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中新网呼和浩特1月30日电 题:内蒙古治愈美国也棘手的“卵圆孔提前闭合婴儿”
Beijing Hohhot January 30, problem:Inner Mongolia cure the United States also difficult"Foramen ovale early make baby"
作者 张玮
The author zhang wei
30,Mr Xu again with the baby to Inner Mongolia medical university affiliated hospital physical examination,Get paper,Mr Xu excitedly told reporters,In addition to height and weight than smaller,The baby's body index all normal.
This is just a normal newborn baby size baby,Has been born a two and a half months.
Inner Mongolia medical university affiliated hospital ultrasonic ZhenDuanKe physician FengTianYing introduces to the reporter said,"The mother of the child is 32 weeks pregnancy when to hospital for check,When foramen ovale has most closed,Only with a small seam,We see from the image of children left atrium obvious than right atrium are much smaller."
It is understood,Foramen ovale is about fetal heart diaphragm of a hole,Located in the embryonic period between primary and secondary to the boundary of the interval,Fetal period or so atrial blood is the same.Was born,To establish the normal pulmonary circulation,Due to the increase of the pressure in the heart,Egg circle KongCai will shut down.
"The fetus in the mother's womb foramen ovale early closure will lead to right atrium blood can't flow to the left atrium,Left atrial will stop growing,Gradually atrophic.This will affect fetal nervous system and the normal development of the upper limbs,Finally lead to fetal death."FengTianYing doctor said earnestly.
Mr Xu told reporters,Wife was diagnosed with anti phospholipid syndrome,Has been in the treatment of.Before they had two children,But unexplained aborted.And, he will hope all had the baby.When he heard the doctor gave him about the child's critical situation is,He completely collapsed.
"FengDaFu said like this kind of situation in the United States can be interatrial septum fenestration,Surgery in the house directly finish,But so far the successful completion of the operation example is not much.We have not this kind of domestic technology,Only do ahead of cesarean section,But want to assume a certain risk."Mr Xu recalled.
During this period,Inner Mongolia medical university affiliated hospital ultrasonic ZhenDuanKe/Department of gynaecology and obstetrics and li rheumatism lead expert doctor carried on the thorough discussion,For pregnant women health,In the final decision MianYiKe the assistance,Best to save this fragile little lives.
Two days after surgery in the diagnosis of smoothly,And successfully cut out a 0.8 kg baby girl.
Chairman of department of gynaecology and obstetrics its wooden division told reporters,"The baby was born,Because of her left atrium almost nearly around time stop growing,So the whole height weight than normal baby late development a month,Is premature,I put her out of time,She is more than my two hands and with a little long some,Every meal can only drink 5-6 ml milk."
FengTianYing said,"The second day of the birth of a new baby,I will go to her to do the inspection,At that time,She has left atrium and right atrium as big.So far,The child's heart don't have any problem,To her future growth will also bring influence."
When it comes to the baby"Close call"Avoid this when the,The wooden division said,The biggest difficulty is her mother's physical condition very well.A healthy mother was such a baby is very difficult,Don't even say she will cooperate with li rheumatism lead drug treatments have children.
Director li rheumatism lead LiHongBin told reporters,"They came to check the time,The child's mother resistance to the development of phospholipid syndrome has been relatively serious.This disease to stomach the growth of children for development,Will produce certain effect."
According to Mr Xu introduced,Now the baby has a day can drink 500 ml of milk,'ll cry/Will laugh/Will be holding the hand of adults play.His wife also to continue receiving treatment in li rheumatism lead,But the body recover well.
FengTianYing told reporters,The fetal heart in the world is also a big problem,In the past two years,Philadelphia success only made two cases of atrial septum fenestration.Foramen ovale early closure in China can be found is only 7/Eight cases of,And successful cutting out healthy baby's more rarely.Inner Mongolia can make such a successful operation,Not only saved a little fresh life,Is the Inner Mongolia medical level into the key step to internationalization.(finish)
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