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By the end of last year,Kunming first people's hospital carried out a special operation,DongChuanOu 10 years old girl XiaoQin harp injury,Treatment after their families put forward voluntary voluntary donors,XiaoQin jean's liver/Kidney and corneal make five people benefit.The city the NPC session,National People's Congress SuPing Suggestions,Kunming should improve human organ donation legislation.
器官捐献 Organ donation
在昆明实施仍有困难 There is still difficult to implement in kunming
SuPing is the municipal people's congress representative,Kunming is the first people's hospital deputy director.He said,At present the first people's hospital of kunming in yunnan province is the only can do DCD(Cardiac death organ donation)hospital,Has now completed 15 cases of liver transplantation,Kidney surgery in 5 patients,But organ donation in kunming implementation still has difficulty.
First of all faces a problem is not related to the local rules and regulations to follow,Can only refer to Shanghai/Shenzhen city precedent."As a result of these cities has human organ donation for legislation,So it is not complicated operation,So we told the family can only say,You see somebody else's Shanghai how to do."SuPing Suggestions,Kunming should improve the legislation of human organ donation.
At the same time,Organ donation to the Red Cross as a third party intervention,Responsible for the work of early and late,But now yunnan Red Cross is not such a qualification,So I need outside the province Red Cross to assist have finished the work,Program to compare a trouble.Because the doctor to laws and regulations is not very familiar with,So hope yunnan Red Cross to its members training mount guard,Let the Red Cross hospital and common to complete the work of organ donation.
我国器官捐赠缺口大 Our country organ donation gap is so big
昆明人近半愿捐赠 Kunming people nearly half may donated
Chinese organ transplantation after forty years of hard business development,The number in transplantation has become the world's second largest organ transplant powers.Transplant patient survival has reach or approach the level of developed countries.
In May 2011,The ministry of health and the Red Cross society of China will jiangsu/Fujian province such as part of the city of the province to expand the trial,And add the Inner Mongolia and other provinces.So far,Have 16 provinces(area/city)Carry out human organ donation pilot work.To 15 December 2012,The national has completed the 548 cases of organ transplant surgery.
But the shortage of organs have seriously restricted the development of the cause of the organ transplantation.According to the ministry of health statistics,Our country organ quantity demand and supply the proportion of organ number is 30:1,Over the same period, the proportion of the United States is about 5:1,The UK is 3:1.
之前因公来昆的卫生部副部长黄洁夫深知,我国器官捐献事业面临的最大障碍,是行政管理体制和法制建设的滞后。直到2006年,卫生部才出台了我国第一部器官移植法规,移植行业的法制规范管理才起步。2010年3月,卫生部与中国红十字会启动了人体器官捐献试点工作,并在广东、江苏、上海等11 个省(市)开展心脏死亡器官捐献试点工作。
Who come to before the vice minister of health HuangJieFu knows,Our country organ donation cause biggest obstacle,Is the administrative management system and legal system construction lag.Until 2006,The ministry of health issued to the our country the first organ transplant regulations,Transplantation of the legal profession management was initiated.In march of 2010,The ministry of health and the Red Cross society of China launched the human organ donation pilot work,In guangdong and/jiangsu/Shanghai is one of 11 provinces(city)In cardiac death organ donation pilot work.
So kunming of organ donation attitude?According to the December 2010 to April 2011 kunming to the first people's hospital"Kunming citizens no heartbeat to organ donation"survey,27% of respondents don't know organ donation;Do not be willing to undertake 19% of organ donation;54% of the people are willing to donate.however,Due to organ donation system,Many want to donate and didn't find proper channels.
云南正在筹建 Yunnan is under
器官捐献办公室 Organ donation office
"Yunnan's cause of organ donation,Have a good mechanism,Walk in the forefront of the country."HuangJieFu once lived in yunnan in 89,Successively in the steel hospital/The first affiliated hospital of kunming medical university work,And personally completed in the first/Two cases of liver transplantation surgery.After he said:"Yunnan in the organ donation technology,In China is not the most advanced,But it is qualified."HuangJieFu said,Organ donation and transplantation,Guangdong walk in the forefront of the national,He will invite zhongshan YiKeDa and other medical colleges and universities experts,To yunnan to the advanced experience.
Peak vice governor also had XiaoQin harp organ donation surgery field has revealed,Provincial department of/Provincial Red Cross and the first people's hospital of kunming in yunnan province will build cardiac death organ donation information network,Including yunnan human organ donation working committee,Provincial human organ donation group/Provincial human organ donation office/The provincial organs for organization,Cover all around in yunnan province.In addition,Provincial human organ donation office will be listed as soon as possible.
In addition,Kunming will also set up a kunming DCD network system,All counties in kunming set up human organ donation registration station,Make our province organ donation form a public/justice/Transparent network system,According to the principle of priority condition,Reasonable distribution organ resources,Work in organ donation and transplantation,In order to better butt state organ donation network,Yunnan province to promote the further development of DCD organ donation.
To establish the benefits of network system,SuPingShui,Now city the first people's hospital also to join the national network of organ donation,So if family willing to donate organs,But need organ transplants matches,Once the yunnan not suitable receptor,This will make the organ to other provinces need,To realize the optimal use of organs.(MengJun)
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