Heard that can't wear contact lenses,S said as long as don't often wear it's ok.
this,HuangFuXiaoJin says,In the wear contact lenses before must go to normal hospital for inspection,Everyone eyes and different requirements,Therefore need to have professional qualifications of the optical physicians and test with personnel with comprehensive check before inspection,Before we decide to choose day cast/Month or year into the cast.With keratitis/Eye diseases such as conjunctivitis is absolutely can't wear your glasses,"If there are eye disease is the most serious long-term wearing contact lenses may cause blindness."
隐形眼镜各种传言 Contact lenses all kinds of rumors
多数“不靠谱” most"By spectrum"
Rumours that a:The network has reportedly wearing contact lenses to eat barbecue,Contact lenses in the eyes melting.
HuangFuXiaoJin:Don't may appear such problems,Most of the melting point of contact lenses are in more than 100 degrees Celsius,"Eyes meet high temperature will automatically close,Contact lenses can't be in eyes melting."
Rumour two:Good quality contact lens wear every day more than 12 hours to eyes won't hurt.
皇甫晓瑾:眼睛中的氧气大部分是通过空气获得的,使用隐形眼镜会将眼睛与空气隔绝,使得眼睛的抵抗力下降,佩戴隐形眼镜每天不要超过8个小时。(记者 付鸣川)
HuangFuXiaoJin:The eyes oxygen most is obtained through the air,Use contact lenses will eyes and air isolation,Make the eye drop resistance,Wear contact lenses do not more than eight hours every day.(Reporter FuMingChuan)
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