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政协委员曝医疗内幕:不需输液输了 不该化疗化了--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
政协委员现场曝医疗内幕: 不需输液输了,不该化疗化了 The political consultative conference (CPPCC) exposure medical inside:Do not need to infusion lost,Shouldn't chemotherapy changed
"A detained"The high price of drugs for the hospital,Cheap medicine less;Some hospital patients don't need transfusion,Now on the to lose;Cheap help medicine again and again break goods,Doctors are at a loss what to do;Domestic almost 100% of cancer patients to chemotherapy,What not to do chemotherapy?...In the first session of the 11th Chinese on,The members of the committee expressed some medical behavior,Not for patients know things.
[选择受限] [choose limited]
“一品双规”多招高价药 患者无从选择相对便宜药品 "A detained"Many patients have no choice for drug price is relatively cheap drugs
"countries‘A detained’Intentions were good,In order to further standardize medicine,But now recruit in price is high,The doctor will have to also don't have to."yesterday,The Chinese people's political consultative conference/The second affiliated hospital of shandong university of Chinese medicine, vice President of the heart zheng said,"A detained"The basic drugs to the cheap"gauge"out,Against patients to choose,She suggested that"A detained"The affiliated essential drugs system,into"Three gauge"or"Four gauge"."A detained"Pharmaceutical industry is one of the terms,This is the one that from 2007 on May 1, the[Prescription management method].[Prescription management method]The provisions of article 16:A medical institution shall according to the pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative departments approved and promulgated by the generic names of the pharmaceuticals purchase drugs.The same general name drug varieties,Injection dosage form and oral dosage form shall not exceed the two,Prescription composition similar compound preparation 1 ~ 2 kind of.Because of the special medical need to use other dosage forms and dosage of the drug specifications except."In fact the government to do so in order to regulate the drug is,but‘detained’after,Unified purchase in medicine,The prices have different degrees of improvement."Zheng said heart,This is mainly because no competition between pharmaceutical companies."Such as levofloxacin,We can only into the left g/Coke will be completed,The price is relatively low levofloxacin into not coming.""And the price is very cheap base medicine,Such as gentamicin/Butylamine card that,The hospital in order to ensure the quality of medical treatment,‘A detained’Then don't choose the,And choose the high price/PanNuo good antibacterial effect,Or other sulfuric acid amikacin drugs."Zheng said heart,now,Countries, on the one hand, let the hospital use basic drugs,On the one hand and"A detained",The hospital is bad to do.She suggested that,the"A detained"into"Three gauge"or"Four gauge",At the same time the affiliated essential drugs system.On the one hand, pharmaceutical factory fully competition,Price will not be too high;On the other hand, the hospital must also purchase essential drugs,Facilitate patients according to their economic ability to select.
[过度医疗] [excessive medical]
有些住院病人不需要输液 现在都给输上了 Some hospital patients don't need infusion now to lose the
"Now the hospital patients without the infusion,There are some don't need to infusion."yesterday,The Chinese people's political consultative conference/The second affiliated hospital of shandong university of Chinese medicine, vice President of the heart zheng told reporters,This may and medical insurance policy setting is not reasonable have relations.
She told reporters,Like the lumbar intervertebral disc herniation/Crack fracture and other diseases don't need transfusion treatment."But in the hospital,The patient must infusion can enjoy medical insurance reimbursement,So in order to submit an expense account,Only infusion."
In order to save the medical insurance fund,She suggested that,From the first set of medical insurance policy,More reasonable some.At the same time,The competent department of health should be limited:What disease shouldn't infusion,Put these out,Also can reduce the burden of the patients.
国内肿瘤病人都要化疗 到底该不该做?
Domestic tumor patients to chemotherapy what not to do?
"We all members to be engaged in tumor treatment,I want to ask,I am currently contact tumor patient 100% do chemotherapy,The chemotherapy on how not to do?Don't do,He has long time;made,His survival time and how much to improve?"The Chinese people's political consultative conference/Qingdao municipal hospital eastern hospital care a section head JiXia asked.
She asked the no response.JiXia said,One of her friends had bile duct carcinoma,In Australia to do the surgery,The doctor did not give him the chemotherapy,Do not recommend."He lives two and a half years."
声音摘录 Voice extract
“国家 ‘一品双规’ 的本意是好的,是为了进一步规范用药,可是现在招进来的价格都是偏高的,医生用也得用不用也得用。”
"countries ‘A detained’Intentions were good,In order to further standardize medicine,But now recruit in price is high,The doctor will have to also don't have to."
"Into the hospital,The patient must infusion can enjoy medical insurance reimbursement,So in order to submit an expense account,Only infusion."
- the Chinese people's political consultative conference/The second affiliated hospital of shandong university of TCM zheng, vice President of the heart
"I am currently contact tumor patient 100% do chemotherapy,The chemotherapy on how not to do?Don't do,He has long time;made,His survival time and how much to improve?"- the Chinese people's political consultative conference/Qingdao municipal hospital eastern hospital care a section head JiXia
"Some help medicine too cheap!Production enterprise may feel not earn,The production is limited.But without the drug,It is the life."
- the Chinese people's political consultative conference/Provincial traffic hospital big head of the medical department and director of the heart WangShiZhen
[药品断货] [drug goods-stopping]
基本急救药频频断货 价格太低,厂家不愿供应 This basic frequently break goods price is too low,Manufacturer is not willing to supply
"Let's now used in some of the emergency medicine also always break goods,You said what are we supposed to?"recently,The Chinese people's political consultative conference/Provincial traffic hospital big head of the medical department and director of the heart WangShiZhen told reporters,She suggested that,For first aid for these small medicine/Base medicine,Shall establish national reserve system.
She said,The year before last year had caused the social sensation effect of protamine event,Because the media attention in the short term supply better."Now the drug supply,Still not normal."Protamine caused by the crisis had disappeared from a patient's heart.Last year,Rescue heart failure with specific"West the ground orchid"Broke goods."This medicine is necessary,We use up a testing,From the drugstore can bring a again.One day out,To bring,Pharmacy said‘Broke goods’.This medicine can also break goods?!This is help ah!To go out to buy,Bad buy.Later, very not easy to find a pharmaceutical company stock,He proposed a condition,Must your medicine and cheap medicine collocation purchase,To supply.Somehow into 1000 pieces."Before the come to the meeting,She asked the pharmacy,The drug supply?Pharmacy staff reply:Still nervous."Not only west to blue,Since last year,Used for rescue cardiac arrest medicine isoproterenol also broke goods."She said,The broken goods this situation is not because the passage of time and to ease,"This year,Rescue shock and critically ill patients with norepinephrine also broke goods,Used in the treatment of special ventricular tachycardia only drug:Verapamil also broke goods...The disease,We a year may also touch less than a few cases,But to a very difficult,We are urgent of his!""do?Only brother between hospital regulation.Today we don't have the medicine,Looking for other hospital borrow a,We have,They have to borrow..."She said,Traffic hospital not only,Provincial hospital/Above provincial hospital/The second affiliated hospital of shandong university of Chinese medicine,Is this kind of situation.
救命药为什么频频断货?她说,这和它们价格有关。这些药都是静脉推注药物,西地兰一支4.14元,去甲肾上腺素2毫克6元,异丙肾上腺素1毫克3.45元,维拉帕米5毫克0.87元。“这些药都太便宜了!生产企业可能觉得挣不着,就限量生产了。但没有这些药,简直太要命了。”(记者 杨芳)
Help medicine why again and again break goods?She said,This and they are related.The medicine is intravenous push note drugs,West to free a 4.14 yuan,Norepinephrine 2 mg 6 yuan,Isoproterenol 1 mg 3.45 yuan,Verapamil 5 mg 0.87 yuan."The medicine is too cheap!Production enterprise may feel not earn,The production is limited.But without the drug,It is the life."(Reporter YangFang)
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