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长沙地毯式查年夜饭饭桌 不合格酒店立即整改--亲稳舆论引导监测室


New Year's eve dinner which to choose where to eat?How to eat it?Changsha since today start Spring Festival food safety special inspection,The changsha health supervision law enforcement personnel will be in a week's time,The city of the New Year's eve dinner/Large banquet catering service units of the large and medium traffic carpet,Ensure that the people eat on New Year's eve dinner pleasant.


现场 field

  不合格酒店立即整改 Unqualified hotel rectification immediately


This morning,Reporters who follow prison staff who first came to the liberation road a three-star hotel.The findings,As a three-star hotel,Should have found no disinfection tableware,No cold dish production qualification,But do STH without authorization to provide customers with cold dish;Storage warehouse food raw material is not according to the requirements of food containers filled with,But with the snakeskin bag disorderly pack;The health certificate should be employed in the hotel staff have no the health certificate.Prison staff who request the hotel immediately corrective,And said it will review this week,If the action is still not standard,Will be out of business reorganization of punishment.


排查 regularly

  地毯式查年夜饭“饭桌” Carpet check New Year's eve dinner"table"


Changsha health supervision of director of institute of Yang your introduction,The special inspection,The main side is straight in changsha city more than 300 the New Year's eve dinner/Large banquet of large and medium-sized catering service unit,Check mainly involves seven aspects,including:Cooked food/Cold dish/Fresh fruit juice, and other high-risk food production process of the sanitary conditions;Tableware cleaning/disinfection/Cleaning facilities operation;Whether use expired/Metamorphism and"neutral"Do not meet the food safety and food raw materials processed food;Whether to use illegal additives and food additives standard usage, etc.


According to the special inspection found problems,Yang said your,Will be on the spot for catering units rectification,For review within a week,If the unqualified goods will be ordered to suspend business catering units,Cancel the New Year's eve dinner to undertake qualification.


支招 move

  订年夜饭A级餐饮单位最佳 For New Year's eve dinner A level catering unit best


New Year's eve dinner at home too tired,Eating out eat not to trust,What to order to health trust of New Year's eve dinner?Yang your give everybody a several recruit --


For the first:Check catering unit if there is a catering service permit,Try to choose the food hygiene level for class B above catering units,A level catering unit best.In changsha(At or above the county level shall include)Food hygiene level for A level catering unit has more than 120,The health level in the food and beverage service permit material.


For the second:Order a meal when,First of all should choose the hygiene and safety of food varieties,Don't for the sake of novelty and choose those at high risk of food,Such as salmon/The arctic bay seafood, etc,Of the highly toxic puffer fish should try to avoid.Don't be too much choose cold dish,Raw vegetables if cleaning not clean,May contain certain bacteria,After eating could cause food poisoning or food-borne diseases.

  第三招:合理搭配菜式,要求饭店列出具体的年夜饭菜单,了解每一道菜肴的具体用料和用量,尽量做到不浪费;餐后应索取发票,一旦发生食物中毒事故,应将病人用药前的呕吐物、排泄物及时保存,保护好现场并及时向所在地卫生监督部门报告。-记者 徐焰

Three recruit:Reasonable collocation dishes,Requirements listed hotel specific New Year's eve dinner menu,Understand every dishes of the specific materials and dosage,Do not waste;After dinner should ask for invoice,Once the outbreak of food poisoning,The drug should be before the vomit/Waste timely save,To protect the site and promptly report to the local health supervision department.- reporter xu y


年节提醒 Festival remind

  解酒药不管用,一天七八人醉酒进医院 No matter the wine drug use,One day eight people drunk into the hospital

  “平常一天就一两个,现在每天都有七八个,27日一天就收了4个胃出血的病人。”湖南省第二人民医院酒瘾网瘾科主任蒋铁平表示,最近医院接收的醉酒病人比往常多了数倍。这些病人中,以白领居多,大多是饮酒过量后反复呕吐导致急性胃出血、胃溃疡。而喝酒前后服用解酒药,时下也成为了越来越多人的选择。蒋铁平表示,解酒药未必真的有效果。“从医学上说,并不存在真正解酒的药品,就算有,也很难在短时间内提升酒量,更不可能解决酒精对身体的伤害。”(三湘都市报 记者 洪雷 实习生 马力 通讯员 王丹琪)

"Ordinary day one or two,Every day now have,27 a day took four stomach bleeding patients."The second people's hospital of hunan province on the net addiction of director of division of JiangTiePing said,Recently the hospital patients receiving drunk much more than usual several times.These patients,White collars in,Mostly after drinking too much and vomiting cause acute stomach bleeding/Gastric ulcer.And drinking the wine before and after taking medicine,Nowadays have become more and more people choose.JiangTiePing said,Did not have the effect really medicine."From medical said,There are no real solution wine drug,Even with,Also it is difficult to improve capacity for liquor in a short time,More can't solve of alcohol on the body damage."(Sansho metropolis daily reporter HongLei interns horsepower WangDanQi correspondent)
