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辽宁试推居民健康卡 可异地就医、转诊结算--亲稳网络舆情监控室
辽宁试推居民健康卡 Liaoning try to push the residents health card
可异地就医、转诊结算 到2015年年末,全省居民将人手一张 A doctor can be different/Referral settlement by the end of the year,The residents will be a hand
就诊卡,虚拟就医卡,银医卡……沈城各家医院都在推出带有自己特色的就医卡,彼此不能资源共享,致使每个人兜里都有七八张就医卡。昨日,记者从省卫生工作会上获得最新消息:今年,辽宁省将开始推行推出居民健康卡, 凭借一张卡片,省内居民就可以实现异地就医,直接异地转诊结算。
Medical card,Virtual medical card,Silver medical card...The shen city common various hospitals are introduced with its own unique medical card,Each other can't resources sharing,Cause everybody pocket has eight zhang medical card.yesterday,Reporters from the provincial health work meeting get the latest news:This year,Liaoning province will begin to implement launch residents health card, With a card,Province residents can realize different doctor,Direct different referral settlement.
Provincial health department director WangDaNa said,The next three years,Liaoning province will work to build the province medical platform.In march this year,China medical university affiliated hospital took the lead in the first pilot operation residents health card,For by the end of the year,The residents a hand.
Residents health card has more magical?He said,This is the collection bank financial function/New farmers together to submit an expense account function/To all medical organization medical functions in one card,It is the carrier of residents health files,Is a comprehensive health card,It also can have a blood donation/Children immunization and other related information.
WangDaNa said,For the city dwellers,A future only need to take health and medical insurance two card,And rural residents,Due to the residents health card contains a new agriculture, submit an expense account function,He only need to carry health card will do.the,Any one of liaoning province residents,With residents health card can realize different doctor,Direct different referral settlement,The doctor will absolutely is convenient!
今年辽宁还将启动“医联体”改革试点,推动大医院对基层医疗卫生机构的纵向整合,使百姓既能就近到基层医院及社区医疗卫生机构看名医,又能享受平价医疗服务。真正把小病留在社区。另外,王大南厅长还表示,大医院基本药物使用率仅占全部药品招标金额的14.29%,今年,辽宁省三甲医院基本药物使用率要提升10到15个百分点,达到25%至30%,以抑制过度医疗,解决看病贵的难题,使百姓真正得到实惠。(记者 李靖)
Liaoning will also start this year"Medical conjoined"Reform pilot,Promote large hospital medical and health institutions at the base of the vertical integration,Make people can came near to the grass-roots hospitals and community health institutions to see famous doctors,And can enjoy parity medical service.Real ailment in community.In addition,WangDaNa director also said,Large hospital basic drug utilization rate accounted for only 14.29% of all drug bidding amount,This year,Liaoning province 3 armour hospital basic drug utilization to improve 10 to 15%,Up to 25% to 30%,To suppress excessive medical treatment,To solve the problem of high cost,Make people really get real benefits.(Reporter oxidase)
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