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“管状腺瘤”写成“管状腺癌” "Tubular adenoma"written"Tubular adenocarcinoma"


检验报告出了错 病人左乳遭误切 Inspection report wrong patient left milk was cut by mistake


"carcinoma"and"tumor"The change of one word,But the consequences of a world of difference:Wuhan hospital inspection report issued by the wrong,Another hospital see the report,Resection of the left breast female patients.yesterday,Reporters learned from the ruling by jianghan district court,Two hospitals PanPei by more than 150000 yuan.


ZhangFang(alias)Find yourself left milk have mass,To a hospital checking of wuhan,A hospital ZhangFang had left milk two lumps.Then do pathological biopsy,A hospital to submit the inspection report,Diagnosis for"Tubular adenocarcinoma".See in serious condition,ZhangFang preparation in the hospital surgery,But many a hospital patient/Beds nervous,She had to take inspection report to b hospital for treatment.


B hospital doctors to a hospital pathology report issued,The ZhangFang resection of the left breast.the,B hospital let ZhangFang families to armor to lending pathological section.But this time,A hospital but tell ZhangFang family said inspection report is wrong,Is not"Tubular adenocarcinoma",but"Tubular adenoma".


The news was a bolt from the blue.A hospital although notice is timely,But I didn't know ZhangFang fear in a bad way to do the surgery,And the basis of the operation is to the wrong inspection report.

  该医疗事故经法医鉴定,张芳的情况并不需要进行乳房切除手术,手术已经对她造成了伤残。两家医院均存在过错:甲医院未尽到诊断义务,乙医院未尽到审核义务,两家医院承担责任的比例为85%和15%。据此,法院判决两医院共同赔偿张芳医疗费、整形费、精神抚慰金等共计15万余元。(记者高星 通讯员李建君)

The medical accident by forensic identification,ZhangFang does not need to breast surgery,Surgery has caused a disability to her.There were two hospitals fault:A hospital not do diagnosis obligations,B the hospital did not fulfill the obligation to audit,Two hospitals take responsibility for the proportion of 85% and 15%.According to,Court two hospital ZhangFang jointly liable for medical treatment/Plastic fee/Spirit solatium total more than 150000 yuan.(Reporter correspondent LiJianJun high star)
